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Chatty Member
Woke up
Waited on hold for doctors for 45 mins
Then waited 3 hours for them to call
Found out I need surgery which is fun. Never had it before so a bit nervous
We went to see our bubble. Had a nice day
Back now, baby is in bed, im shattered waiting for tea. Excited to watch Corrie tonight ha
Hope your surgery goes well when it arrives x

Got up at 7:30
Took my dog to the vets for 9
Went out for breakfast with the OH
Prepped tea for the slow cooker
Went for a brew with my friend and her son.
got home and finished making my croissants and pain au chocolats- they need constant chilling and then rolling out and then chilling for the last couple of days. Finally shaping them ready to be made / kept in the freezer.
had some dinner and watched Emmerdale and Corrie.
now to clean the kitchen and then chill for the night
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VIP Member
Well, so much for trying to get up earlier. Dozed until 9ish again, cuppa in bed and up at 10.

Had some toast with the little one and played more Switch games. The 51 worldwide games is really good, we played Backgammon today.

Got showered, did hair properly and then went to a couple of shops. Bought lovely new cushions for stepdaughters new bed. Came home, put the oven on for tea and sorted through my least favourite cupboard in the kitchen haha. Been putting it off a while but looks much better now.

Having gammon and dauphinoise potatoes for tea, yum. Son currently building Privet drive Lego. Iโ€™ll do another bag of mine tonight.
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VIP Member
Biiiig lie in this morning, bacon cobs for breakfast. Worked my way through a big pile of ironing, a load more washing.

Tidied up a few bits, played games with the kids.

Now Iโ€™m sat waiting for Boris ๐Ÿ™„

Fajitas for tea, biscuits/home made fudge for pudding and Home Alone on the TV.
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VIP Member
I don't want to take my decorations down yet. They're bringing me too much and I feel like January might be bleak enough without my christmas corner being empty ๐Ÿคฃ
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VIP Member
Fed up of life lol
Baby awake from 12-3.45 and a lazy fella
Fella in work at 7.30 and woke us up getting ready. Tired all day now baby won't go sleep now.
Just burst into tears and my boyfriends too busy watching the man united match ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Nervous breakdown central here

I'm usually more happy go lucky, laugh it off type but I'm struggling to cope ๐Ÿ˜ช hope I get some sleep and feel better tomorrow
I'm sorry you're struggling.... ๐Ÿ˜ž
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VIP Member
Up at 6, headed to the post office before my 7:45 train. Worked in the office until 4:30. Got home at 6, did dinner for the kiddies and the to Sainsburyโ€™s while hubby did bath time. Now on the sofa debating a slice of cheesecake on got on a yellow label!
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
This evening I had a takeaway of Chicken Chow Mein, followed by a Magnum
Had a shower, drank a couple of glasses of wine
Probably watch a horror film or some lesbian smut classed as Swedish erotic drama:LOL:
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VIP Member
Up at 6 with the youngest.
Fed and watered my litter of kids as they emerged down the stairs throughout the morning.
Prepped dinner for the evening
Helped eldest with his homework
Showed daughter how to polish her school shoes properly
Did 3 loads of laundry
Made lunch
Played snakes and ladders
Put Christmas garlands on the stairs
Helped put some compost in raised beds
Watched Last Christmas whilst writing Christmas cards
Made dinner
FaceTimed as a family with my grandparents
Ironed school uniforms and work uniforms
Played with the dogs
Bath/book/bed with youngest kids
Prepped dinner for tomorrow
Made packed lunches
Flopped on sofa in front of Netflix with a glass of wine
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VIP Member
Woke at 6am, didn't bother with a run because I'm still hobbling around after my accident yesterday
Had breakfast, checked emails, Tattled, dressed and finished off packing
Had a ham and cheese petit pain for lunch ,spent a little time sunbathing on the patio
Returned car to car-hire company in Pretoria, took a taxi back home
Currently 4pm and will probably head off to J'Burg airport in about an hour and check-in, and hope my 7:50pm flight doesn't get cancelled like last week!
fingers crossed all goes well tonight!

woke up around 8, bf was already at work so i stayed in bed until 10-ish
very stormy outside so it was extra enjoyable in bed with my cat, the cuddliest creature ever ๐Ÿฅฐ
got up and had yoghurt and coffee for breakfast while tattling and watching youtube
tidied the place, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes and started some preparation for lunch
tattled some more, wrote a few recipes down in my recipe book that i had bookmarked
bf came home so i made lunch for us, made a huge portion so we're having the same for dinner
creamy mushroom sauce, gnocchi, salad; we watched geography now on youtube while eating
then we had some dessert and coffee/tea and chatted a little bit about our plans for tomorrow
i was supposed to get some work done today but am not feeling the best physically or mentally
we played 1 round of a videogame and now he's playing his own and i'm about to dig into my puzzle
dinner later, 1 episode of a new show we're watching (trying not to binge watch it) and then an evening walk if it stops raining!
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VIP Member
Got up and browsed on tattle while I had a cuppa
put away the dry clothes
did some emails
got showered and dressed then went to do a few errands
came home decided I need some food so went to Sainsburys
came back washed dishes had a snack and now Im on here again.


VIP Member
Not much today
got up made a cuppa came on tattle
got showered and dressed
went to do a food shop which the people pissed me off as the were just walking past too bloody close no social distancing :mad:
came home had lunch
tidied kitchen and thats it just relaxing now.


Chatty Member
managed to get up at 7 - got ready for work and then put the recycling out for collection, and got it back in again on my way out to work.
Had a busy morning in the office and then came home to work in the afternoon.
worked late and then went to spin class.
came home and the husband cooked a delish tea from the Gousto box.
Probably chill on the sofa tonight and watch tv before bed and work again tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ญ


VIP Member
Boring day today.

School run, home and worked 9.30-2.30. School run, picked food shop up, Spag bol for tea, stepdaughter to gymnastics and back whilst also spending a couple of hours making two photo books for my mum and stepdad.

Just got the kids to bed and now going to catch up on TV with a festive snowball or two.


Chatty Member
Sorted out my missing Amazon deliveries
Ballet workout, cross fit and spin workout
Tidied up and given the cinema/music room a nice thorough cleaning
Now Iโ€™m working on the last snag bits of my website before the big launch on Saturday ๐Ÿ˜ฌ