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VIP Member
Slept in until 11am, so not like me but felt SO GOOD!
Took down all the Christmas decor and tree and gave the house a big clean.
Made bacon sannies then wanted to go a walk although it’s so icy so gave a miss.
Found the wii in the loft and wanted to have a shot but the cables are too old for our tv :( neighbour has kindly ordered me cable on Amazon prime so get to play tomorrow instead.
Chilled most of the afternoon feels good to have the house back to normality tho!


VIP Member
Woke at 6, didn't bother with a run
Had an argument with my mother, and not for the first time either
Didn't bother with breakfast
Fancied a trip to Durban, but seems only essential/business flights from Johannesburg are allowed. And its 5 hours drive, so knocked that on the head.
Spent some time on the patio contemplating things
Had lunch, but didn't eat all of my salad
Another shouting match with my mother
Finding it hard to focus today, and its only just 2:15pm
Sorry to hear it’s all a bit unsettled for you, have you been able to reschedule your flight?


Well-known member
Woken up at 6.30 but lay in bed for an hour contemplating life
Face timed with my brother and nephew
Did morning jobs laundry, dishwasher, cat litter, got small child breakfast and dressed
Had breakfast
Showered and dressed
Made beds, cleaned bathroom, polished bedrooms
Family went out for a few hours to do grocery shop etc so I had a cup of tea and read my book in peace
When they got back I took small child out for an evening walk with our friends to see Christmas lights
Home and had pizza for supper
Going to spend the evening watching a Christmas film and having hot chocolate


VIP Member
Got up late today, 11:30 which is very late for me, checked my shed after last nights rain and wind, it leaks a little but so all I had to do is mop it up with some blue roll. Going to play my old Lego Game on my old computer, it's the only reason why I keep a computer with windows XP LOL!


Chatty Member
Got up at 6 am, made the kids lunches and packed their backpacks. Got the kids up and helped my youngest getting dressed. Walked my youngest to the bus stop and walked the dog. Got back and took a shower, got dressed for work. Packed my lunch and headed out.
Ate my lunch at my desk and then went for a walk on my actual lunch time listening to 'my dad wrote a porno' podcast.


VIP Member
Thanks. I have train tickets reserved for 10am tomorrow from Carlisle to London Heathrow, and then a 10:30pm flight with Virgin Atlantic to SA. But all this is dependent on getting my PCR results back today and hope they're negative - hence my feeling of being in limbo :(
Hope you enjoy your holiday. ☀🎄

under the ivy

VIP Member
Feeling much better today after a week of illness.
Woke up at 8, had 2 cups of coffee.
Showered/got dressed/makeup on
Went to Home Bargains and Pets at Home.
Came home and did some PhD work
Going to wash my hair, make a chicken korma for tea then finish S3 of the Crown later.


VIP Member
got up fairly early as my dad came to drop something off
had a nice long shower, washed my hair and prepared breakfast and coffee
had a work zoom meeting and right after it a fight with my bf 😂
then we made up and went for a walk
walked into town to wrap up the christmas present shopping
came back home and made a late lunch
then played some videogames and had banana bread
packed christmas presents for his family as they live in another country
prepared the package to post it tomorrow
now just tattling and i don't have a lot of other plans until i go to bed


VIP Member
6:45am wake up, not bad considering i went to bed at 8.30 last night
Just potted round in the morning with the baby and my mil came round. She's our bubble. Had a brew with her and then my fella came back and we had another brew
She left and my fella went the shop. I bathed baby and put him to bed, now catching up with Emmerdale
This is completely off topic but how did you get your avatar? I’ve seen a few members with similar ones - is it an app you’ve used to do it?


VIP Member
It’s my birthday today 🥳 28 years young

Woke up, sent a few work emails
Showered/got dressed
It’s snowing really heavy where I live, went for a snowy walk. Good to get out!
Going to order a takeaway later & open my presents with my family. Quite cool having a lockdown birthday!
Happy Birthday! 🥳

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I've just been shopping. Among other stuff, I've bought three bottles of Lucozade, each in a different flavour: Apple Blast, Caribbean Crush and Brazilian Mango and Mandarin. I've just had a couple of glasses. Lucozade's a guilty pleasure of mine.
Ooof Caribbean Crush luzocade is one of the nicest drinks ever


Iconic Member
I’m up at 6.50 at the latest regardless of what’s happening and I don’t think I’ve stopped shivering or saying “I’m cold” since.

this will be repeated until mid March/April.


VIP Member
had a slow morning but finally started writing a huge work email
bf arrived home from work so we went grocery shopping and christmas shopping
came back home had dinner together and watching friends now

oh and finished that work email in the afternoon :D


VIP Member
Tidying up
Changed all the beds
Plant care - got tons of them
Now in bed trying to read a thriller


VIP Member
Got up about 8ish, made a cuppa and back upstairs to straighten my hair whilst the boy watched TV in bed. Fella went to work.

Made me and the boy eggs on toast, went out to collect our food shop, popped to Card Factory to get a card I still needed to get.

Back home, shopping away, filled up a couple of bin bags of stuff to get rid of.

Went to friends and she fed me far too much food. Kids played nicely and built a gingerbread house together. Came back late afternoon, picked OH up on way home.

Brought down my mum and sisters presents ready for our day together tomorrow. Little one helped me put some ribbons on. Got everything ready to load the car up tomorrow.

OH made tea, so ate that and then he did a couple of jobs while I got the boy in the shower and now to bed. He is very excitable!!

Now having a Corrie catch up but going to put a film on later.


Chatty Member
got up at 7:30 - had a sit down with a brew
gym at 9 for the first time since the reopened for a HIIT class.
Home and nipped to the shop to pick up some ingredients for homemade croissants and pain au chocolats. Put a wash in.
Made the pastry dough and the butter ball for said pastries - it takes a couple of days to fully make them but so worth it for the buttery goodness and I make plenty so have enough for the freezer for a couple of months.
took the dog for a big walk with the other half looking at the Christmas decks.
Home and a brew with the husband and something to eat.
in the garden raking up (MORE) leaves and pruning some plants down for the winter.
now I’m going to make a cup of tea and phone my grandad to see how he is - he lives in the Lakes and we live about 1.5 hours away.
then I plan to order a couple of final Christmas presents for the husband, have a bath and pamper and watch the strictly results show.


Well-known member
Woke up around 10.00 am.
Got up, had a shower and made breakfast.
Sat down at my desk and worked on some stuff until about 4.00 pm.
Reorganised my cupboards while putting the shopping away.
Had dinner.
Sorted my poster wall as I wanted to put up a Paul McCartney one up.
Now I'm just going to browse the internet and watch some YouTube.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Woke at 6, but no running - cba
checked work emails and a bit of tattle
showered, dressed in casual clothes.
walked to local shop for some basics
IT work for about 3 hours - gradually winding down operations
Bit more tattle, watched The Crown
girlfriend arrived for a final weekend of fun & frolics
went to chippy for 2 fish & chips
got the wine and a few beers out
right now, watching more of the Crown until about 10pm
play some computer games, drink or smoke some dope
attempt to play Twister at midnight while either drunk high or both

under the ivy

VIP Member
Got up at 8, had 2 coffees
Showered, got dressed etc
Went to Morrisons
Came back & put Christmas tree up
Had another shower and put pyjamas on
Did some PhD work (got to give a presentation on Monday so needed to make some notes 😭)
Made tea
Watched strictly
Now I’m in bed with a jam doughnut and watching a film!