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Feel like I’m here complaining about a friend an awful lot (a sign I should take maybe?…) - but I really am sick of women who think of themselves as being a girls’ girl (all the ‘women supporting women!!’, ‘no pickmes!!’ etc) but when it comes to responding to achievement in someone close to them, you sense a real envy in them. Because they’ve carved this image as being ‘women supporting women!!1!!’, they won’t be your bitchy put you down type, but they will really act cold, distant, and shut off from you once they see you performing well.

I guess girls supporting girls is just a fun idea until it’s time to actually show a friend that you really do care that she’s been working hard, even if you’re not up there with her. Just think it’s a bit sad tbh, because I see it as such a weird approach for a self professed feminist. I should think female achievement would be something to celebrate, instead of giving such a cold reaction that I feel awkward and don’t want to discuss the fruits of my labours any more.

Does anyone know what I mean? Surely it’s not just me?
A former colleague is like this and is all about "championing women" on her social media. She has built a small following due to a sport that she takes part in. Based on her social media she is the life and soul of the party but in work she wouldnt even say hello or goodbye to our little work pod of 3 other woman. Even when we had something to celebrate like one of other women passed exams she wouldnt acknowledge the person. She would only speak to people that could further her career and looked down on everyone else.
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Hate how I wake up and feel so dirty face oily and muggy, hair greasey and icky hate this weather worse is I still haven’t got a tan so there isn’t even a bright side to it all
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Chatty Member
The father of my 14 year old daughter who hasn’t spoken properly to her in months, rings tonight and announces to her that his new girlfriend who she didn’t know about until tonight and hasn’t met yet, is moving in with him.

Not the first time and won’t be the last.

I couldn’t care less that he has a girlfriend, but my rant is that I’ve parented my daughter all her life with minimal input from him and have asked for virtually nothing APART from that he inform me of things in his life that might impact on my daughter and we can discuss together how to go about telling her.

I know she’s not a little child any more but things still upset her….and the situation is exasperated by years of the same bloody thing.

He never tells me when he moves house … or if he travels abroad (just in case of an emergency with our child)… or when he’s introducing a new victim girlfriend to my daughter. (Lost count of how many now)

He fails to tell me anything important EVERY SINGLE TIME, I either have to ask him or hear it second hand from a child

And today he expects me to just accept the reason he ignored my requests as he was happy and just wanted to tell her. What about every other occasion?

The disrespect!
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My ex husband putting his girlfriend before his kids. He’s never there when he’s meant to be. They’re not little kids but even so, don’t fuck me
over to get 50/50 then never be present 😡
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I saw someone secretly vaping in the airport a few weeks ago. She was sat holding a baby and vaping every now and then
That poor baby breathing in the chemicals and oils that vaping has in it. There's people being hospitalised because their lungs are getting clogged up with oil. So irresponsible to vape with a babe in arms. 😱

Vaping needs banning. Nicotine addiction should be dealt with via patches or meds. Subjecting public and family to oil clouds with nasty fake flavours should be criminal. It's not like it's a personal choice like what clothing to wear, it's polluting the air for those around 🤢
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Chatty Member
Also, my neighbour keeps moving my bins and it’s really pissing me off. His car is so big it takes up the whole of his driveway so he needs to keep using ours for access to his gate. I put the bins in the way to stop his visitors constantly walking up our drive and across our front window rather than using his drive but as a result, whenever he gets a big delivery or workmen in, he needs to move our bins. I wouldn’t mind so much but he never fucking puts them back. Today they were left right in the middle of the drive.

Plus he’s really short and can’t park properly. Twat.
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Just had the absolute misfortune of logging into my student loan account. I’ve been (involuntarily) paying off £500-£900 a month of it for the last 2 years depending on my overtime, and paying it off for 6 years in total, albeit lower amounts before my current job. So I have to have made a decent dent in it, right?
Nope, almost the exact same amount as when I left uni thanks to the horrific interest rate. I don’t know how they can get away with it and dupe students into thinking they ‘won’t notice it’- I bloody do! Yet if I’d have gone to uni one year earlier and taken the pre 2012 loan it would be a different story by now, very annoying.
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Chatty Member
People still posting positive Covid tests on Instagram.. really? Who even tests themselves anymore…who cares?
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The couple buying my house have decided, 2 months in, that they want thousands off the asking price. Erm no. Fuck off
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how fucking inconsiderate people become when there is a bit of sunshine

i have neighbours opposite 4 houses down whose garden backs to the front of our house, they are SO loud that i can hear their whole conversation like its in my bedroom. Swearing, blasting music, the women cackling like banshee’s

i get it, its weekend and warm but think of your neighbours! Im giving them to 11pm and i will be the Mumnset person who will be logging it with 101! Not putting up with this bullshit all summer.

And then another neighbour who’s bloody insists on playing football/basketball on the front lawn instead of their bloody garden! Again this at like 7/8pm- i know not late but come one, does it have to be the front!!!!
Awful! Everyones so bloody selfish these days! They all think they are number 1, their time is more important and everyone else can suffer their ignorance! Like when ppl stop their car blocking the entire street to have a conversation with someone on the path... i dont mind waiting 2 seconds or basically enough time to say "oh shit theres a car i better go bye" but continuing your fucking conversation is a piss take!
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Mini rant
-I've got a cold, hayfever, combined with terrible pelvic floor = feeling like crap
-It's too hot at night to sleep and I've been bitten about a million times this week from having the window open (I HATE SUMMER)
-ex has got himself hospitalised for the 3rd time this year (I'm not sympathetic because he is an ex alcoholic and this is the root cause). As a result my child free weekend of feeling sorry for myself due to above has gone bye-bye
-current partner is dropping hints about "I got invited to do X but not sure I can be bothered" - translation: he wants to do X but is breadcrumbing to see how I feel about it. I just told him to bloody go and stop being a fanny about it because I can see right through it and it's annoying me (v short fuse due to all of above). Now I feel like he's probably glad our child free weekend got cancelled again so he can do what he wants without feeling guilty while I am stuck at home feeling crap.

In summary, grumpy moo
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Depression. How can things be going well, the sun shining, lots of love in my life and I still feel sad. I am medicated and the good days outnumber the bad but sometimes you just wonder why.
I feel exactly the same. Sending big hugs.
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People who pretend they've never heard of Philip Schofield.

It is so pretentious when people say 'oh I've no idea who you're talking about'. Well, you're either so stuck in your own world you have no idea what's going on around you or you're being a pretentious knob.
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I'm sorry that happened, and I hope your son is ok. It's rife at my son's school, they've even made up Instagram accounts with photos of the kids in the changing rooms. I've reported it but nothing has been done.

Happy Birthday by the way!
Id be done for assault if I still had school age kids. What the actual f is happening to society 😡
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This really pisses me off too. I have found quite a few shops doing it recently.

I have quite long skinny (the only part of me that is!!!) feet. Wide fit gape on me. There should be normal and wide, not just wide.
Or they are vegan. I don’t want sweaty plastic shoes thank you
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Delia Smith

VIP Member
Not being able to get a Dr apt for 3 weeks. I called them about an issue i'm worried about. Receptionist wanted all the details but I didn't want to say everything to her. 'We only have emergency appointments. If you aren't bleeding heavily it isn't an emergency, next apt is 3 weeks today'.
Great. 3 more weeks of worry.
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Friends who forget all about you once you have a baby 🤪 Who knew once you have a baby you don’t get involved in things anymore and get ignored when you text.
Funny because all pregnancy they were saying how excited they were 🥴
Imagine people telling you not to move to a different city but then saying they’re not free for 2/3months when you ask about meeting up..
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