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Rosie glow

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Noisy neighbours is the worst thing about summer. You go into your garden to have a nice relaxing sunbathe, read, whatever and BAM! they start hammering or like others have mentioned windows open music blaring. So inconsiderate it pisses me right off!
I feel you're pain we are lucky in the respect we don't get the music but our neighbours have a constant yapping dog that starts everytime we go outside and they never stop it and they let their kids constantly scream and shout and their cat mess and rabbits attract all the big blue bottle flies which I get in our house if I'm stupid enough to think I can have my windows or doors open
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Bloody in laws.
Mother in law wanted to have a bbq for her birthday but her house is small so we offered to have it at ours. So did a big shop (she did pay us for the food), spent the morning cleaning, did all the salad and potatoes and jazz while hubby did the BBQ, barely sat down, barely spoke to anyone, then they all left and we had to wash up and clean 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ They were all gobby before today about pitching in, feeling bad for leaving it all to us, telling me they’d help….but nope. Just lounge around, eat all the food, drink the drink and then fuck off 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Greggs are the worst, we went in a couple of weeks ago waited in the queue for about 15 minutes to be told when we got to the counter oh there's no more bacon it's just gone in the oven now it will be 20 minutes they were prioritising uber deliveries as usual and left nothing for walk in customers.
Why oh why can't they cook when they start running out instead of completely running out.

This is really starting to piss me off. I've had this in Toby, Costa and Greggs recently. Staff running around like headless chickens trying to do online orders and leaving customers just standing there twiddling their thumbs waiting.

Last time I went to Toby I had actually booked a table in advance. Got there and it was 'we don't have this meat and that meat' and when I get to the carvery they're busy stuffing takeaway/ delivery orders.
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My daughters dad!😤 He is trying to worm his way out of buying our daughter any summer clothes for HIS holiday that she goes on in July for 2 weeks! Yes he pays maintenance but even so he should provide some to keep at his and usually my daughter takes items from each house when she goes away with him and I am fine with it, but she has none that fit her at his! But he will happily buy/pay for a stepson that isn’t his 🤔He told her she shouldn’t have thrown her clothes away (which she had outgrown for reference) he’s a narcissist & thick as mince 🙄😏 #coparentingsucks
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Competitive busyness in retirement. Both my mum and MIL talk at length about how busy they have been since retiring. It then transpires that a "busy day" involves a trip to the opticians / doctors / call from an insurance company etc. None of which takes more than an hour.

Are they kidding me, themselves or has their sense of time warped? 🤔
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I'm annoying myself so much, why am I so awkward. I always feel so weird after interactions with others and it's particularly evident at work. For example, I go to a meeting which goes well, I answer all questions people have for me, provide advice, they say thanks for your help, etc. What goes through my head all day after?
- did they think I'm an idiot?
- was I unprofessional?
- were they sarcastic saying I was helpful?
- did I say the wrong advice?

Etc. How tf do I stop this
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So last night I was out for food with a group of friends. It was a nice restaurant. I was wearing a dress which had long sleeves and a piece cut out in the middle at the front but cleavage was tasteful. We’d only been in there 10 mins. I noticed this old man at the other end of the restaurant staring at me who was with his wife and didn’t think much of it. Until…. He got up to exit which meant walking past our table, stopped and stared at me in the most unsettling manner I’ve ever received in all my life, it was so uncomfortable and filled with contempt I’m sure he must have mistaken me perhaps for an ex daughter-in-law who did his son dirty because it was so odd! After a couple of seconds I was like “what are you staring at you weirdo” and he continued, then started walking off to turn back around and do it again, his wife (I assume) then came and put her hand on his back and rubbed it and they pissed off. It was the weirdest experience ever and I can’t stop thinking about it! Had I not been blocked in the table I think I would’ve got up and lamped the pair of them, especially her for enabling her weirdo husband, if I was old and my husband was staring at young women in any kind of manner I’d be stabbing him with a steak knife not giving him a reassuring back pat!!!

I don’t think it was his disapproval of my outfit because most of my friends were dressed a lot more revealing than me as were many other women in the restaurant. Honestly was so weird and made me want to move from feminism to rad-feminism because how dare he think it’s acceptable to behave in such a threatening and unwanted manner. Stupid old fart.
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Chatty Member
I feel like my options are:

Stop accepting additional work until her workload matches mine - if she complains, I have proof.

Raise again with Management - ask for something more to be done.

Leave (which I don't want to do because I'm due redundancy when I inevitably finish - this team is only required for a few years)

Any advise?
The fact that she 'conveniently forgets' screams that she knows what she's doing and see how long she can get away with it!

I'd definitely do a mixture of your first two options, you have more work going on than her (which you can prove) so there's no reason she can't get on with her own stuff without constantly asking you.

Management seems shit if they're refusing to pass on the message to her, so keep raising to management and logging these meetings.
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I might have become a little immune to them but I'm sure some of the biggest increase in normal weekly purchases has been over this last 3 weeks. Lost count how many times I've picked something up, noticed the price, 😳 "I'm not paying that!" & put it back. Shopping takes so much longer these days 🤦‍♀️
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Ugh. She wants your money.
I see two options:

1) Tell her to shove the candles up her arse
2) tell her that you don’t have room for any more candles (I’d probs go for this one)

This is fast becoming my favourite thread 🤣😆😇
She's literally just put in the group chat a 20% off code. Valid until sunday.... the tumbleweed 😂
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The way the receptionist at the doctors announces as loudly as she possibly can the problem someone has booked an appointment for.

I now know that sitting in front of me is Christine Smith who was born on 2nd June 1947 has swollen ankles and is urinating frequently. 🙄
That is really bad. It's like this meme in real life but worse

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Yeah it's annoying with illness. At my work it seems to be that people stay at home if they think it might be COVID, otherwise they go to the office (despite the fact that they don't have to, we still predominantly WFH). This is how I ended up with the worst flu ever over Xmas and couldn't do anything, felt a lot worse than when I had COVID.
My hairdresser said to me a while back that she gets people coming in, coughing and spluttering, saying to her, don't worry it's not covid. Well no, maybe it's not but it's still something she doesn't want to catch from them.
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This is very first world but when you’re stood in a queue and the person in front doesn’t know what they want but just stand there deciding instead of letting you go in front who does know
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Have mentioned to my partner at least twice this week that we're having a BBQ on Bank Holiday Monday. Just sent me a WhatsApp asking if we're having a BBQ today because the kids mentioned it.

His memory has been shocking recently and I'm trying to be nice but good lord 😖
My husband defends himself for his bad memory by worrying theres something wrong with him, but not going to a gp. He doesnt seem to realise that hes absolutely ignorant and doesnt listen
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My son got jumped while leaving school. All the little fuckers from the school recorded it and it's going like wildfire on Snapchat. Thankfully hes ok and managed to get a good few punches into the little fuckers head. The school are a sack of shit, like usual. Police are going to write up a report then call us back (that won't happen 🙄).
Oh and it's my birthday , I hate birthdays anyway but particularly hate this one 🤭
I'm sorry that happened, and I hope your son is ok. It's rife at my son's school, they've even made up Instagram accounts with photos of the kids in the changing rooms. I've reported it but nothing has been done.

Happy Birthday by the way!
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I'm like this with my mum get on but too much time it grates the relationship. Then you see friends that go out drinking with their mums and hoildays and your left thinking what are we doing wrong.
i feel like this about my relationship with my Mum too when i see all these people close with their Mums doing holidays and days out.
i have always been 2nd best to both my brother (and to a certain extent my cousins) - everything they do is marvellous. I think it all boils down to i have nothing in common with my Mum we are such different people (i was quite rebellious and alternative as a youngster quite 'regular' these days with a very convential life and job but there are still glimmers of naughty grumpy there!
Me and my brother have together been helping her with some legal stuff and our last visit to the solicitors she said hes so been so good to me recently about my brother when weve both helped equally. it really pissed me off as I thought great make out i do nothing for you ! Forgetting all the times mr grumpy has been round to fix her heating, lights radiators etc at the drop of a hat! and ive been to dr/hospital appts and picked her up .
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Not being able to get a Dr apt for 3 weeks. I called them about an issue i'm worried about. Receptionist wanted all the details but I didn't want to say everything to her. 'We only have emergency appointments. If you aren't bleeding heavily it isn't an emergency, next apt is 3 weeks today'.
Great. 3 more weeks of worry.
Why don't you try 111 ... they may have something sooner.

I was in the doctors this morning and an elderly lady came in saying she'd been to see a pharmacist that morning who had recommended she see a doctor urgently as she had something on her leg that looked infected and pussy and it was very sore. Receptionist was bust saying that had nothing for several days and she needed to head to a walk in centre. Poor woman looked liked it had taken all her effort to get to the Dr and she said all the walk in centres were difficult for her to get to.

She'll probably leave it now and end up getting ambulanced to hospital with a serious infection :mad:
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The couple buying my house have decided, 2 months in, that they want thousands off the asking price. Erm no. Fuck off
Noooo! I had buyers try that with me once after a catalogue of annoying demands. They wanted to view multiple times but demanded I not be home and after the 4th or 5th demand (they were not requests), I said no. They then demanded all the white goods, my nice light fittings and some furniture. There were numerous other delays which are too boring to go into but they were FTB so I tried to be tolerant. Then after we’d limped to the point of exchange, they said they wanted 10k off. I was furious and did actually tell them to fuck off. It was irritating, but they subsequently lost their 100% mortgage offer and couldn’t then buy so tough tit.

It‘s outrageous that people can pull these stunts. Well done for telling them to do one.
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Queue one again….why do people push their trolleys right up to the back of your feet?
I was side by side with my daughter (so we didn’t make the queue longer, we had a trolley each as buying heavy furniture), the person behind moved every inch she did, in the end I just made her go in front of me incase he caught the back of her legs, just don’t see the need to close in so close to people! Give people space!
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