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VIP Member
Urgh my boyfriend is the same, we have a spare room so I sleep in there and he gets all offended and says it's like we aren't a couple 🙄 we cuddle together until he starts snoring and I take myself to the other room to sleep peacefully, I think I'd lose my sanity otherwise
This is me 🤣


VIP Member
Thanks to those who suggested 111 🤗 I ended up using the Boots online doctor thing which I would really recommend to anyone in a similar situation. It cost £20 which isn't ideal at the end of the month, but I filled in a form and was prescribed antibiotics within literally 5 minutes. They were ready to pick up at my local Boots 2 hours later. Really easy and simple and I'm feeling a bit better now. Bit frustrating that it came to that after trying my NHS GP and the two 'virtual GP' things work provides (one had no appointments available, the other said I was locked out of my account) but whatever 🙃 The main thing is it's sorted now!
My hubby used an on line doctor for an ear infection he had that he couldn't get near the GP for. Had a prescription waiting for him as he hung up the call.

They are good but at £20-£50 a pop it's not an option for everyone.


VIP Member
First world problems. But it’s going in capitals 🤣
WHAT THE FUCK DO BLOKES DO ON THE TOILET??? I need a No2- I go, I do my business. 5 mins top. My other half spends over an hour. Every bloody time. We can be going out or just sitting of an evening. Off he vanishes. Men 🤦‍♀️
Can't answer this one, I only take 3 minutes, I crap when I need too.


VIP Member
It's the position the woman lies down with the legs up. I've seen a lot of vaginal exams done, but it's honestly been nothing memorable.

Every woman just blurs into one.

If you are paranoid there's always bidets and washing with water jugs.

I've had three smear tests so far in my adult life the last was just two weeks ago and not once we're my legs up,
I was asked to lie down with back and bum flat on the examination bed, feet pressed together, let my legs relax open, then the light comes down for vaginal examination then that god awful metal 'opener' goes in and the smear test happens, ass cheeks closed and no bum holes involved 🤦

ETA : just read your reply back, bit rude !! I'm not paranoid thanks if the doc wants a nosey up my bum hole she can feel free I gave birth a few years back so no holes barred at this point just don't usually expose that hole at a smear (no need to link me to an arse wash jug, jesus🤦)
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VIP Member
Well, we later found out that it was actually an illegal tenancy we were living in, landlord didn’t want to register a HMO (I think?) or something so he sort of didn’t really give much of a shit about what was said in the contract. There was nothing in there about subletting but he still allowed me to do it haha.
I am indeed, this was quite a long time ago thankfully! I hope it works out for you, she sounds pretty toxic and my only advice would be to probably just keep reporting her to your landlord if her behaviour doesn’t improve soon!
Oh I had that in my previous place haha. The landlord wasn't registered and still said he lived there so we were technically classed as lodgers and not tenants and our deposits weren't protected etc. I think there are always some dodgy lets with underhand rules like this. At least you managed to get it sublet - I guess if it was dodgy there wasn't really much he could do about it.

Thank you, I hope so too. I'm so worried the atmosphere is going to be really unpleasant now. I'm guessing if she can't have her boyfriend round that often she might move out. She could still have him round I guess but if the landlord knows I'm sure there's something they could do.

I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand.

Our bathroom gets dusty so easily and she was going "look at all those black fibres over the sink. What are you doing in the bathroom to make it so disgusting, do you never wash your towels you disgusting bitch." and I was like, "it's dust that has got wet and balled up a little, I'm not drying myself over the sink and it was your turn to clean the bathroom 😅 ."


VIP Member
Lifts in modern blocks of flats! Why the fuck are they "locked"? I had to walk up
4 flights of stairs because the lift was locked and needed a code. Not much fun
walking up stairs in full motorcycle gear WITH heavy package.

Uber drivers, Got stuck behind of these cunts today, 13MPH!! I couldn't get past
him either. How do they get a licence?


Well-known member
Evri - EBay - Bank. All of them.

Evri to be fair have admitted to losing my parcel I have it in writing, well, email. eBay refused the proof, I did everything eBay asked to get them what they wanted in order to refund me, they still didn’t, went to bank, who after 2 months have decided to agree with eBay. I HAVE PROOF THE PARCEL IS LOST 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😡😡😡 just don’t know where to turn next. Evri won’t reimburse me, the seller needed to claim against them, but seller decided to ignore me.
Can you talk to Trading standards maybe? Don't know if that could help but it sure seems up their alley.


VIP Member
Why, why why do some drivers insist on doing that. There's not another soul around, they are obviously in a big hurry 🙄 and yet they won't do the obvious thing and overtake.

My other personal 'favourite' is being overtaken on a dual carriage or motorway and then they cut back in, in front of my car, all but taking the front wing with them FFS 😡
I haven't found anyone yet who doesn't grudgingly (sometimes) admit that whilst waiting for a line of traffic to pass before pulling out, will pul out in front of the last car rather than wait for it to pass.
I have to stop myself doing it and just wait for the road to empty. I think it must be primeval or something 😄