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VIP Member
Normal working day, being Wednesday I did the weekly Felixstowe covid run for the third week in a row.


VIP Member
Pretty productive first half of the day....

Cleaned kitchen, sorted fridge and freezer
Untangled a mass of Christmas lights
Tidied the spare room which was full of randomly dumped online shopping deliveries and then sorted the inevitable pile of recycling
Did two wash loads
Went for a run
Walked the dog
Hoovered and mopped
Gave up on productivity and watched s load of SATC and had a snooze
Made tea
Now watching HIGNFY


VIP Member
Had a lie in, got up and straightened my hair as it always makes me feel so much better.

OH made us bacon muffins.

Played a couple of games with the kids - Herd Mentality and In For a Penny. Both good games but there’s always an argument 😂

Put my bread maker on to make a dough, ready for dough balls tonight. Having them with pizza and pasta bolognese. Wish I had some wine in!

Had a bit of a square up, did some more of the puzzle. Brother in law and family stopped at ours as they were on a bike ride and needed tyres pumping up, so it was nice to talk to them and see different faces.

Just googled some wedding registry offices as we’re now hoping to cancel ours and do a small thing. Made me feel a bit sad though so I stopped.

Gonna do tea, then Saturday night is always family night so we’ll watch Catchphrase and The Masked Singer.


VIP Member
Had a lie in then got showered and dressed
had some brekkie
popped to shop for some milk, bread etc
cleaned the house
made some crepes with Nutella on
watched Zoella's vlog now Im tattling.


Well-known member
Hope you have a safe and enjoyable flight! @Mulholland Drive

I'm absolutely exhausted so didn't get up until midday today.
Tried making a start on coursework about 1pm, but because I'm so burnt out I got nothing done.
Spent the afternoon just trying to relax but knowing the deadlines are looming just made me more stressed.
The only highlight of my day is the Graze treat I had about half an hour ago.


Well-known member
Spent the first half hour in bed with husband and both kids, went to work, went to Tesco on the way honey and was happy to see the Baileys was only £9.50 instead of £15 with Clubcard! Then came home, baby had a late nap, refereed some sibling arguments, cooked tea and now watching the ch4 news while the boys play and me and my husband have a glass of wine 🍷


Chatty Member
Working today. Had to be on a Teams meeting with inspectors at 9 so got up and ready and dressed and logged on. Now working on my laptop getting stuff done before starting my weekend. I love having the cheesy channel 5 Christmas movies on in the background whilst I’m working. Feeling festive ! Friday nights are always chilled with the hubby having a nice tea and cosying on the sofa watching tv - love Gogglebox on a Friday


VIP Member
I worked a bit, ate a chocolate trifle for breakfast (so healthy!), watched a lot of 4 in a bed, went to the post office to post a parcel, watched this is us with my husband and now i think I shall watch I’m a celeb and be happy it’s the weekend!


VIP Member
been up all night with sickness and diarrhoea (literally 4 hours straight). Thought it was just my period but I had the major shakes. Like full on rigor tremors but I wasn't cold at all.

got into bed at around 3-4 ish and eventually fell asleep, woke up this morning in loads of pain so going to just stay in bed all day. To scared to eat at the moment
Yes, stay in bed to get some rest. Bet you’re dehydrated too. Hope you feel better soon x

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Bunch of IT Stuff
Had a nice 20 mins with my girl via Zoom
Decided that Boris Johnson is a clueless twat!
Drank another bottle of wine
Showered and pampered
Want to spend the evening with my girl but I know I can't


Chatty Member
Put up window Xmas icicle lights. Currently sitting with a headache and the dog appears to be scared sooo 🤦🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
Nothing much today, spent most of the day on the computer, mainly on here!

I did pop up to my shed to take a few bits to store and to check my shed for leaks, we have had a lot of rain recently.

I watched a couple of TV shows on my Smart TV, the shows were streamed from my special computer, I'm mainly
doing this to check how well the dvd rips I've been doing for years appear on a proper TV.


VIP Member
Woke up 6:40
Quick shower and dressed(ish) to WFH
Logged on at 7
Work and meetings mixed in with tattle.
Just about to log off now and catch up on last weeks Corrie.
Burgers for tea later then probably sit and watch some TV with my housemate.
Hair needs washing so will do that tonight as don’t have time in mornings. Then probably get into bed and watch some of the Crown.

Andddd repeat again tomorrow.


VIP Member
Up at 6:40
WFH 7-4. Had a few calls but a quiet day other than that. Work is starting to slow for Christmas.
Went to get some cash out as I’m in the office tomorrow and the few of us that are in are planning on ordering a dominos for lunch. Will be nice to see a few faces. I go in once a week for my own mental health (gets me up and properly dressed!!) but usually there alone so looking forward to being able to chat to a few people.
Just showered and washed hair.
Fajita pasta bake is cooking.


Busyish day here.
Woke up at 3:40am for work, started at 5 finished for 10.
Foodshop on way home.
Deep cleaned the living room, including under sofas and behind furniture.
Finally put up the Christmas decorations.
Cooked tea, just now watching an episode of The Crown.

Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Showered changed pyjamas
Done breakfast
Quick clean in the kitchen
Dishwasher and washing machine on
Done lunch and now watching Supermarket Sweep 😂


VIP Member
We get through a lot of cucumber in this house too 👀 I think it’s an underrated food to be honest!

Where are you up to with This Is Us? I’m almost at the end of S3, but not watched since before Christmas.
S3, episode 6. It’s kind of faded a bit for me as I realised Kate and Kevin get on my nerves but I still love it. So unusual. The shock when Rebecca and Miguel appear at the door inS1 😬.


VIP Member
Struggled to get our of bed. I’ve developed a more extreme version of my usual tinnitus and it’s keeping me awake at night.
Mine is bad today, ear feels blocked and the high pitched tone is driving me nuts.
Doing nothing special, on the computer and watching vid's on the Kindle, I feel a little rough which is normal for a Saturday, mind you
Friday was a long day, I got home about 10:30PM which is why I feel like crap.