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A woman I went to school with ended up returning to her husband, who had become violent only a couple of weeks after the wedding, because they'd have had to be married for a year to divorce and in that time he still had control over her as her legal husband. I don't think anything justifies allowing situations like that, ever. "Cooling off" periods for divorce should not be mandatory. They mainly exist for the goal of social manipulation - to please religious and conservative groups, and / or with the idea that "too many" divorces are a moral failing or will cause birth rates to fall disastrously. For this reason, China recently introduced a one month waiting period but had previously done perfectly well without one. Ideas of "but people will just do it impulsively!" are patronising - let adults make decisions for themselves.

I suppose the other main argument is what about children, but then trying to force people to stay together "for the children's sake" rarely works well nor makes the children happier or safer. Also, much of English and Welsh family law is still written with the idea that most marriages are first-time marriages of young couples who will wait till marriage to have kids (even though that's less true today), so this argument is hypocritical. And we've already got systems in place to make sure people are provided for, the UK is not like some other countries where feminists have campaigned to ban instant "triple talaq" divorces because they so often left women destitute
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Don't know if anyone replied to you, but most garages will pick up and drop off now, saving you the bother of getting the car to them. Same with MOT. I sit in the comfort of my home while my car is out for the morning or afternoon :D did the breakdown mention alternator or the starter motor? could be one of those.
thanks! Managed to get it fixed at a garage for small sun of £100 🥴 green flag breakdown weren’t much help, just kept saying I must be leaving lights on and it’s draining the battery 🙄 considering I’m in bed by 9 most days it’s highly unlikely
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My daughter is down for her nap and next door are hammering so loud I feel like they’re about to break through the wall 🙃🙃🙃
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The fact that I woke up at 11.21am and thus feel as though my entire morning was wasted 😭 Last time I woke up at this time I was in college (meaning 7 years ago). I hate waking up late/sleeping in.

I haven't felt this energetic in a very long time though. I definitely needed this sleep, clearly. Good thing I did my cleaning yesterday!
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I guess from the perspective of these places - they have been closed for ages not getting any money, their business rate holiday has ended and they have to pay back what is owing from when they were closed, many will have higher overheads from the Covid-measures such as cleaning required, PPE for staff and because of social distancing they won’t be allowed to have as many people in as before - hence why an all-day access is no longer allowed.
There are plenty of things to do with children that doesn’t cost a lot of money - just Googling ‘free events for children’ brings up a long list. When I was a child we didn’t have enough money to afford days out to play centres, cinema, bowling (I first went as an adult) but would go to the local park, a walk in the woods etc. Doing arts and crafts is relatively low cost on a rainy day - places like Wilko’s and Poundland are cheap for felt tips/crayons, coloured paper. There are loads of ideas for things to make online and on YouTube.
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I wish other people were not shy so that I get to be shy for once. I’m an extroverted introvert so I end up having to be the leader around other introverts but I’m fucking exhausted! I just want someone to plan things for once and I can just go along without exerting much effort and planning.
I relate to this on spiritual level!


And today I just can’t concentrate on my studies because bloody hormones 😂😭 So annoying, I just need this feeling to go awaaaaay!
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My surname - nobody can pronounce/spell it. Kinda annoying, going to have to change it at some point. It's Scottish but it may as well be Polish or Korean.
I’m curious to know what it is. I’m also Scottish and my married name is always mispronounced and misspelled.
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Influencers who seem to think that we came to tattle because we are jealous of their life. Nah, building a ‘career’ out of vanity is not my dream job. Thanks!how many times do we need to tell them?

So I’ve just moved to a new area, and I’m trying to find a groomers to take my dog to, but none of them are taking on new clients. I can probably attempt her coat my myself (although it’ll look shit) but I don’t trust myself to cut her nails and they desperately need doing. Not sure what to do as my previous groomers are a 4 hour drive away so it’s not an option to go back. I get groomers have done this because of covid but at the same time, how is anyone supposed to become a customer if they won’t take them on?!
Sorry to hear that. Perhaps you can join the local FB group and ask them for recommendations. They might know of any independent groomers around the area. I brought mine to one today, things should ease down now, maybe you live in a small area?
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I’m not watching love island this year, but if they’re like influencers, they have about 4/5ml+ in their lips and it usually looks poorly/overly injected. I think most people with thin lips could get away with up to 2ml for some natural plump. My clinic has seen a significant increase in lip filler requests since re-opening totally unrelated to LI.
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Blue pumpkin

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I couldn’t sleep tonight so it got to the point where I decided to stay up anyway since that is usually easier than trying to wake up after just a couple of hours sleep. There’s been times where this has happened and I’ve completely slept through my alarm with no recollection of it going off or me turning it off so I’d rather avoid that happening.

Problem is now I’m feeling really tired, but I just know I’d end up sleeping through my alarms at 7.30 if I dare shut my eyes now.
Sames. I could have written that. Every word 🙁
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All my annoyances are car related recently 🤣 mentioned trading in my old car, it wouldn’t start other day and had breakdown people come out (2 hours late) they jump started and says nothing wrong with battery can’t see why it wouldn’t start don’t worry about it should be fine now- I took it for a drive down motorway too, stopped and drove back seemed fine
Just went to go out and won’t start again 🙄 happy to take it to garage myself if they start it again but logistics of taking it with a 6 month old baby when it’s raining like this and garage is a 15 min drive away is giving me a headache 🥴

Don't know if anyone replied to you, but most garages will pick up and drop off now, saving you the bother of getting the car to them. Same with MOT. I sit in the comfort of my home while my car is out for the morning or afternoon :D did the breakdown mention alternator or the starter motor? could be one of those.
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Retail workers, personal services, grocery stores, food service places, education have been open for weeks and some of them throughout this pandemic where the staff has been totally unvaccinated with many still unvaccinated. Some of those staff deal with hundreds of random shoppers per day, classrooms full of students, doing facials where clients have no masks.
The risk to you at your desk is minute.
Perhaps your company will give in and allow you stay home untill your fully vaccinated but they dont have too.
I understand that and my post was in no way shape or form discrediting essential workers. It wasn't targeted at them at all. I appreciate your input, but I find your post to be an attack when mine wasn't meant to be this way at all. I'm comparing this to what other "office" based companies are currently doing with their "return to office" plans. I'm comparing like by like. You're comparing apples and oranges. I'm simply talking about the hypocrisy of bringing people with less than 1 year experience with the company etc.., not about the return to office itself. It will happen at some stage.

They don't have to wait until I'm fully vaccinated, but with 3K people roaming in the same office, you better hope a good portion is vaccinated. In the US, it is compulsory to be vaccinated before returning to office. Obviously, Europe has different regulations.
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I have a friend who is exactly the same, it’s EVERY time and it really bugs me. I’ve started getting there 10 mins late and she never notices because she still always arrives after me! 🤣😁
A couple times I’ve been running what I call “a bit late” and I’m still always there ages before her. I don’t even bother saying anyway now cos worst case we arrive at the same time 😂
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I keep having dizzy spells and headaches the last few days. Think it’s probably just the heat, but it’s really getting to me.
I've had the same! I normally get headaches a few times a year, but nothing concerning. However, for the last month or so, it's been headache after headache. The headache and dizziness generally start towards the end of the day and won't disappear until I go to bed. I wake up fine, then comes late afternoon, it starts again. Rinse and repeat. It's probably heat related as I personally go out at lunch time when it's the hottest (I know, not recommended).
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Can completely understand this!! My stepchildren arrived yesterday and are staying for two weeks. We asked their mum to pack some of ‘our house’ clothes that have ended up going back with them over time. We might not have enough to even last 1 week and also as we might need some more shorts/summer clothes or even jumpers etc just in case the weather isn’t great..
They arrived with one T-shirt and one pair of underwear each. 👍🏼 I mean I know I have a washing machine but don’t want to spend everyday of my annual leave doing wash loads 😂
So annoying isn’t it?! My two usually come straight from school on Fridays so they’re in their uniform and then they go back to their mums in clothes from our house on a Sunday. So the clothes constantly go there but then don’t come back. It makes me feel awkward asking too, but now they’re teenagers so I’m trying to step back a bit and let them sort it out for themselves. Doesn’t seem to work though 😂
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