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I unplugged the monitor of the desk next to me and told my old boss that seat was broken so he wouldn’t set next to me
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I’m slightly surprised at some of the things people are posting on here. Quite a few are not petty, they’re downright vindictive. The Jehovahs things is horrible, what a shitty thing to do.

I‘m going to counter with an incident where I was so petty and self righteous I do cringe a tiny bit now. I was walking along the path from the tube station and there was a traffic jam on the road outside. A taxi driver was clearly furious at not being able to get to the station entrance so he tried to drive along the pavement to get in via the exit. Except I was walking there. He stopped and beeped at me, then made a ‘move’ gesture with his hand.

I did not fucking move.

I literally stood on the pavement right in his way and ignored his flailing arms and puce face. He eventually tried to pull back onto the road and the traffic wouldn’t let him in so he was stuck for ages on the wrong side of the road.
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Pesky Tarian

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Mentioned before about FILs vile girlfriend. We play nice and keep the peace but every year I like to buy her a birthday card picturing things she's voiced a hatred of, usually cats or wine. This year I found the perfect card: simple pic of flowers with the verse 'hope your birthday is as sweet as you are'. 😏
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Talking of neighbours. One owes me some stuff. Didn't pay me back. So I cut all contact. Since then they keep waiting til its dark and pinching old stuff I leave in my garden (they don't realise how much area my cctv covers lol). So I've got a new vax upholstery cleaner coming. So whilst waiting for it to arrive I've been collecting cat litter in a bag. Once the vax comes I'm gonna slightly cut the wire of my old cleaner put all the cat litter in the water tank of it and just leave it out the front for them to take take the bait - which they will.
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I have been online dating a guy who is in another country For a couple of months. He has made little “jokes” along the way about me sending him money, which I don’t find funny at all but I decided to ignore because I thought we had a genuine connection. Then yesterday out of nowhere he straight up asked me to send him £500 a month!! I was so pissed off but politely said no.

Now I have been thinking that I want to get some petty revenge on him…nothing horrendous, but enough to teach him a lesson. So I’m going to wait for him to bring up me sending him money again, and I’m going to say, oh well okay, send me your details then. I expect he will give me an email address to PayPal it. Then I am going to be like, okay I have sent the money through, did you get it? He will say no. I will then go back and forth and create a fake PayPal invoice email to show him and be like, well I’ve sent it, you should have it by now. Just to piss him off 😂 Is there anything else I can add to this scheme to make it more petty and vengeful?
After the invoices etc I’d be like look I’m gonna call PayPal and find out what’s happening. Then tell him “don’t worry I’ve called PayPal and they’re looking into it. They said they’ll refer it to their fraud team and they’ll call your bank too. All standard procedure so you should have the money soon”.. something along them lines. Really shake him up that piece of shit. Bet you aren’t the first he’s done it to.
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Am pregnant. When I was pregnant with my current youngest my fellas family and specifically his brothers chinless missis went to great lengths to try convince him our son wasn't his. Plotting 'my dates' on calanders and 'proving they didn't add up'. One time she broke down crying begging him to walk away from us. Baring in mind she had NOOOOO reason to make such nasty allegations and assumptions about me whatsoever in the slightest. Anyways she's also pregnant but abit further ahead then me. So am waiting until precisely one hour after she announces she's given birth to announce our pregnancy to just ruin and overshadow her moment of glory. What a shame.
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I was writing on another thread and remembered what I did when I left my last work place.
I had spent along time making an automated sign off programme on sharepoint that everyone loved but didn't want to learn how to do so I became the administrator. I repeatedly offered to train someone else so there wasn't just me who could do it but my manager said it wasn't necessary.
My line manager was a big factor in me leaving. She was awful.
On my last day I changed her approval flow to send an error message in place of the sign off. The flow worked so there was no error to fix, it just displayed "error, sign-off not confirmed" in the email rather than "approved"
I have no idea the impact but I hope she spent a good while working out who could help, why it was wrong and discovering I deleted all my documents about how it works.
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Why were you still there after the black eye. You should have been long gone.

Glad you are safe now, I wasn't blaming you but male or female get out at the first sign of DV. It will only get worse if you do nothing.
The issue I have with what you're saying is that many people who end up being physically abused have already been mentally abused for months if not years prior to the physical starting. Many don't see the signs, as they are extremely subtle.

Once you have been worn down enough to believe that you are worthless it's hard to then believe that the physical violence wasn't somehow your own fault (especially as this is what the abuser will tell you whilst "apologising"). By this point you are pretty much reliant on the manipulative abuser because they've also managed to isolate you from friends/family. Their own family members may be aware of what's going on and because they do nothing about it you start to think it must be normal. It's not that easy to leave a situation when you genuinely believe you'll be killed or you family harmed for doing so.
That's just my two pence I'm not here for an argument.
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Guess who's just discovered you can request a home visit from the Jehovahs Witnesses...
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This is mild compared to everyone else but a petty thing I do in my daily life is hold in my shit in the morning so that I can go in work and get paid to poo. If I don’t need to go I’ll go for a try before I leave
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Newish staff member has been openly rude to me since she started. I suspect her boss bitched about me as I used to do her job.
She looks me up and down a lot , so in staff update I wore my glasses for all department updates on screen
Then she started hers, I made a show of taking them off and just looking out the window instead of at screen. Then as soon as she finished glasses went back on and looked back at screen. She was glaring at me, tiny petty thing but cheered me up.
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When I was young and worked in a sports shop (about 20 years ago) I used to regularly decline cards of girls who gave me nasty looks when they were shopping with their boyfriends. My job was to greet people at the door and let them know to give me a shout if they needed help and I would then serve them at the till. Some of the girls were massive cunts and would look me up and down or just grunt, so if they were paying id just decline their card. Groups of girls were generally nicer, it was just something about girls with their boyfriends that made them be pure snide wee boots.
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I used to have a neighbour who would regularly come home drunk at 3am and put his music on really loud. I found out his phone number and used to ring him every morning at 6am and hang up when he answered.
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Don't I? 😂😂😂 Nah I'm semi joking. 😂😂😂
I personally feel that if someone is going to take your items from your property without asking, especially when you’re not on good terms and money is owed - a minor electrocution is fair. An eye for an eye and all that 🤣🤣🤣
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Update. I decided to take the neighbour to small claims court knowing full well she wouldn't respond. Default judgement given. Been awarded over £1000 (obviously I asked for 8% interest as well). I'm waiting for her to ignore it so I can send high court bailiffs to her front door. Inviting someone who she had a massive falling out with to come and watch as well. Might film it for a laugh as well. Baring in mind this is someone who cares VERY much what people think of her. 😂😂😂😂😂
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This isn’t really something I do but it’s something I do want to do.

whenever a creator I follow on YT gets a milestone number of subscribers it makes me want to unsubscribe. I follow a home cooking channel who is having a live stream special cause they reached 4 million subscribers. I really want to unsubscribe just to be petty lol
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my husband keeps drinking my cans of drink when I open them, but always says he doesn't want any fizzy drinks when I buying them. So last night I thought I would be clever and put chilli oil in the can, he hates spice.
It fizzed exploded, all over my nice white sitting room. Karma.
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I have been online dating a guy who is in another country For a couple of months. He has made little “jokes” along the way about me sending him money, which I don’t find funny at all but I decided to ignore because I thought we had a genuine connection. Then yesterday out of nowhere he straight up asked me to send him £500 a month!! I was so pissed off but politely said no.

Now I have been thinking that I want to get some petty revenge on him…nothing horrendous, but enough to teach him a lesson. So I’m going to wait for him to bring up me sending him money again, and I’m going to say, oh well okay, send me your details then. I expect he will give me an email address to PayPal it. Then I am going to be like, okay I have sent the money through, did you get it? He will say no. I will then go back and forth and create a fake PayPal invoice email to show him and be like, well I’ve sent it, you should have it by now. Just to piss him off 😂 Is there anything else I can add to this scheme to make it more petty and vengeful?
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My son was put into isolation for a whole school day for wearing the wrong PE shorts, this was just after lockdown where they hadn’t been in school for months. I was livid.
I kept him off the next day. My excuse when I rang to report his absence was that as the dress code requires pupils to wear black socks and we had run out as lazy mum hadn’t done any washing, we only had white socks and as he would likely be put in isolation for this I don’t see the point of sending him in 🤭🤭🫣
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