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I’m sorry you’ve had no joy. We had a telephone appointment with a speech therapist this morning for 3yo and it was a complete waste of time. I’ve come off the phone just absolutely hacked off. Now we’ve been scheduled in for a video call which will probably be much the same. I just feel that compared to his older brother, he’s been forgotten about because of the pandemic and it’s driving me mad.
It's so frustrating isn't it!!

For our appointment they had lost our forms so only had the schools to go on and there wasn't enough evidence to diagnose from those. It was a different doctor than we'd seen before. The last doctor said that he had red flags for autism, hence the need to fill in the forms. She said she'd chase our forms up and call back. I know they are in the building because the receptionist had them in her hand when I spoke to her a couple of weeks before. Goodness knows where they've gone!!

I feel so strongly that autism assessments, especially ADOS appointment should not be conducted via video call. They physically need to be able to interact with the child and properly see their mannerisms etc.

I have everything crossed for you and your son. I hope he gets the help he needs and it isn't impacted too badly by the pandemic.
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* boils my pee to lave heat * 😂😂.. sorry I find that saying hilarious one I must use
She’s a bit grumpy like she doesn’t want to do it .. but in fairness my son did say she was actually in a good mood .. he had ID not mine , but I watttsaped him the barcode ..he could have taken my ID as well ? Dunno how that works .. when I dropped off returns last month there is a black bag right at the very back , she scans it and I walk to end of the shop and stick it in a black bag .. again I find there could be rummages ? ... there are multiple packages in the drop off .. she has a bag next to the counter in the customer area where the collection parcels are kept. She has handed it to me before but this time he had to look himself
I’m not bothered as I know I’ve done nothing wrong so I’m confident I’ll get my smart watch or no payment to be made .. it’s just a faff that’s all
Thankfully it’s on a buy now and pay 3 months so I’m confident it will definitely be dealt other in 3 months
I don’t think it’s acceptable I’ve got to pay for the item I’ve not received
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My partner going all Vidal Sassoon and deciding he wants to cut our daughters hair, their hair isn’t even that long and hairdressers open soon. Waiting for something to go wrong😒
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I've put the beef on over lockdown (I know many of us have) and my clothes feel uncomfortable. I'm losing weight, but more slowly than I'd like.

I need to kick myself up the arse and get focused but I'm just not in the right head space.
Snap. Beginning to wonder if its even possible now because its struggling over that half stone and regardless of how much i move or restrict diet i cant shift it 😢
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All keyworkers should be getting the vaccine. We're around hundreds of people each day and are at risk, it's stressful knowing we have 0 immunity and could get sick.

On the care work front, it's ridiculous! So many are still waiting and it's not good rn. My friend works in a care home and they're all still waiting, becoming quite impatient.
totally agree, they should have been vaccinating key workers before people of certain ages (and I say this as someone who has parents in their 70s who have had their first dose). Surely we need to protect the people working who cannot WFH first?!

Yes I wonder if it's the media and gov spinning it to suggest care workers are not allowing to be vaccinated or its some care workers not wanting the vaccine.

It pisses me off that so many people won't have it. As if they are someone more in the knowledge than the brightest minds in the world.
Besides 15 million have had it with no major issues.
If certain groups don't take it it's on their heads although doesn't help the rest of us when they end up clogging the NHS and forcing us to have more lock downs.
There was an article in the guardian yesterday about the pros and cons of a vaccine passport to travel . One of the cons was people without them being refused certain jobs.\/opportunities.. erm surely that is kind of the aim?
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Some numpty overtook me this morning going through a speed camera. I definitely wasn’t speeding but the camera flashed for them and now I’m paranoid I’ll get lumbered with their fine 😬
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I flipped at my OH last weekend. .
Hes been at home for almost a year now.
Hes get up and doey, if its 9am, ½ the day is gone in his eyes. Sleep when youre dead he says . .
I kicked the food waste bin across the kitchen ( it was empty, HE"D emptied it) but.
Since my melt down, hes been better. .
Kuck off, tell him you're crazy. .
He'll back off/behave then
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Me too. It’s a logistical nightmare and a scary situation mixing with so many kids. I know a secondary school teacher who says it’s infuriating to go through all the hassle of bubbling them up just to see them leave school and hang around in big groups at the bus stops or at the shops. And these are primary school kids I’m talking about, so it’s the parents letting them go to the park 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️🤬
this re-opening of schools for everyone really is going to be a total disaster imo
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Not being able to sleep

Forgetting the icing sugar in my now set cheese cake,its going to be disgusting just taste of mascapone so going to try and salvage tomorrow
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Two faced people.

I'd like to ask what Tattlers think of two -faced people, and how do you deal with them?
it’s what they are being two faced about I used to see things very black and white at work but quickly realised that everyone was extremely two faced so I had to adapt ( or sit in silence forever) and accept that my work colleague could one minute be saying the boss was a bitch faced cow and be making her a cup of tea the next, I think I was quite naive about work dynamics

I have called people out though for being two faced but I’m old and don’t care now
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Not today, last night but food just plays on my mind. I ordered a Mcdonalds from just eat and put in the notes 'sweet and sour sauce please' and they give me ketchup. Mcdonalds ketchup doesn't taste good since they got rid on the Heinz. It just bothered me. Mcdonalds fries without sweet and sour sauce are just sad and disappointing. Also, the salsa you get with the mozzarella dippers is rank. Overall a very disappointing Mcdonalds 👎😂
I would riot! I physically can’t eat McDonald’s without sweet and sour. I feel your pain and disappointment!
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That’s rank, I started reading thinking “am I supposed to have separate towels to my boyfriend?!” Then I read the end and realised why you do 😂
Hahah his new nickname is Poo Towel! We never used to use separate towels, it’s a new rule I’m enforcing cos I got fed up with him just using all of them and there never being a dry one left for me!

Maybe it wasn’t his skid 😂
Oh fuck 🥺 maybe I should apologise!
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watermelon sugar

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planned all week to get sushi for takeaway tonight just to be told they are extremely busy and to call back in an hour, then had to keep trying to call for 15 minutes because they wouldn't pick up, so that they can tell me to call in another hour!! then they said 'ok half an hour'. i'll try one more time because the food is really unbelievable but if they tell me to wait even longer i'm afraid i'll end up with frozen pizza 😭 i know it's a stupid thing to rant about but i've had a shitty couple of days and the thought of this sushi was keeping me afloat 😂
I hope you get your sushi 🙏🍣🍤🍥 (I think their sushi emojis?)
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