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My sister .. 23 years old lives at home with my mum, barely pays any rent and has just bought herself a £2000 puppy.
Said puppy jumped on top of my 4 year old knocking her to the ground and was biting/ragging her clothes about so I’ve obviously tried to get the puppy off her and ended up with holes in my sleeves and being bitten 🙃 and now apparently it was all my little ones fault?! She even shouted at her when she did nothing??

Sister says he’s just being a puppy which I understand they bite etc but this was totally uncalled for. Mums tried speaking to her and she’s had a huge hissy fit about it saying I’m now a liar and it’s little ones fault etc etc??

So instead of her teaching the pup that kind of behaviour isn’t acceptable she’s now saying my mum loves me more than her and she always takes my side blah blah like a petulant child 🙄
No excuse here, the baby takes precedence, puppy can go to hell.

Although I don't have kids, I love 5 and unders as they say and do the funniest things.

Be careful the bite doesn't go too deep.
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That’s doesn’t sound great when morale is going to be low as it is?!
They've framed it as a positive act (yes, really) and an exercise in self-improvement, reaching goals.. all that shite. But you're right, all of us who aren't in a management role have quite low morale right now and this is just another meaningless task that we don't have the time to do.
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Not today, last night but food just plays on my mind. I ordered a Mcdonalds from just eat and put in the notes 'sweet and sour sauce please' and they give me ketchup. Mcdonalds ketchup doesn't taste good since they got rid on the Heinz. It just bothered me. Mcdonalds fries without sweet and sour sauce are just sad and disappointing. Also, the salsa you get with the mozzarella dippers is rank. Overall a very disappointing Mcdonalds 👎😂
Omg agree! I hate when they forget the sweet and sour for my nuggets! Its not the same - sounds so dramatic tho haha. And yeah the mozzarella stick salsa is :sick:
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Like everyone else, we had lots of snow this morning and it looked so pretty and perfect outside and made me feel so much better after weeks of it being dark/rainy.

The neighbours kids have been out playing in it and making a snowman which is fine, they’re children and they’re excited etc. But they’ve been into my front garden and taken the snow and now the garden looks shit and the grass has been trampled and it’s all sludgey. I know I shouldn’t get too worked up over this but why do their parents (who were both out with them) think it’s acceptable to go into someone else’s garden to play? Surely you wouldn’t do it at any other time?!

And now I’ve just put my tights on back to front and that’s wound me up even more :mad:
My neighbours kids play on our lawn, in fact they are doing it right now, riding across it with those fucking electric scooters. Pisses me off.
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This is completely irrelevant to the current conversation topic but it is what pissed me off today.
My sister’s wouldn’t get out of my room and treat me like shit. Now obviously no one gets on with their siblings all the time and I have heard sisters are the worst at this so it’s nothing surprising but in the past year my sister’s have started treating me horribly sometimes.
For context I’m 19 and the eldest and my sister’s are 14 and 12. Despite being quite a bit older, however, they’re both almost as tall as me and stronger than me, especially my middle sister who always been really strong. Meanwhile I’m a walking twig. The issues tend to start when my youngest sister will come into my room to ‘hangout’ with me when really all she wants to do is pretend she’s occupied and go on her phone because she’s not supposed to spend all day on it. Then my middle sister will likely join and before I know it my ‘me time’ is being taken up with dealing with the 2 children who won’t leave me alone. It’s not like when they were little and just wanted to play, now they just use me as an excuse to go on their phones. When I tell them to get out they won’t and we’ll physically fight (and I’ll loose every time because for some reason I’m weaker) and eventually I have to yell at them until they leave. It wouldn’t be that bad if they actually understood why it’s not nice to invade someone’s private space. I might not be doing anything especially important but sometimes I just want to be on my own. I came upstairs after doing something with my mum this afternoon and they were both lying on my bed on their phones. Then when I get cross and have to hit them to get them to leave my youngest sister acts like I’m unreasonable. I did ask them nicely multiple times beforehand and they just laughed in my face. I’m an adult, I’m going to university this September to study primary teaching, how am I going to get a class of children to respect me if my own sisters treat me like shit? I know I shouldn’t get so angry with them but how else am I going to get them to what I say if they treat me with no respect?
If they have their own room, next time they are there doing something, just barge in and hang around.
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Phoenix Lazarus

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My boyfriend sending me pics of his c**k and balls on his phone at 2 in the morning!
Does he really think I'll be impressed by that? Why do men always think their tackle is the answer to every girls' dreams?
Where actually was he when sending that, because he presumably wasn't in the house with you, was he?
  • Haha
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
For various reasons It's been at least 3 or 4 months since I last shared the same bed with my partner. But its only when you realise what a bloody fidget she is that you appreciate how nice it was to have the bed to yourself for all that time!

Last night was spent with her tossing and turning, plumping her pillows, grabbing my half of the duvet, constantly turning over onto her back, her front, her sides, and then onto her back again. She then couldn't sleep and I could sense the dim glow of her phone being switched on and the tap tap tapping as she entered text into it.

I know all of this because I was mostly awake because of it! And now I just want to back to bed and re-utlise those 2 or 3 hours I missed from last night. Might need to have a little chat with her if it carries on.:unsure:
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Mulholland Drive

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I like films, and often visit film websites where the author will sometimes publish her personal favourite "Top 10" films of a particular genre

But you can bet your bottom dollar that when the article is open to comments you'll always get asshats moaning, saying "But what about <insert film>?" or "How can you rank <insert film> at number 1, and leave <insert film> at number 6!?"

Then you get the more abusive comments like "You don't know shit about films. Your choice blows out of your ass!" etc

What these cretins forget is that it's the author's personal choice, and not something set in stone that people should fall into line with!
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VIP Member
my grocery delivery still hasn't turned up after citing I'd missed it this morning even though I was in my house. No phone call or anything. Landlord checked the camera, he knocked (the front door which is not my flat) for 1 minute then left, even though it says "USE THE BACKDOOR" on the instructions. Got told it would still be delivered within my time slot. Been waiting for 2 hours. It's now an hour past my time slot. I message about it. They try to contact the driver. It's been put back (how in the space of that little time I do not know!) They're refunding me and I'll have tp re-order. Annoying enough but there were something missing off the order due to stock issues so I was going to walk the 20 minutes to the supermarket to pick them up (was only about 3-4 items) and it's now throwing it down (and I mean chucking it!) with snow.

Thankfully the order was just a top up order so I do have plenty of food in and enough to last me for at least 2 days. Still annoying though.
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Okay obviously I am fuming now, I blame his mum for pampering him.
He had a virtual cooking class at work last night and right after he is done, he just left without cleaning up. The first thing he did was to pull out his laptop and start gaming. He said he will clean before bed, because we have an open plan flat, I can’t stand seeing messy kitchen so I cleaned it instead. Then I also put away the clothes while he is sitting there gaming!
I was so angry this morning and confronted him. His defence was he has a stressful week at work, he worked from 9-12am on a few days. And he said because my workload is not as heavy as his, so I should be doing it.
I don’t think other dudes can get away with responsibilities like this. I blame it on his mum, every time he goes home to his home country, his mum will follow him with food...

So ladies and gentlemen, raise your kids by instilling the value of shared responsibility and cleaning up after yourself, take like 5 min.

Okay rant over.
He makes the mess, he cleans it.

Men...I’m fuming for you! 😂
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Well-known member
Forgetting to take a pound for the trolley, and having to go home again and get one as had no other cast on me to get change.
Put an obsolete Yale type key on your keyring and use that in the trolley instead of a coin.
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Pissed off because my cat woke me up meowing his head off at 5am. Not usual for him to be fair, he’s usually very good in the mornings, but I feel like half of my sleep was him meowing in my ear and it’s like I’ve had no sleep at all.
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Stopped the bread because as soon as I ate bread I was running to the loo and was having cramps . I think it’s a pre menopause thing , it’s only started happening
Anyway , bought gluten free yesterday. Had toast and yup .. stomach ache and rushing to the loo
So clearly it’s not a gluten thing .. the FREE FROM bread is a weird texture
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Chatty Member
Whilst at the shop with my partner...

When it comes to hang-outs with friends, whether it be meals, cinema tickets or beverages, one will usually pay all then we just send them the money on a WhatsApp equivalent.

The other night we went to the pub and his mate bought a round of drinks. I transferred my money but didn’t realize my partner never paid him, sometimes we pay together, sometimes individually. Now he’s livid because it’s a couple of days later and I didn’t pay for his, thinking that he paid it. Now he’s sent his mate the money and is going on and on about me being thoughtless. I told him I didn’t realize he hadn’t paid and that no one is going to hold it against him, sure, sometimes my mates come back and say sorry forgot to ask you how much to pay? It does happen now and again.

Making mountains out of molehills and going on and on about being embarrassed. His mum turns up with some snacks all smiling and he’s still going on and on and on because as he says, I never admit I’m wrong. He doesn’t think I’m arsed I can see that although I’ve apologized and explained for the 53rd time that I didn’t know, but as my eyes start to water, I bow my head and take the bike “to go to the toilet” - now sat in a cafe and I haven’t come back.

I guess I’m pissed off for two reasons:

My partner, for going on and on at me.
Myself, for my own hyper-sensitivity at times, getting so easily upset over something so small.
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I’ve seen a job I want to apply for but I am not feeling brave enough
Do it! I've just applied for one that I'm nervous about, took some talking myself into! You can do it :) you won't regret applying but you might regret it if you don't, and keep wondering what if.
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Chatty Member
Being back at work. And the lazy fecks that were there before carrying on exactly the same way they did before we closed Absolutely need a new job.I’ve tried if you can’t beat em join them but that doesn’t work for me 😡😡To add these are all grown adults with families not youngsters 😡😡
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VIP Member
Thank you. I don't understand why he does it, I think he thinks by saying some really nasty things, at least one thing will get to me and I will then respond to him.. then he has his way in to talk to me but what he doesn't understand is how he gets on does the opposite.. head is so wrecked with his emails today... this is what he wants, I will not give him the satisfaction of a reply! xx
I think he just wants to know he still has power over you, this isn't some kind of persistence driven by love or a chase for closure. He's a dick, and just wants to take up space in your life. I hope he doesn't get violent in any way, this is aggressive behaviour and reeks of bruised ego on his part. To hell with it. My advice is that store those nasty emails in a seperate folder, in case if you need them for legal action in the future, but don't read them and waste your time of day on a waste of space like that. You don't deserve to be upset over someone like that. xx
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