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VIP Member
Woke up at about 9am. Had breakfast and had a shower.
Went for a run
Went to Tesco for snacks
Came home. Ate pizza and now on Tattle


VIP Member
Morning routine, came back and did a bit of squaring up before logging on for work. Managed to get some more presents wrapped. Wanted to watch another HP film but work was busier so would have missed loads or ended up pausing it for ages! Had This is Us on in the background instead.

Did PM school run and my stepdad popped in for a drink. Haven’t seen him for a few weeks. My son taught him how to play Bomberman.

Had tea and my other half has been on a work call since 6pm 😬 so I washed the pots, did school reading with the boy, painted a sun catcher with him and we both had showers. Now I’m sat here in a facemask waiting for this work call to finish so I can go downstairs and get ready for I’m a Celeb!


VIP Member
Same as usual these days! Feels like groundhog Day.....
Fed kids, dogs and horses
Mucked out horses
Hoovered and cleaned kitchen
Had something to eat
Made kids lunch
About to walk the dogs then will get the horses back in and watch a Christmas film with the kids.
Huge pile of washing to put away but might ignore that a bit longer 🙈


VIP Member
After the bitter disappointment/fiasco of last night, went to bed at 3am and woke at 6:30am
Went for a 6 mile run but there was no heart in it
Showered, dressed had breakfast with parents
rebooked flight with Air France for next Saturday
Read online papers, Tattled and checked emails
unpacked, and then had a nice hot bubble bath
Teamed G/f for 25 minutes
Lunch of ham and cheese on crusty white bread
Looking at options for buying alcohol, even if it means travelling to neighboring countries such as Zimbabwe or Botswana
Currently watching an old French film "Les Diabolique"
What happened last night?


VIP Member
Lol thanks (y) . I hadn't heard that term before
I’ve been asked this question before actually. I don’t know if it’s just my family growing up that used this term or if it’s an area thing?! Anyone else say pack up?

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Baby woke up at 1.30am and was bloody lively. Would not sleep. We tried everything. He was laughing and giggling his head off. He was trying to climb up the side of the bed. He was crawling about the bed. He was not going back to sleep
At 3am I was like 'right. I give up. I'm going to watch TV with him till he falls asleep.' So all 3 of us went in the livingroom and we stuck Hey Duggee on and cuddled on the couch. The baby fell asleep by the end of the second episode. Their 5 mins lol
Went back to bed. Woke up at 7.20am
Up and usual shite
Woke fella up cos he wanted to get a hair cut
Tidied the livingroom while baby napped
Had lunch
Went to asda to do a food shop
Fella went out for the night at 4
Played with baby. He is a case but so funny
Put him to bed
Had a quick shower
Gonna have a brew and go to bed I think

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Woke at 5:30am with sun shining through my bedroom window
Went out for a 8 mile run through the quiet streets of Roodepoort
Showered and dressed in shorts & t-shirt
breakfast with parents, read papers and online news
Zoomed with girlfriend in England for an hour
Lounged about on sunbed reading newspapers again
Had a salad for lunch
Tattling at the mo....
Spent some time in the pool to cool off
Read some IT books for a couple of hours
Tattled a bit more
8pm now and I think I'm going to spend the evening either watching "Sick of It", or having some fun with my girl via Zoom
Night all xx

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Up at 6am, showered and dressed
Had breakfast at 7, Tattled and read some news
Set off for Carlisle for 10am PCR test
Bought a few stocking fillers while in Carlisle, had a BLT and returned home
Did some more packing, slowly emptying chest freezer and fridge
Tattled and snogged the arse off my g/f, who will be heading home tomorrow :(
Decided to take my Christmas tree and decs down because I won't be here for Christmas, and it will look quite ridiculous returning home in April to be greeted by a tree in my living room!
Will probably spend the rest of the day in a state of high anxiety and getting drunk/high as I wait for my test results - which will probably happen tomorrow


VIP Member
Got up
made a cup of tea in my new Emma Bridgewater Christmas mug I treated myself to
made breakfast
got showered and dressed
went to Home bargains
came home had lunch
put a wash on
then went to Tesco.

Met a couple of friends for a walk then we sat outside costa with a hot chocolate, really lovely day 😊
No time spent in the red room today then?

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Woke at 6 under a hot glaring morning sun
Went for 11 mile run, this time joined by a fellow runner from out of nowhere
Showered, dressed, breakfast
Tattled, checked emails
IT work for a couple of hours
Booked another PCR test in Pretoria on Wednesday
Zoomed G/f in England. The more I talk to her the more I realise I want to be with her.
Watched some X Files for an hour
Lunch - more rabbit food
An hour sunbathing on the patio
More IT work
3:30pm now, and I think I'll go for a drive to J'burg central
.... faffed about J'burg Central for a couple of hours, had coffee and a bagel
Returned home, spent 20 minutes in the pool, but a bird flew over and crapped in it!
Had dinner with parents
showered, dressed down to t-shirt and short skirt
Tattled, checked emails
Watched some X-Files
Gone 10pm now, and time for bed I think
Another day done, but not a great one


Well-known member
Woke up just before 9 and went to open "Santa" presents
Somehow hurt my foot so was hobbling about the house while sorting through my stuff and getting ready.
Headed to my social bubble's Christmas festivities and helped with making the dinner.
Came home about 6.00 pm so have been relaxing all evening.
Tomorrow is a social distance visiting day so I'll be very busy!
I actually had a pretty good day today. Went for a 10k walk along the cliffs which was lovely. I haven’t done much walking or exercise in a while so some of the hills really took it out of me (plus the thick coat that weighs more than I do didn’t help) but felt great after it.
Finished the walk and then had chipper. I voted for Burger King but was outvoted.
Not done much since I got home. Currently lying under a blanket watching Scandal.
Pretty much the plan until bed.


VIP Member
5:27 wake up. Thanks smallest flogoff.
Instantly projected into 100mph mode.
shower. Breakfast. Reading. School and childcare runs. Work. Home visits. Lunch (share bag of dairy milk buttons). Meetings. Collect sprogs. Dinner. Bath. Bed. Sit down and breathe.

and I get to do it all again tomorrow.



VIP Member
Ended up going to the shops for a couple last minute Christmas presents, took the kids out for an hour to the park. OH wanted a takeaway so we had Indian, kids got a McDonalds because Happy Meals, of course. Kids are now in bed watching a movie, OH and I downstairs watching TV.


VIP Member
Fed the children, dogs and horses
Mucked out and groomed horses
Hoovered, dusted and cleaned kitchen
Had something to eat
Walked dogs
Had shower
Now about to attempt to make a Christmas garland...I'm the least creative person ever so I'll probably be having a tantrum very shortly 🤣🤣
grooming horses in the morning, the dream ❤

i got up kind of late-ish, around 9, tidied up
went out to pick up a few parcels, christmas prezzies coming from relatives
had breakfast and coffee while checking work emails
spent most of my morning tattling
had lunch while feeling bad for not working more 😂

! paid my bills and went into minus for the first time in my life !!
felt terrible about it

tattled some more
ordered some cat food for the little lady
about to make dinner for when bf is home from work
planning to watch a christmas movie later, diy some decorations and help him wrap some presents


VIP Member
I don't want to take my decorations down yet. They're bringing me too much and I feel like January might be bleak enough without my christmas corner being empty 🤣
oh, you reminded me that i very aggressively threw away my 2020 calendar today 😂
and put up my three cat themed 2021 calendars