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There's a local real estate agent who likes to park in the parent, or disabled persons, parks at my local supermarket. He's a right git - he always parks across the line, taking up two parks, and when I've seen him challenged about it he's just waved his hands up in the air and retorted that he'll only be five minutes. It pisses me off quite frankly, especially as there are plenty of other parks away from the door. I wonder how many people think like me, that I would never use him based on his lousy attitude?
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Is yours much diff to period pain? Sorry for the intrusive question 😂😂😂😂
Thats ok, yes its actually more painful than period pain and more constant. Its like a deep ache rather than any stabbing pain. It can hurt to sit down and sort of feels like there is something trapped in there. It can also feel like trapped wind as you say. It goes all the way around to the back too. Ive even got it on my right side and i havent got a right ovary. If you need to know more ask me. I dont mind xx

You poor thing. I used to have horrific ovulation pain. It genuinely felt like my insides were swelling up, close to bursting. In fact the closest written discrimination I could find of what it was like, is how people describe ectopic pregnancy. I decided to go on the Depo injection (I'd finished having children) to stop it in the end. I have discussed the pain with Doctors previously but they just look at me disbelievingly and say they've never heard of it or the best one "it isn't possible to feel ovulation". Yes, yes it flipping well is possible!
Thank you. The drs have never offered me any help. Its been going 3 days now. I sometimes resort to codeine xx Actually they helped me once because i had an emergency operation to remove my right one because i had ovarian torsion with necrosis x I hope yours is better for you now x
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I ordered something from matalan for my mum
For Mother’s day at the end of feb, should have been delivered by the 8th March and it hasn’t even been dispatched yet. Can’t get through to them on the phone as the phone lines are closed. It looks like I need to find an alternative present 😡
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When you don’t answer your phone to a customer (already on the phone) and they ring 17 times back to back.

GET FUCKED. If I did the same you’d say it was harassment!!!
I won't say anything, because I am an annoying twat who does this.

Don't know why I do it, maybe its OCD.
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I guess they’re being “cautious”, but there are many other people driving around actually going somewhere they shouldn’t. She was just driving 😒
I have been encouraging my mam to do this so she can get out of the house safely, she has hardly left the house since March unless for her little drive, only about a 5 mile round trip to keep her car from going flat- am not going to tell her about this as she would then be totally isolated
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Kim Mild

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The vendors of the house we are buying are using the worst solicitor in our area for conveyancing. I cant begin to explain how rubbish they are , they have a bad reputation too. We have been in the buying process for ages now ,and we are just in limbo .

I wish I'd asked them to use a different solicitor at the start of the process. My heart sank when I found out they were using that one .
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The fact that no matter how many times I tell my son not to drive his toy cars along the tv, he simply continues to do it! I must tell him 100 times a day but it never gets into his head. It’s like an endless cycle! It’s such a little thing but my word it winds me up, and today it seems 1000x worse.
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I'm a motorcycle courier, I have 3 motorcycles, 2 Suzuki's and a big Honda, I've not used the Black Suzuki this year, my fault really for not using it for such a length of time. I do start it up from time to time but we've had a couple of frosty mornings which might have killed the battery.
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I slipped on ice again. Three times in two weeks and it's always in the same shitty area going down a hill.
I did this pregnant with my daughter in 2008 .. I landed really shitty on my knee in the snow and ice on a hill .. Also on the way to my sons school there was corner when it got icy because it was in the shade it was a reallyshitty corner than never defrosted until after lunch .. inevitably every day I’d land on the shitty knee on the way to school ... hope you feel better .. I used to get so frustrated
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completely agree with you, we have this at work all the time. the general atmosphere is so intense because of these passive aggressive comments from certain individuals. completely unnecessary and pathetic that it makes them feel good obviously
Yeah so weird that that's what can make some people feel good about themselves.

I hope other people see it for what it is and feel the same way about the few people that do it. We are all working hard and there are so many times people reply to me and haven't read what I said properly or ask things I have already explained and I think it's nice to just cut people some slack - people are stressed and busy. Unless they do it all day everyday, then maybe that level of not listening means they deserve it. 😂
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Ordered a takeaway for the first time in about 6 months, found out yesterday that most of the staff had come down with Covid thanks to someone saying about it on Facebook. I know chances of getting anything is small but still worried and angry now
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The motorcycle I was going to use for work has a flat battery, it was fine when I started it up last week.
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That not only have I got a fat face and look a like I have done a few rounds with Mike Tyson but I have also just come on my period.

C’mon body, give me a break?
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under the ivy

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One of my supervisors at uni wants to send my ethical approval form to another one of their students as an example - I’m flattered but also annoyed/paranoid it could be plagiarised when a lot of hard work went into that to get my research approved. It’s still on my mind now and I need to respond to them tomorrow saying no, but worried about rocking the boat. I haven’t got time to be worrying about stuff like this.
I didn’t sleep well at all worrying about this! Still not wrote the email lol. Waiting for a GP telephone appointment when I could do with a nap... but can’t nap due to waiting for phone to ring, guilty about not working and have a Tesco delivery coming this afternoon. Minor things really but lack of sleep makes me feel awful.
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Ooh I feel that. The hour-long calls. Phoning at bang on 8pm. Scheduling them in for the next week. Always descends into chat about the latest political scandal (mostly covid right now) in the news and I honestly space out because I've just got nothing to add anymore. Wish I had some more useful advice but I can totally relate.
It's painful isn't it! And yes we usually end up on politics/news too, it's just one of those things, no big deal but frustrating all the same.
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Isa Drennan

Chatty Member
UGH passive aggressive Teams responses in front of the whole team. Someone who has no idea what he's even doing replying to my thread with "as I said to you earlier...." and making me out as if I'm wrong/making him repeat himself when what we spoke about separately wasn't even relevant and everyone is confused about his input to a project.

I don't even know if this will make sense and probs sounds petty but omg I hate it when people go on unnecessary little power trips and try and assert their authority (which they don't even have) in front of others.
Just shows how insecure they are, if they can only “ assert” it with an audience ;)
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