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VIP Member
Not much..
got up at 9.30am had cup of tea while I checked tattle
had shower, washed hair, got dressed
had brunch which was a fry up then I cleaned kitchen
popped to shop
came home had a nap on sofa
woke up had dinner and that's it just been potting about since. :giggle:


VIP Member
Planned on going for a run to see the alpacas in the next village but woke up late and it was rainin, and runnin along wet muddy fields wasn’t for me today lol
Had a lazy day watchin cheesy Christmas Films on Netflix
Christmas town
A Christmas prince, a Christmas royal wedding and Royal baby
If anybody wants easy watchin films
Had a nap on the sofa
Did tea and then had to wash up from breakfast really was lazy today!


Well-known member
Slightly easier day today as Husband was off work so he did the morning vacuum through and has done both school runs for me.
Got little one ready for school, did wash and hung it to dry, cleaned litter tray. Got showered and dressed. Worked 0800-1700 with a quick stop for poached egg on toast and to clean the bathroom. Did homework with small child and then cooked supper

Happy Lady

VIP Member
Put Xmas decs up
Walked dog with friends
Wrote a bit more of my book
Made a fab tea
Watched I'm a Celeb
Can't sleep 😭


VIP Member
Normal Saturday, got up, coffee, dressed and on the computer and watching vids on the Kindle.
Went out to buy a new jacket but came home empty handed because the Jacket I need is out
of Stock.

Later this evening after dinner, making small changes to my computer system.


VIP Member
Woke up with a killer cramp, had breakfast, did some work, carried on with my knitting in between. Made soup, sorted out some errands that have been waiting for a good week or so... Did a little bit of grocery shopping, bought missing ingredients for meatballs I'll make tomorrow, had an early dinner and now I'm making decaf tea and trying to decide what to read.


VIP Member
All I've done today is print out and prep a CD to be returned and just forked out some cash paying the final balance of last years income tax bill.


VIP Member
Morning routine, made my 8 year old a school pack up “from the Elf”. Son declared he loved it and would definitely eat his sandwiches today because the elf made them. Told me not to forget “his amazing pack up” when we left this morning 🙄😂

Home, ripped up a load of cardboard ready to go in the bin because lots of deliveries + a bin that gets emptied just once every two weeks = annoying.

Worked for a few hours. Put HP and the Half Blood Prince on. Took 4+ hours to watch as kept having to pause it to concentrate on work 😂

Did afternoon school run. Came home and prepped a lasagne. Went out to pick up food shop, put away and put tea in the oven. Just waiting for that to cook and then taking my stepdaughter to gymnastics, then will pick her up 90 mins later. Not gonna lie, I was living for the lockdown life when I didn’t have to do this every Friday night 🙈

Once kids are in bed and we’re settled, will watch tv with a couple of drinks.
What's a 'school pack up' if you don't mind me asking?


VIP Member
Baby had a bad night... again...
To be fair he slept right till exactly 3 on the dot again and woke up screaming. My fella surprisingly made it to bed last night but didn't manage to wake up the baby crying 🙄 so on me again. Couldn't even be bothered asking for his help so I took the baby to the livingroom and tried to calm him down. He calmed down but he was wide awake, we lay on the couch and watched Hey Duggee. I must know every episode word for word badge for badge by now. Anyway he doesnt fall asleep. Did him a bottle after an hour and he still didn't fall asleep. Got a cob on and went and woke me fella up. He was all 'im up for work in 2 hours!' My heart bleeds for you mate. He got the baby to sleep in about 5 mins. It was now 4.55am by the time I got back in bed. Fellas alarm went off so I kicked him and he got up 😂 i fell straight back asleep kind of remember him saying bye. Baby didn't wake up til 8am, lovely
Went on 2 walks. One just us 2 and one with my fella cos he came back from work early. Theres 5 of us in my family fitbit challenge and im second to last 🥺 grim
Had tea and tattled a bit while my fella watched the match. I've took myself off to bed now just in case I get another 3am wake up call 🥱🥱
Any tips on how to get my baby to sleep through hit me up 🙋🏻‍♀️
This is coming from a childless bish so feel free to ignore my very naive advice but I've heard "the pause" method, as a long term solution, from fellow parents? Like giving the baby a couple of minutes to sooth themselves before you go and check them. Apparently they eventually learn to go back to sleep but the habit of interruption means they get used to being put back to sleep by parents and it takes longer to get used to that. (If there are any parents LOLing at me, fair enough 😂 Just repeating what I've heard. x)

Got up more or less on time but felt very down for a few days now so really took my time getting out of bed. Made myself a toastie breakfast and did some work while checking tattle. Arm and wrist still hurts and today my calf was screaming at me too so that was some extra fun to work my way around. I think I've injured something without realising and I feel really whiny and weepy about it. Talked to a medical professional friend a bit about my anxiety around some dodgy stuff going on in my body, got some semi-soothing advice but I don't think I'll know rest until I actually get to the doctor's office and see what's up, which is next week. Had a leftover lunch, did some writing and tidying and more work. Went for a half an hour walk around the block and came back to have soup for dinner. Now catching up with news and watching the shitshow in the US on TV. I'll make herbal tea and hopefully calm down a bit before going to bed.
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VIP Member
Lazy day here.

Got up, had breakfast and all got showered and dressed. That in itself can take a while as a family of 5!

Thought I’d properly dry and straighten my hair as it always makes me feel better. Tried to help the youngest with his homework, ended in an argument 😂

Had a Zoom call with family. Had another go with the homework, this time successfully.

Then I’ve been doing some more of my puzzle. Kids were doing other bits of homework, writing Christmas cards and playing their games.

Just waiting on a Shepherds pie to finish cooking. Will take stepchildren home after and then might try and have a quick bath. Get youngest in bed and then me and the other half are going to watch a film.

We both have a couple of days off now. No idea what we’ll do with being in T3. Might go out for a walk tomorrow whilst it’s dry and then have a day in with films and wrapping presents on Tuesday. Feels like all I do at the moment is wrap presents though!


VIP Member
got up, had breakfast and coffee
did my own pedicure
did some work emails
bf went out for a grocery shop
had avocado toast for lunch
washed my hair
sweeped the floors
tidied the bathroom and cat's room
having sister and her bf over tonight
bf prepared broth for ramen while i tidied kitchen
now we are chilling but later we will make the ramen
and then an evening of eating, drinking and board games

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Woke up around 8am but got out of bed at 10 still slightly baked from a long night.
breakfast & tattle
showered and dressed
have done absolutely nothing of any note since then
Starting to feel rather sad at the mo
.... an afternoon of sex, drugs (and booze, a Chinese) and rock 'n' roll
this evening we're watching Karl Pilkington's "An Idiot Abroad"
Took on this extra shift today 8 till 5 hopefully finish at 5 but will be later because I have mug tattoo somewhere I havent found yet but everyone else can see it. Having a coffee before i set off on cold walk. If I finish at five walk to next and pick up my order (if not will have to wait till tomorrow). walk home tidy up cook tea tidy up tea watch not going out till I'm tired seems to be a Saturday night thing.
Had a lie in this morning (8am lol) and then got up with the baby while my eldest and partner slept in. Then it was full on, played with all their new toys, went food shopping for the week, found new homes for everything (a bigger task than I thought...), went for a lovely sunny walk round our area, came home and had some chill time and watched BGT on catch up, had dippy eggs for dinner and now boys are in bed so I can have a rum and Coke and some chocolate. And by some, I mean a lot.

under the ivy

VIP Member
Got up at 8.30am
Showered/dressed for Sainsburys groceries coming
Put shopping away
Walked to post office in the rain to send some ebay parcels off
Went in Heron Foods and bought rubbish lol
Did some PhD work for a few hours
Had a shower, put pyjamas on
Realised I needed to go to postbox to post Christmas cards before the collection time. Changed pyjama bottoms to jeans and put a coat over my pyjama top to walk to post box!
Had tea - fry up
Now in bed tattling/watching tv

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Yesterday I went to my friends house so our babies could have a play date. Then we went for an hour long walk and had lunch.
Fella met me after he finished work, we went to his Mums, had a takeaway then went home. I fell asleep soon as we got home


VIP Member
Overslept so didn't make it out for my morning walk.
Had a coffee, started work early as I was the only one of my team working (Thanksgiving, plus other hols)
Went for a shorter walk during my lunch break and swung into Sainsburys for a few essentials
Finished work now and I'm going to put fresh bedding on, cook some dinner, and then watch Masterchef.


Chatty Member
Decided to take the day off today.
I had a play on the oculus this morning ... Beat Sabre with linkin park.
Tried to put my ring doorbell on charge but can’t get a screw out, lost my temper and punched it oops 🙊. I’ve had rotten few days and I guess it all came to a head with that tiny stubborn screw.
Now I’m eating my body weight in vegan canapés and reading interiors and fashion mags. It’s feckin cold so I’ve put a fire in and I’ve no plans to move much beyond here and the wine fridge 😂