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Oooof. Just found out via social media that an old friend has just got married, in the group photos all my other old friends in common with the married friend are there, smiling. I didn't get an invite/know it was happening, however some people in that picture had left our old friendship group before I did, so likely they've all rekindled friendship without me. We all knew each other from a community group we all belonged to about 5 years ago that since disbanded. One of the attendees who was also part of that group years ago is coincidentally my colleague right now at work. So she hasn't mentioned this at all. I saw her today as well! Bloody hell. I feel like I seem to be the only one of the group not invited. We never left under a cloud, the group just drifted apart. Fine, whatever, just it seems everyone else has been keeping in touch.

Kind of hurts, actually. I wish the bride well and I am not entitled to being invited, but I do seem to be the only one and I'm local and we had no beef with each other at any point. Now I'm sat thinking did I do something wrong?! 😬

Ranting here to get it of my chest because if I talk to my colleague about it I'll just sound crazy. 😢
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.Exactly we are adults. If someone goes into Greggs like I have seen and orders 5 or 6 items just for them they KNOW it's not like having a piece of lightly grilled salmon, a salad and some grapes.. It;s not healthy we get it. It's not that they dont know when they make these food choices or quantity choices, its that they DONT CARE!
I feel the same about calories on menus. I don’t need to be told how many calories something has. I’m well aware the burger will have more than the salad. Let me eat my burger in peace
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I know you don’t give to receive and this is probably really petty but I gave my friend a £20 voucher for her birthday and she hasn’t even sent me a message wishing me happy birthday
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New neighbour cut down parts of our shared shrubbery…. Threw all the birds nests in the bin. He is apparently a conservationist… and he destroyed all the nests in our shrubs which is illegal!
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Flew back from holiday yesterday- booked a taxi transfer and the bloke turns up half hour late, we’re stressed that we’ll miss our flight and he doesn’t even apologise, then we say to him we don’t have time to stop at the market/shop bit where they force all the tourists to stop halfway, he said no we have to, I want breakfast!
so we stop there after him almost crashing into about 5 lorries from texting various women on WhatsApp, by this point it’s 1 hour until our checkin desk closes and still 50 minutes to the airport- 20 minutes late he’s totally disappeared, bf found him round the back eating an ice cream, and he has to nerve to say ‘why so stressed, it’s just a flight’!! Then he was so angry with us that he turned the air con off for the rest of the journey🙃
I have never wanted to punch anyone as much as I wanted to punch this bloke.
Luckily (I would never normally say that) the whole airport computer system went down just before we got there so check in got delayed by 2 hours, but my god I’ve never been so stressed in my life!

And the second part… bf wanders off (he tends to do that) as the airport staff said it could be hours until it’s fixed- half hour later it’s back up and working, I get to the front of the queue and I’m the last person to check in before it closes, checkin lady is saying I have to hurry- he’s nowhere to be seen and he has his passport with him- can’t call or text him as our phones wouldn’t work without an add on- I’m screaming his name hoping he’ll hear me, finally I see his stupid little head above the crowd, and then I see why he’s been so long… he’s carrying a Burger King bag 🙃 again, wanted to punch him almost as much as the taxi driver.
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Snobs!! I'm upper working class single mum. The other mums at her ballet class make me feel so inferior, laughing about how some people can only afford haven holidays and kids called things like clementine and bluebelle. My daughter has been going to ballet for over a year & they still all refuse to talk to me because I'm not in their clique
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Chatty Member
The way the receptionist at the doctors announces as loudly as she possibly can the problem someone has booked an appointment for.

I now know that sitting in front of me is Christine Smith who was born on 2nd June 1947 has swollen ankles and is urinating frequently. 🙄
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My husband is asking for my opinion on worktops and sinks etc. Then complaining that the ones I like are £££. Don't fucking ask for my opinion then. Dickhead 🙄😂
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Lack of empathy

I’m a sahm which I realise is a very privileged position but that doesn’t takeaway from it being a full time job and quite challenging. I still breastfeed through the night and I haven’t had a full nights sleep in 3 years and I’m awake from around 4am most days. I also do a lot of volunteer work with our toddler in tow. And I run our property while my husband works. I look after all the animals and plants. It’s a lot. I realise this is all a choice but I want to rant about my husband. Whenever I say I’m tired or it’s really hard to get household/farm jobs done with a toddler around he just says that he would find it easy and I can go back to work. That’s not possible for our situation both financially and logistically. I just feel so unseen and that my situation is not valid. I feel like I can never talk to anyone about it in real life because I always have our toddler and I don’t want to speak negatively about my husband in front of her. Thanks for reading my rant. I needed to get that out.
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I've spent the past hour sifting through all my old photos, going back 15 years. I'm strangely disappointed that I was always a pretty girl when I was younger, when I thought I was intolerably hideous. I mean I used to walk around looking right down at the pavement in case I accidentally saw myself in a shop window, because I hated myself so much.

It's an emotional headfuck to look back all those years and see how I really looked. I know this might seem like a strange thing to moan about, but it's made me feel so strange and sad, realising how I never could see what I had.
The in laws were going to have the kids and had booked to take them swimming. The little one had a bad night with earache and they felt quite warm so possibly feverish so I said it was best if they gave swimming a miss today . The in laws decided not to see them at all. So I have 2 very disappointed kids today who don't understand why they haven't gone to their grandparents. They rarely have any contact with them so God knows when they'll see each other again.

I know I've done the right thing by cancelling swimming in a public pool when one of them is feeling a bit poorly but I feel so deflated.
Why would the grandparents behave like that? That's so horrible.
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Chatty Member
My husband.

We’re travelling tomorrow.
House is a tip.
Not packed yet.
I have work to do so will have to log on for a few hours.
Toddler to look after.

He decides to invite his parents over TODAY.

I’M RAGING!!!!!!
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Ahhh that's annoying. I always go for a cup of tea or something if I don't want pudding, that way allowing time for those who do want to have pudding. It is strange how quickly a whole table of people fold on pudding when one says "nahh I don't fancy a pudding".
Yeah I think it's because there's a feeling that having pudding is being greedy! So when one person says they don't want it, everyone else is thinking "actually yeah maybe it'd be a bit greedy to have it".

I did once have pudding when no one else did and it was really awkward because when it came out, everyone was staring and saying things like: "wow that looks so good! It looks so sweet! How does it taste?" etc. Felt like I was some kind of entertainment. Never again. 🤣
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It's probably their husbands money paying for the luxury holidays and he's probably knocking off the secretary.
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Parents that allow their kids to shriek and scream in the garden without even a reminder to keep the volume down. I’ve no problem whatsoever with kids playing, I had young kids once. But jeez the need to shout at each other when they are in the same garden drives me nuts.
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There is a man in my friend group who Will. Not. Stop. making rape jokes. It's every single time we hang out. There are people there who go on about how they always call out misogyny, but they never say a word to him about this. In fact one of the women has started joining in with him! I absolutely hate it. Last time we hung out, when I heard about 3 rape "jokes" in one day (all just about how he wanted to rape someone, or which of the women he thought had been raped), I snapped and told him it was awful.

He got really defensive and raised his voice (for context, I am a woman 15 years younger than him), but NONE of our mutual friends stepped in. In private everyone told me they agreed with me, but not ONE of them would say it to his face. I am really angry and feel burned out on this friendship group. It is a shame because I have really enjoyed these friendships, but I am so angry and think they are bloody cowards.
First of all, well done you for saying something! It's not easy to do especially when nobody else will. You definitely don't need a friend like him.
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People who light fires in there garden in the middle of a boiling hot day!!!!!!

Same with people who decided now the weather is nice I’ll do an outdoor project that requires all the power tools known to man.

Just want to relax in peace and have my washing out on a nice day without it smelling of smoke!
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My husband defends himself for his bad memory by worrying theres something wrong with him, but not going to a gp. He doesnt seem to realise that hes absolutely ignorant and doesnt listen
My husband claims to listen but that he doesn't remember and that his memory has always been an issue and why didn't do great at exams in school.

Funny that he can remember every Liverpool result from about 1982 onwards but can't remember our plans for the weekend, that I asked him to unload the dishwasher or where he moved my trainers to...
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“My uncle went for his checkup and the cancers back, it’s terminal, found out today, he was meant to babysit for me and now he’s not, honestly why does everything bad happen to me!”

*Insert disgusted rant about narc friend here*
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