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My friend said something which the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get.

I'm a single mum, work part time in a very demanding job, my mental health isn't the best & I work really hard trying to cook, clean, parent my child, exercise daily etc. I also have a chronic illness which I'm on chemotherapy for.

She and her partner don't work, and have 4 kids.

I told her I got offered a free counselling course which I was interested in, but I don't have the time to do it.

She went on a massive rant about how I do have time I'm just lazy and unmotivated etc.

I'm bloody exhausted, and yeah if I wasn't working I'd definitely do the course but once all is done at the end of the day I just want to relax. She just doesn't understand how vastly different our lives are and why I don't have the energy to put in to getting this qualification.
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Ok I need a massive rant- I have my mum and dad visiting at the moment and am finding it so draining. They live overseas so we go for months without seeing each other and then they visit and we catch up every single day. It’s too intense for me and bringing up SO MANY emotions. For context- my mum and I have always had a tricky relationship, she’s not been outright abusive, there’s no trauma etc and she’s a (relatively) stable person… but we just have very different personalities and I am very easily triggered by her manner around me or some of the things she says. There have been various well-meaning comments (and some not so well meaning) about my weight, my choices, what I’m doing with my life over the years. But generally the issue is just that we don’t have much in common, she can be quite annoying to talk to as she takes a very long time to get to the point and goes off on a lot of tangents, and she’s quite spiky with me if I dare to say anything she doesn’t agree with or if I’m being “too emotional”. This is coming from parents who are very uncomfortable with emotions, giving out sympathy etc.
I’m sad about not being closer to her but I think I mostly just feel guilty for not wanting to spend time with her, and find myself comparing our relationship to other people I know who are really close with their mums.
Is it normal to not want to have much of a relationship with your mum??
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I have my child's school Sports Day this week and I don't think I can summon up the energy to be around the mums who stand with their coffees to go, snidely gossiping about everyone, with a sweet smile on their faces. I avoid the school runs for this reason. Too old for bitches 😵💫
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Why is it so awkward saying no when you're perfectly justified to do so 😩 my manager asked me to do something completely outside my contract , which would not benefit me at all. I feel so awkward replying saying that but why should I feel awkward 😅
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The weather. It's absolutely awful down here in Kent, easily the worst spring/summer I have ever known in my life. I'm not even into hot weather but I do like it warm enough to go out without coats and to be able to enjoy being in the garden, etc. It's just so cold and windy still. Had the heating on a bit even today. Madness!
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I've been wearing YSL Libre since it came out in 2019. Last year my mum said oh you smell nice, next thing shes bought it.
I wear vans all the time, if I'm not in vans I'm usually in docs. I saw her today and she said oh your trainers are nice, which ones are those. I said Vans, they do loads of styles. She said no which ones are you wearing, I like yours. She's text me twice asking me to order some for her then again for the link to my exact ones.
Nooooo I don't want my mum wearing the same shoes as well as smelling like me. Go away 😂

Luckily I've gone off them anyway but I had to stop wearing converse because she turned up wearing the exact ones I had on a few years ago. It's bloody embarrassing 😂😂
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My husband is blind to his own mess but can see my "mess".

Example: currently in our hallway, I have a bag from home bargains that I haven't unpacked yet (it has a mix of holiday stuff and bits for the kicthen), a pair of shoes I haven't put away and my handbag (that lives in the hallway).

He has: a charity clothes collection bag he contemplated filling but spent so long deliberating he missed the collection day it is in the middle of the floor (I was leaving it to see how long it takes him to pick it up) a stool sample packet on the console table that he has had for 2 weeks but hasn't done yet, a packet of smints that has 1 smint left also on the console table, his crocs next to my shoes, two packages that need to be returned (that I will have to do or else they won't go back), an empty carrier bag that he has just left out. There is more but I won't go on, you get the jist.

But when I have come downstairs this morning, he has said the hallway is a shit tip because of all of my stuff 😑 when I said most of this is yours he disagreed!!! Men!
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Someone commented on a photo of me and said "oooh is there an announcement coming soon? 👶❤"
I said absolutely not, I've obviously just hit the all inclusive buffet too hard.
How absolutely mortifying and down right fucking rude 😭.
Deleted and blocked.
I have similar, uploaded honeymoon pics - I have an in issue stomach so it does stick out / bloat a bit but one picture in particular all the women in my family are care reacting or liking, and it’s one where my stomach looks particularly big. I’ve also had a few random missed calls. It’s pretty clear they all think I’m pregnant, there are way better / more scenic pictures in the uploads

baring in mind I had a glass of wine and a cigarette in my hands in the picture 🙃

actually commenting like yours did is terrible - I hope you got an apology.
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Scotch Mist

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Before I start, I know originality is dead, I know… but I cannot seem to shake this feeling that my “friend” is trying to copy my life…

So I’ve known this girl for like a decade, possibly longer. We’ve never been particularly close and still aren’t, but we started talking a lot more when we both got engaged… she just seemed really excited for me at first and I her. But the weirdness has slowly played out over the following events:

- she asks what wedding venue I’ve booked? I tell her and she goes and books a viewing at the exact same venue, despite knowing that we’d probably invite her to our evening reception (she didn’t end up booking it, luckily). She then said she couldn’t afford it anyway… what’s the point of looking if you know in advance that you cannot afford it??
- I shared what my colour scheme was with her… she then decides to have the exact same colour scheme. I would not be that freaked out if it was super common or anything… but blue and purple??? It’s not that common tbh and just seemed far too coincidental
- I told her we were increasing our wedding budget to accommodate for lots of things we wanted. I know her and her partner are on a fixed income, and my partner recently got a very good promotion that’s afforded us to be very generous with our wedding spending. She then suddenly tells me she’s also increased her budget. This was a few days after I told her about us increasing ours. Both of us are self funding our weddings and do not want family money.

These all seem petty at first, this is where it gets weird.

- in September, we adopted a beautiful kitty into our household. We got her through some unfortunate circumstances in our own family and it was actually very upsetting for us at the time. A couple of months later? She adopts the same breed of cat. If that’s not enough, the cat has the exact same colouring as ours. Conincidence? Hmm not convinced. She says she “just wanted a cat” but it seems oddly specific to adopt a cat off of a person who just had a cat like ours that needed a new home, they are a specialty breed so they do not come up for adoption often.

The last two have me quite freaked out and pissed in equal measure tbh.

- She knew what day our wedding was booked for. She then books her wedding… for a few days before ours. That cannot be a coincidence. She was talking about getting married way later in the year compared to us, then suddenly changed her mind? It’s made me feel quite irritated actually - especially since she said she wants us there… a few days before our OWN wedding when we might want some time for ourselves!
- and the last, my fiancé booked us an amazing holiday about 6 months ago and I’m so grateful. A few days before we’re due to go away, she books a weekend trip to one of the cities that we’re going to… albeit a few days before. It’s not that famous to go to for weekend breaks or anything, and we are going to multiple cities on a cruise. I’ve spoken about it at length on my IG.

I’ve spoken to my fiancé and he doesn’t seem to understand why I might feel a bit weird. He has said to let her get on with it but it is really starting to get to me. I’m not sure if I’m just thinking too much into it or if there’s something weird going on here.
I'm getting 'Single White Female' vibes here 😬

They say that imitation is a form of flattery but it's a low blow making sure that her wedding takes place first. Then some people might think that you are copying her!
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Parents who let their kids burn, how hard is it to put sun cream on your kids?!?
Saw a little girl, about 4 today bright red across her shoulders and face poor thing.
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Tangent Tiger

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Fucking twat last night; I put on a teapot of fresh turmeric, lemon and ginger and loose teas, left it to infuse whilst I went to the shop and when I got back...he'd poured it all down the sink.
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I love how we’re ranting about noisy neighbours and the heat. We just don’t cope with summertime 😂
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Having to listen to my neighbour hammering away doing bullshit DIY at 8am.

I’ve had enough of his shit recently, next time I see that cunt on the stairs, it’s over
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I let something get under my skin at the start of the weekend and it’s got me down. The annoying thing is, I won’t even have entered the heads of the people that have upset me! They won’t think they’ve done anything rude/wrong.
I’m off work today but spending it doing stuff for/with others, when I’d really love to go off on my own for a bit.
And I’m feeling rotten health wise and mentally because I just don’t look after myself properly.
If I knew me, I probably wouldn’t like me, to be honest - I’m a wimpy doormat, far too much of a people pleaser, and I’m fat and worn out 😂
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Happy Lady

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I was born in the 50s so am a WASPI. My vent is two-fold. Why are we having to wait so long for a "proper" decision? There have been a quarter million WASPIs die since it all began, women are spending their hard earned savings already when we should have been paid pensions from the age of 60. Even Martin Lewis is on our side, and he's a financial guru. Instead, £billions are being spent on a not fit for purpose illegal immigration scheme. Gawd, I've worded that terribly, but you know what I mean.
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Drama Llamas! Someone I know posted on FB about how exhausting everything is, and said a few things that made it sound like they had a real crisis going on.
I was genuinely worried for them and sent a text message letting them know I’m here if they need anything.
Someone else went back to the FB post asking if all is ok.
They ignored my text but posted again on FB saying it was just that they had a lot of social events to attend!!!!
Honestly some people have zero awareness!!
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Rosie glow

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The area manager coming in and nit picking and tearing our store apart over silly little things, we are a small team and work so hard we are proud of our little shop. 😭
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