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Chatty Member
I’m sorry but what the FUCK is Facebook these days? Why am I seeing something so revolting. Sorry to also share this. But why is my feed just full of adverts, reels and unrelated pages that I have zero interest in? What’s the point of fb now?


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People who cancel plans last minute :mad: was supposed to meet a friend for lunch at 11:30, she's just texted (at 11am!) saying she doesn't feel well and can we do another day. I wouldn't mind but I trudged into town in this heat when I didn't need to - we were texting from 10am and she was saying how excited she was to see me then suddenly switched to being unwell
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My husband- he has an aversion to airing out the house!!

I like to open all bedroom windows upstairs when we’re all up to air out the rooms, just to get rid of the ‘morning sleep’ smell

he used to close the windows all the time which caused many bickerings 🤣

i now open and leave doors open and come down and when i go back up to tidy up the doors are all closed ( windows open) because its too ‘airy’

yes thats the whole FUCKING POINT! i want our house to smell fresh not like a swamp!
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Men who think it's appropriate to touch your waist to make you move or to get past you. GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME YOU FUCKING CREEP
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Exactly, the price hasn’t come down to reflect if it’s to do with sugar tax though.
This drives me mad, I’m a fully grown adult, if I want to drink a bottle of sugar laden pop then just let me! I’m happy to pay extra for the lovely taste of it and yes I know I sound like a sugar addicted crackhead but just hate that the state is taking MY own choice away from me. It’s not like I drink it all day every day, I just prefer the taste. We walked out of a food place recently that only sold sugar free drink options and told the manager that was the reason, stop trying to force the issue on me.
Everything is going to piss me off today as I’ve not slept because of my hayfever, currently it’s M&S only selling sandals in wide fit in certain styles - the exact style I want for my hols! Why can’t they do them in regular and wide fit!!
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When you're shopping and all the old biddies are out in force.

The ones who stop dead in the aisle as you're right behind them.
The ones who stand exactly where you want to go.
The ones who have conversations slap bang in the middle of the aisle.
The ones who leave their trollies in the middle of the aisle or at the end of an aisle so they can get what they want.
The ones who empty their purses of all their change at the till.
The ones who have about 12,000 coupons and delight in going at a mile an hour.

Those ones.

In case you haven't figured it out yet - I had all of these today. And I hate them.
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Currently have the full on rage with my chocolate teapot husband. It’s our daughters birthday tomorrow- he thought it would be nice to spend it at my parents house - they live about 2 hours away. He went out last night and stayed in a hotel - with a newborn and clingy 5 yr old who is massively acting up right now it was my actual idea of hell being here by myself when we’re away the next day. I did not sleep. Yesterday I packed for the whole family and made 7 layers of cake, made buttercream, put a wash on, put it out, went to the shops, got us dinner for when we come back, bought flowers for my mum, collected our daughter, made us dinner etc etc, went on a hunt for a sodding swim cap that’s gone missing. He has come home hanging out his arse, and half asleep, turning me into the bad guy with our 5 yr old because we have to get out the door to places and he can’t be bothered to keep on top of timings, I’m trying to get everything together, put another wash on and out (had to change the sheets last night). Make sure we’ve got everything for the cake (that daughter has been going on and on and on about since 2 January) I’m just SO angry with him. He might as well not fucking be here.
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I am absolutely sick to death of weird fucking “friends” and feeling like I’m constantly being anally shafted with no lube or a part of some kind of study to see how far someone can be pushed before they snap. The particular group of “friends” I naturally distanced from a few years ago due to a bit of weirdness and no support when I had a very traumatic split from an ex who I’d spent half my adult life with, at that time I’d supported them through similar literally dropping everything some evenings to go and make sure they were ok, when it came to me it was crickets, even when I asked (and I never ever ask) if someone could pop round as I’d be on my own for a few days because I couldn’t face leaving the house they were “too busy” (at this point no kids or particularly demanding jobs). Luckily I managed to find a new group of friends who actually wanted to go out and do stuff and were more positive, outgoing and uplifting.

Anyways my old friends did keep in touch after I buggered off in parts although the first couple of years we hardly spoke and would invite me (sometimes) to their Birthdays etc. I decided that maybe I was being too harsh and had perhaps twisted what happened and got it wrong. Last year I was asked to be a bridesmaid for one of them which I was a bit confused by as we’re far from close and I was asked face to face in front of others so I didn’t really know what to do other than say yes but then came the inevitable hen do and wedding anxiety as I didn’t really want to get fully wrapped up in the group again. A few weeks ago I paid hundreds for the hen do (including the brides costs which was split between the few) and went out for one of their Birthdays which cost me £200 and it was my Birthday last week and one of them didn’t wish me Happy Birthday at all and the other just posted it in a group chat we’re in which was a bit casual considering I’m meant to be their bridesmaid (we’ve all known each other for 20 years so they all know my Birthday and would’ve seen others wishing me hbd on socials). Now I don’t think at all that friendship is about counting pennies or favours but I just feel like I’ve been used to boost numbers on occasions where friends lack because they haven’t evolved past high school and I think it’s rude, I feel like nothing has changed from the first time I was friends with them and this may sound weird but I feel like I get treated in a lesser way and if I react then I’ll be the big bad wolf (which has happened before). I was also extremely upset by the way one of them used a racist slur and when I expressed my distaste the rest of them downplayed it. I sit and rack my brains about if it’s a me problem but I think I am quite self aware and you can’t deny seeing others get better treatment than you. I don’t have these problems with my other friends. Anyways just wanted to write it all down and get it off my chest. I look forward to seeing out the bridesmaid commitment (which I dread but will put on a brave face) and then completely distancing and moving on with my life. I absolutely need to learn to say no instead of being scared to be painted as a villain.
My ex friends were like this. Ppl grow and change. I know i changed and maybe that caused the rift.
I was the party girl, i was confident, loud, i knew all the best places to go, i used to get backstage passes and after party shows. I was fun to be around.
I went through a breakup and basically became utterly depressed. During my healing i realised things about myself and i ended up being a boring introvert, who hates going out, just likes a simple life. I got a good job, a big house and appeared to have a lot going for me.

I noticed these friends werent there for me. My failures were picked over and my successes were ignored or treated with jealousy. I started to absolutely dread seeing them. I was so withdrawn because i literally couldnt even tell them about a £2 bargain vase without a snarky comment about how nice it must be to have a spare £2... despite the fact they were absolutely not on the bones of their arses and COULD afford it, it was just another opportunity to shit on me.

I hid the fact i bought a new car.... i literally parked it on the street when they came round 😂 because i just didnt want the earache about it.

Anyway i distanced myself, became less available, stopped replying. Then there was an event where something really mean was said and i just went home and never spoke to them again

My life is so much more peaceful. I have friends who build each other up and support each other. I dont need bullshit friends
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People who practically glue themselves onto your heels in a queue. What do they think will happen if they leave a tiny bit of space 🙄?

On a similar note, I was going up an escalator earlier today, I was standing to one side so people could pass if they wanted to. It was very quiet. Apart that is from the woman who was just short of climbing on my back. I didn't realise she was there until I stepped off and she was on my heels - WTF!

I put it down to stupidity. It must not have even occurred to her to simply pass by me instead of gluing herself onto me. I am laughing now thinking how ridiculous it must have looked, just two people on the escalator with hardly an inch of space between them!
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My friend has a small candle business. Its a hobby because shes a bit of a yummy. I would be surprised if it covers its costs let alone pays the bills but I digress.
At first, I supported her, bought a new candle whenever she had a new range, bought them for presents etc - just to add I dont use candles hardly so like 1 candle normally would be enough.
A few ppl in the group are similar to me bought a few, a few have never bought any and remain quiet whenever its mentioned and one pretty much buys a candle per week!
Im all for friends supporting friends BUT shes constantly bringing it up awkwardly in group chats and when we go out. She'll out and out ask me if im skint coz i havent bought one in a while. And i dont want to be horrible but I just want to say i have enough!!! I dont need any more sodding candles!
Ugh. She wants your money.
I see two options:

1) Tell her to shove the candles up her arse
2) tell her that you don’t have room for any more candles (I’d probs go for this one)

This is fast becoming my favourite thread 🤣😆😇
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The amount of people I've seen walk out of the toilets without washing their hands. They don't even attempt to pretend, just straight up walk out. Dirty bastards.
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The working day is too long. Im good till about 2pm, maybe even 3pm if i knew i was going home. Beyond that is too much. Im tired, i want to go home!!!
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When you’re waiting at the bar (also same at checkouts in supermarket and they open up another till) and you’re next in the order of people who have been waiting. They say who’s next and the absolute dicksplash who has just got there gives their order and ignores your existence. Fair enough if I was dilly dallying but I’m on the ball mate, hope you choke on your drink (or your milk spills all over the boot of your car if you’re the queue jumping supermarket dicksplash). So bloody rude!
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I’m so tired all the time 😢 I think low mood isn’t helping, plus work is mentally really draining lately.
But I feel like I could quite easily sleep the day away if I was allowed to, and I’d still be tired afterwards!
It’s really annoying just having zero energy or enthusiasm.
I feel like I need a health overhaul of mind and body!
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I'm on the bus with SIX very small children from different families all sitting on their own seats, while several adults are standing. Two of them are elderly, and one is an old woman with a walking stick! Why can't any of these little kids sit on their parent's lap? They are all aged 4 or under. Why aren't the parents embarrassed to let older people stand? I swear I hate what society has become. Sounds melodramatic, but I just wish we had some universal manners and decorum like we did in decades past.
Someone commented on a photo of me and said "oooh is there an announcement coming soon? 👶❤"
I said absolutely not, I've obviously just hit the all inclusive buffet too hard.
How absolutely mortifying and down right fucking rude 😭.
Deleted and blocked.
That's so rude of them, I'm sorry that happened to you.
Men taking their shirts off just because it's hit 20c.
1. There is no need
2. No one needs to see your gut hanging over your shorts. It's gross.
3. For the 'fitter' ones, most people still aren't interested
4. Bloody double standards. I couldn't even walk around in a bra, never mind topless.
I bloody hate men in summer, they get to walk around topless while my clothes stick to my sweat, and they get to pee wherever they like at the campsite/festival, when I have to queue for half an hour to get into a portaloo that has someone else's shit in it.
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I was dropping my son off at a friend's house and a pedestrian (older woman) just shouted at me "do you know how to drive". I've no idea why. I literally wasn't doing anything wrong.

I just feel like people have become so pointlessly aggressive in the last few years. It gets me down as I'm really sensitive and this will upset me for the rest of the day even though I know I should brush it off.

I've had a bad week since having a major panic attack on Monday which lasted all afternoon and just spoilt the rest of the week. I feel like I'm trying so hard with everyone - my family, my children, my colleagues, trying to do a good job and be a good human and I just wonder what is the point of it all when there seems to be so many people around who just spread negative energy and pain.
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My builder “fired me” today before doing any work because I had the gall to ask him - based on his telling me on tuesday that he would have the main work done “in the next couple of weeks” - if I could schedule the kitchen fitter for the 22nd June. He’s apparently going to dump the RSJ on my drive and wash his hands of the job he agreed to do two months ago. So I am back to square one, after two months of politely asking for costs for various items and getting nothing back. All - I believe - because I haven’t gone with any of his ‘preferred suppliers’ aka mates as they were extortionate. Could have screamed in the IKEA car park when I got the message earlier. What a waste of my time.
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My boy is in nursery today and I’m working from home doing a phased return after being off for PND and other reasons and my oh calls me asking “how’s my child free day going?”😵💫😂 so I said “how’s your child free day?” He then went off on one about how he’s in work etc and I replied “same, I’m working too so why did you ask such a stupid question?” 🙃🙄
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