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Elle Woods

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My boyfriend has pissed me off, what's new :ROFLMAO: There was some burnt on food on the frying pan after dinner last night, so I left it on top of the hob with some hot water and washing up liquid to soak with the intention of washing it up properly this morning. Go down this morning to find all the non-stick has been scratched off because my boyfriend thought the solution to the problem was to scrape it all off with a kitchen knife! And he can't see why I'm annoyed
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Have been job hunting for months, sent out hundreds of cvs and so far haven't obtained a job in my field again! I feel like a failure
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People who make life one big competition and are never happy for anyone else they deem doing better?! Cannot abide it... I don't deal with people like that anymore... Nothing better than your nearest and dearest doing well.. I pity people who live their life like that
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I hate, hate, hate the UK's RSPCA. Several years ago we called them out at work because there was a sick fox. The inspector turned up and said the fox is dying but he didn't want to waste a bullet (I think they have gas guns) so he was just going to club it to death. Luckily I work with proper geezer lads and they were not having it.
Since then I've had issues with them not coming out for our travelling friends ponies. Can't stand the arseholes now.
I have to say our local police force is pretty good as I complained about my caravanned friends who's long haired dog was kept in the sun in a crate they went and saw them straightaway.
we called them once about a local swan in distress and the geezer turned up n said I'm not going in the little shallow river. I dont have my waders etc.. erm did we not tell you WTF the swan was?

RSPCA do not love animals from all accounts I have heard.
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You get to a certain age and unless you’re getting married, having a baby or are stunning and get loads of make attention, you’re just invisible. Even amongst your friends. It’s so stupid but it’s really hurtful 😔
Believe me I hear this loud and clear.

Not everyone is like that - there are those of us who are forging a less well-trodden path and our lives are just as valid. You're not alone and you're not invisible xxx
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My mothers partner. Her relationship with her partner is affecting us - I’m in my early 20s so still live at home but I’m working and saving up, I also look after her as she doesn’t leave the house and has barely gone out since covid so struggles a lot with depression etc and is also in chronic pain as well as thyroid issues. Her partner is very toxic and nasty to her and doesn’t grasp these issues - they’ve been together for years and all I see is frustration and aggression on his side. My mum found out on Wednesday she has to get a cataract as she’s going blind, and got the letter about a pre op appointment in two weeks but the place is far and would involve a lot of travelling - as someone who goes out rarely and when she does it’s not far this is a bit problem. He dropped everything the other day to visit a friend in another city, and has been banging on about said friend ever since - he has a car and can drive and she can’t. She mentioned her eyes to him and the first thing he said is ‘well you have a railcard’, when I told him he could give a lift he got very aggressive to me as usual and was asking me repeatedly what is my issue. This has been really upsetting me to be honest, i know he won’t look after her if her health does decline seriously, he is not caring and he is nasty and I know she’ll be better off without him. I want her to leave him, I don’t know what to do we watching him be like that to her is so hard.
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A shocked rant.
Nearly killed a young dog in my journey home.
I was just thinking what a lovely dog (young black lab) and looked at the owner who was staring at his mobile and holding a loose lead.
All of a sudden the dog's in the road, the dog had nowhere to go when the owner didn't stop and walked round some bins all while still not lifting his head from his phone. 😮🤬.
I had to swerve into a head on situation and everything carried on as though I'd dreamt it. No one stopped. Everybody carried on, the owner was oblivious.
I wanted to turn round and punch the owner but I couldn't and now I just want to bawl at what an awful world we live in. 😭😭😭😭
If I'm being sensible I'd be telling myself it's just triggered ptsd from a previous rta. To just get over it, this is the world we live in and no one cares apart from Tattlers. 😞
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malibu skies

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My mum always feels the need to comment when I’m having a skin flare up. It’s my face, I’m well aware of what it looks/feels like and having it pointed out only makes me feel a million times worse
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My mum. I take her to the shops weekly. She knows I come straight from school and she's never ready. I've got other stuff to be getting on with after taking and bringing her home. She's usually making herself a cup of tea or eating her porridge! I text her and said I'm on my way. Then text her and said I'm outside. I'm going to have to go in and then she'll take another 20 mins pottering around, getting her bag.I could have been at the shop by now. Then at the shop she is so slow and looks at everything 😂. I usually don't mind as much but I have so much to do today
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Sorry but I just don't get mothers/fathers day. I don't get celebrated on daughter day. I didn't ask to be born. So why should I have to buy shit and celebrate you when that's what your birthday is for?????
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I would like to have a rant about this pedestrian who has been jailed for the cyclist falling into the road and being killed by a driver.

I've got a lot of sympathy for everyone involved in this case, especially the car driver. Cos no doubt they would have been the ones facing jail if they hadn't found this lassie who shouted and swore at the cyclist.

And not to trivialise whats happened but getting jailed for 3yrs for shouting and swearing seems a bit extreme.

I care for my 86yr old mum and passed my driving test in my 50s to be able to get her out and about.

Cyclists are an absolute pest. One day, I was trying to get my mum out the car and a cyclist coming the wrong way down the cycle path nearly ran us over. Then we had to dodge cyclists on the pavement. Then I couldn't pull out into traffic because of cyclists on the road. Then I couldn't turn left because of a cyclist who darted in front of me!!!

All of this happened in the space of 20 minutes in an area of glasgow which has been turned upside down to accommodate cyclists!!!

And you look at the recent Dan Walker extravaganza - cycling on a roundabout I'd be terrified to drive round.

We seem to bend over backwards to accommodate cyclists. At the expense of everyone, particularly pedestrians. As illustrated by today's court case.
Yeah I found this case absolutely bizarre personally. The pedestrian who has been convicted is quite disabled, she has cerebral palsy, lives in special accommodation and has been described as being ‘childlike’. It clearly wasn’t her intention for anything bad to happen and I always thought it was illegal to cycle on the pavement in the UK anyway.
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Child maintenance service. It's a piss poor service for starters, complaints policy is non existent. My ex owes me £3K and they've done nothing to try to get that back (we go via collect and pay).

He lives with his girlfriend and her 3 kids (not his) they both work, she gets maintenance for all 3 kids and yet the maintenance he pays me has gone down because he lives with her and 'supports her kids'

So my child in a single parent home gets less. Make it make sense.
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Cannon Street only operates during peak hours, London bridge is better as it gets trains from Charing Cross, Blackfriars etc plus some start there
This is why I told him he should have gone to London Bridge. He did accept he was wrong, and at least drove home from the station I had to fetch him from, so all's well that ends well.

Re rspca near to where we live some traveller horses were left in a field and the field kept flooding horses not removed numerous people phoned rspca time and time again they came out there's nothing we can do etc etc etc. Sadly all the horses died.
A neighbour reported a homeless cat to them too, the poor thing had been left behind by callous owners who moved away, they came out took the cat away next day brought it back to neighbours house told her it was feral and left it in her garden. They are a disgrace. 😤
We called RSPCA after some travellers locally left their half dead horse tied to a lamppost in the street. They wouldn't come out. I think in the end the police had to take action, and the poor horse was PTS.

RSPCA are absolutely useless. I'd never donate a penny to them.
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Having work men in the house. i know it’s necessary when you need things done but I just feel so uncomfortable 🤣😳. So uncomfortable that I forgot how to walk and fell down the stairs🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 kill me plz
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People who don't think before they speak.
An elderly relative who loves talking about death (who I haven't seen since xmas) decides to tell me about dead babies & stillbirths when I'm currently in my 3rd trimester. If they weren't old I'd have told them to shut the fuck up and WHY EVEN MENTION IT!!! Why bring that topic up!?!!?! I have already lost a baby in the past and suffering with crazy amounts of anxiety - that I can usually manage very well!!
It has upset / made me so angry as we had such a great midwife appointment this morning where everything was normal for once & baby was wriggling away.
Why do people do this? It's like it's done and said on purpose.
Your post made me think about a massive rant I have but it's a bit controversial ....

When people of certain age let's say 50+ use the phrase "At my age I'll say whatever I want" and then just blurt out horrible hurtful insults to either a family member or a friend as if somehow they can just be a nasty bastard and yeah you're just going to have to take it, which of course you do ...

I'm sorry but if a 25 year old insults you or a 65 year old insults you the words have the same impact.
you wouldn't put up with hate off teenager but yeah you've got to put with hate from a senior person all under the guise of well at my age I can hit anyone where it hurts 🤔
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People who assume a party invite for 1 child means the child's siblings are invited too. No, the invite was for Joe bloggs not Sandra and Keith too 😤 especially when the party is pay per child.
You pay the extra then 😒
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The price of food (I know there is the Discontent thread where it comes up often but ) WTF.... Cartons of branded orange juice over a fiver, for exanple.

A basket of 5 items I bought earlier (cheese, milk, bread and some fresh berries and some yoghurt) was 10 quid 😮😮 I'm trying to eat healthier but everything is just so high now 🙃 I've already blown my usual food budget this month, and I've really cut down on snacks etc to bring cost down, but it feels futile because everything has gone up.
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ETA : just read your reply back, bit rude !! I'm not paranoid thanks if the doc wants a nosey up my bum hole she can feel free I gave birth a few years back so no holes barred at this point just don't usually expose that hole at a smear (no need to link me to an arse wash jug, jesus🤦)
Jeez not just for you specifically just anyone who was worried about being judged with their pants off.

After speaking to my legal counsel for clarification, I am sorry if you may have inferred that it was your bum hole in particular I was talking about. My post was supposed to provide reassurance, I never meant to cause any distress, sometimes I may get this wrong and misjudge the tone of the thread. I am without a doubt assured that your bum hole is and has always been perfectly fine and smells of roses too.

I am deeply sorry to anyone I may have offended and for triggering you by posting ideas other cultures like the Japanese have used throughout history to keep themselves clean when they go to the bathroom .:rolleyes:

As I’m also so traumatised by this exchange I’m wondering if I should also go on the Oprah show to tell my version of things or release a book.
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