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'are you in the queue'?
No I'm standing here with a trolley full of food pointed in the direction of a till just for the fun of it.
This reminds me of being in the queue in Primark on Oxford St a few years ago. It's always busy and always really warm 😁. I'm standing patiently melting slightly when a man with two teenagers in tow, tried to barge past me. I said I'm in the queue / this is a queue and they thought this was hilarious for some reason 🤷‍♀️ but moved back to where they should be. Like wtf did they think I was doing? Admiring the view while standing in a long line of people, near the cash registers?
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Inconsiderate fuckers that park in the hatched off area next to the end disabled space closest to supermarket entrance. Absolutely no thought whatsoever that there maybe a wheelchair user/elderly person with a frame etc. being helped back in to the passenger seat of the car that they've just parked right next to. Boils my piss, I see it far too often & I'm gonna explode at someone one day, & it will not be pretty! 💐

Ooh! I do feel better for that! 🤗
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I feel like I'm just living for weekends and it's so depressing, the maladaptive daydreams of winning the lottery and swanning off travelling have increased 🤣
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My rant is about my ‘dad’.

He has worked abroad for 20+ years.
Decided that he wants to sell the family home as he wants to retire abroad. The house is in his and my mums name, 50:50 split. Says he will sign over his share of the deed in my name and my siblings names if we pay him £120k as he wants the cash asap vs waiting for the house to sell and get a larger sum.

He never let my mum work as she was expected to raise us and he would ‘provide’. He has set himself up nicely with a comfortable pension and my mum gets nothing. He won’t divorce because he expects to still have access to the house for when he comes over for medical treatment which is just nonsense.

I live in a different city and have a baby so its just been very stressful as today alone he has come up with several different ‘offers’ he is willing to accept as well as changing his mind to say he’ll just list the house for sale instead despite my mum not consenting.

I’m going to have to call solicitors tomorrow to get some advice as its just so messy.
He can’t sell the house without your Mums consent, he’s bluffing.
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Why don't you try 111 ... they may have something sooner.

I was in the doctors this morning and an elderly lady came in saying she'd been to see a pharmacist that morning who had recommended she see a doctor urgently as she had something on her leg that looked infected and pussy and it was very sore. Receptionist was bust saying that had nothing for several days and she needed to head to a walk in centre. Poor woman looked liked it had taken all her effort to get to the Dr and she said all the walk in centres were difficult for her to get to.

She'll probably leave it now and end up getting ambulanced to hospital with a serious infection :mad:
And old people don't like to cause a fuss. Some are getting so isolated and must be left feeling that no one cares if they live or die with all the bureaucracy, (computer says no).
Where is the humanity?
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It’s been soooo muggy tonight. 20 degrees is great. 27 is taking the PISS
My Hayfever is so bad tonight I can barely see and can’t catch my breath which is making me panic which then makes breathing even harder 😩
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I'm so itchy all over and it is driving me mad. I can't focus on anything. Idk if it's hay-fever or my psoriasis but I'm constantly scratching and then bleeding because I'm scratching 😩😭
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School holidays. I know I know you only have so many summers with your kids 🤢 I get it I should be thrilled but I’m not. Teens here and both off since Friday for the summer.
it’s the eating breakfast when we’ve already eaten. The constant head in the fridge/pantry and then it really hinders the aul sex life 🤣🤣They are up later, can appear at any stage during the day.
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My husband is in A&E. He was in A&E last night but rather than look into the cause they just treated the symptoms and of course when the medication wore off he’s back there again. I’m at home because our 3yo is asleep in bed, his best mate is with him sending me updates so I’m just sitting at home exhausted (because the 3yo was awake half the night last night), crying and expecting bad news.
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I could have written this, I have exactly the same relationship with my mum. I don't particularly enjoy spending time with her and we're just such different people. In all honesty, if she wasn't my mum, I probably wouldn't have a relationship with her at all.

I often feel guilty, like you say, about it but in all honesty, I have just kind of accepted it and now when I see her, I try and arrange activities for us to do so we're not just sat looking at each other, I'm polite but I don't go out of my way to push the relationship.. x
I’m like this with my Mum too, it makes me feel bad but I can’t help it. Her and my Dad’s relationship growing up was terrible and she had me and my siblings young so she was very emotionally immature. She was horrendous when her and my Dad split up, which was her fault because she cheated on him, and she spent years constantly badmouthing him every time I saw her which made me avoid speaking to her a lot. I moved out when I was 16 to get away from it and have had a pretty hard time being in shitty relationships and unpicking a lot of stuff but I think I’m getting there. She prides herself on my achievements, particularly when it comes to lording it over her sister’s kids who haven’t achieved much but she forgets to remind people I moved out with my pedalo drug dealing boyfriend at the time to escape a very toxic environment and I’ve curated my own life through trauma and the strength of overcoming it.

From my last couple of posts on here it is becoming abundantly clear I am carrying a lot of baggage and could do with a therapist 😂. Who needs a therapist when you have Tattle?!
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There’s been a spider in my bedroom for the past few days. Usually I’m pretty scared of them and need to get rid ASAP but this one stayed in the same place and was quite high up and out of the way so I let it be.

I woke up this morning and it’s gone. I look all around my room and can’t see it anywhere. I had a slight panic but thought whatever, it’ll appear again soon. I go to pick up and wear my zip-up hoodie which has been sat on a small storage chest in my bedroom but something tells me the spider has burrowed itself in there.

Clearly I’m overreacting because what are the chances? There’s no way the spider is on my clothes that I’m about to wear because that’d just be horrific bad luck since my biggest fear about them is having them on me.

Yeah, you guessed it. I pick up the hoodie, lift the arm up and it comes crawling out!! Spider is now swimming with the fishes and I’ve been on edge ever since, freaking out whenever my hair brushes my skin.

What a great start to the day🙃
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Rosie glow

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Selfish people who sit at the pumps or parking spaces at busy garages when they have finished
Had to nip in to tesco express with a petrol station on way home, absolutely rammed saw someone getting in to car in one of the parking spaces waited behind for them to move wouldn't move finally got a space and they literally just sat in the car in a space I think having a frigging picnic they had obviously got fuel and been to the shop and just bloody sat there while people are queuing out on to the road selfish pricks
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I’m sure some are oblivious to their own dogs barking. We have one who I’m sure is left out most of the day, why does she have the dog if she shuts it out? Throughout the day you hear different people now and then shouting SHUT UP!!! 😂
I used to hear a dog near me barking all night. It was some kind of bulldog, and, despite not being a dog owner, I could tell it was frightened of the foxes slinking around during the night, and wanted to be inside the house.
Finally heard the owner one night open the window and snarl horribly at it to shut up. Then it was gone, where to who knows. Probably didn't fit the owners tough, tattooed image to have a "wimpy" dog.
I can't understand these owners kicking a dog out in the freezing cold. It was a lovely dog. Hope it's somewhere nice now and that he didn't have it put down...
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People who tailgate me in a car park then look annoyed when I stop to reverse into a space need to get in the fucking bin.
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Have mentioned to my partner at least twice this week that we're having a BBQ on Bank Holiday Monday. Just sent me a WhatsApp asking if we're having a BBQ today because the kids mentioned it.

His memory has been shocking recently and I'm trying to be nice but good lord 😖
What gets me is they are so adamant that you never said anything , it’s got to the stage where I am seriously considering recording some conversations 🙄
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By parenting I mean making sure we get out the door and checking cheekiness (which is a major challenge with the 5 yr old right now). I just have to keep nagging her and you can see it’s sending her towards him. Doing my head in.

he’s usually fine and I would say we are 60/40 of not quite 50/50 (no one is ever 50/50), but today he’s just useless and has just told me when he gets to my parents he is going for a nap.

He’s going for a nap ?! Why can’t you go for a nap ? You’ve been looking after a new born and a child, his tiredness is self inflicted.
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Someone keeps sticking dog poo in the apartment letterboxes. Despite there being CCTV everywhere around the entrance, they haven't been able to identify the culprits. I don't know why we can't just fill in the slots with mesh or something, and get the postie to drop all the mail off to the apartment building managers to sort and distribute.

I'm so sick to death of all the crime around here ... it's starting to feel extremely safe, night after night.
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You don’t need to keep an open mind about this kind of traveller. They cause crime, damage and destruction wherever they go. They fly tip, vandalise barriers and gates and cost local councils a fortune. I live quite close to where poor PC Harper was killed. Friends in the police tell that travellers are responsible for a huge amount of the rural crime.
They tapped into the water supply where I live and the water went black. So that was helpful 🙄
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So many things but mainly dickhead of a bro in law (husband's younger brother) and his wife that ignored me the whole day during a family outing with in-laws at the weekend, they barely said one word to my 5 yr old kid (their nephew) and no one in the family thinks it's strange. Mentioned it to hubby on way home in the car and he ignored me too, as if I hadn't spoken. I'm racking my brains what I've done to offend them, they ignore me at all gatherings, luckily don't see them very often but it's been twice in a month this time I've had to be in their company and they act like I'm invisible. I used make a massive effort before and ask questions, make a joke, engage with their two kids, and still nothing. Now i just smile politely.

Had it out with hubby today about it. He needs to at least engage in a conversation about it when I bring it up instead of pretending not to hear me.
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