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After getting home from Aldi I have a new one… when you’ve bagged up your shopping and just about to pay and the absolute doorknob behind you comes and stands next to you. This isn’t the first time it’s happened and I’ve started asking these imbeciles if they’re paying for my shopping, I just got a blank stare back but wtf where is the decorum, granted I usually pay contactless but why the f*ck are you within range of seeing what my PIN is if I was using my card. It’s not your turn until I have paid, moved out the way and your shopping is being scanned you utter bellends. Space invaders absolutely enrage me, bring back social distancing!
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I found out today my eldest is being bullied at work. She’s 20. She told her manager who it was yesterday and her response was ‘let’s not point fingers’. Wtf?! She came out of work absolutely distraught 😞
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I would like to have a rant about this pedestrian who has been jailed for the cyclist falling into the road and being killed by a driver.

I've got a lot of sympathy for everyone involved in this case, especially the car driver. Cos no doubt they would have been the ones facing jail if they hadn't found this lassie who shouted and swore at the cyclist.

And not to trivialise whats happened but getting jailed for 3yrs for shouting and swearing seems a bit extreme.

I care for my 86yr old mum and passed my driving test in my 50s to be able to get her out and about.

Cyclists are an absolute pest. One day, I was trying to get my mum out the car and a cyclist coming the wrong way down the cycle path nearly ran us over. Then we had to dodge cyclists on the pavement. Then I couldn't pull out into traffic because of cyclists on the road. Then I couldn't turn left because of a cyclist who darted in front of me!!!

All of this happened in the space of 20 minutes in an area of glasgow which has been turned upside down to accommodate cyclists!!!

And you look at the recent Dan Walker extravaganza - cycling on a roundabout I'd be terrified to drive round.

We seem to bend over backwards to accommodate cyclists. At the expense of everyone, particularly pedestrians. As illustrated by today's court case.
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I want to rant about a lot of things but at the minute I’ll rant about my nieces and nephews and how fucking spoilt they are by their parents and other grandparents, so then they come to my mums house and expect the same, there’s absolute no manners and they always think they can do and say as they please because there’s never any telling off, it was my nephews 10th birthday today and we went to the house for him to open his presents and have cake, he decides to call me ugly, tell me my nose and forehead are too big, It obvs fucking upset me because I’m delicate at the min due to a change of anti depressants but I’m also like wtf? I wouldn’t of dared said shit like that to anyone at that age like alone an adult, and then my niece (11)is at my mums house for the weekend and she will make comments to my mum about her being old and and insulting her looks, and criticising every little thing she does. Fucking teach your kids to not be cunts pls
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The housing market. You really cannot buy a house on a single wage. It’s so fucking stupid and pointless. 🙄
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First time poster here😁

My new bfs downstairs neighbour (who happens to be his letting agent) approached him when he got home from work the other night and said to tell me not to wear shoes in the flat as apparently she sleeps in and I woke her up walking down the stairs to leave on Thursday morning? (it was 8am).

It's an old house with hard floors and zero soundproofing, I was also in pumps. I'd understand if I was stomping about in the early hours but seems very entitled to me, especially when he is regularly awoken by the sound of her husband snoring his head off.

She also remarked to him 'that's the second time she has stayed' None of her bloody business either 😂 🙄.
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I deliberately sought out this thread as I feel RAWR.

I take care of my mother. I do the cleaning, pay bills, get her food. I take care of her medical stuff and buy her birthday, mother's day, Xmas and Easter presents, frequently get her flowers.

My sibling does ZILCH.

Only this morning I was looking into some medical equipment and booking Sunday lunch for tomorrow.

I just had a phone call from her saying not to upset my sibling. The last contact I had with them was to ask what they wanted for their birthday, hardly death threats or abusive.

I am hopping mad and tempted to abandon Sunday lunch tomorrow.
In every family there are siblings who do and siblings who don’t and for some reason I can’t work out the siblings who don’t are always treated better than the ones who are actually doing any nurturing and looking after. It’s galling.
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pepe le pew

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Today was outrageous.
I’m on benefits. Totally skint. Never go on holiday or buy new stuff. Wear charity shop clothes. Totally brassic.
Got a scratch card today. Never usually buy them. I thought I’d won a million pounds. Scratched off 27, and there it was 27 with 1million written underneath it. I rang the lotto office. It was a £5 Win only. In small letters to the right of the number was a caption, Find this number to win £5. Then why print 1million under it?
Im still having chest pain. For all of five minutes I suddenly felt free. Free from worrying about money. I worry about money all day everyday. I try to practice gratitude but I feel angry and envious of people with money, and I’m scrabbling trying to keep our family’s head above water.
Last week we were told to send bank statement to the council tax people. They sent a breakdown of what we were entitled to. Three days after that they sent a letter asking for all the same documents again for another review. In those minutes that I thought I had a million, all I could think of was I never had to deal with that shit again. No more showing strangers my rented house or what little I have in the bank. I am sick and tired of being poor.
Nothing I try to do lifts us up. I had an old designer bag to sell. I tried to sell it on Etsy. The person who wanted to buy it sent me 48 messages asking questions about the bag, then reported me when I blocked her. So I went to a consignment store that a social media influencer Sophie Shohet was pushing. The6 accepted my bag, promised me £400 which I would receive in a week. Than stopped answering emails. It took 6 weeks to get cash from them. I ended up interrupting their live shows before they would pay me.
Im just so fucking angry all the time now.
Those moments today of feeling cash free was so brilliant. I just feel so low now.
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And this is why the system is fucked. Being on benefits shouldn’t make you better off than working people. It should literally just cover the basics. What’s the insentive for people to work if you can get a free car etc
For the vast majority of people on benefits that is the case. The cases where people with umpteen kids, living in six-bedders with mobility cars, etc, etc, are the exception, not the rule. The benefits system on the whole is tough, particularly if you are single wth no kids.

And they regularly fuck you over on a whim as well. I'm on UC at the moment and because an ex-employer has told HMRC wrong information, my UC has been slashed to half of what it would be. £400 to pay for everything for a month: rent, utilities, food, everything. And there's nothing I can do to sort it until the DWP gets around to looking at the problem through a Mandatory Reconsideration, which can take weeks. Plus it's had a knock on with my council tax, with them now adding another £100 for good measure.

There's always people who swing the lead and getaway with it but for the vast majority it's just miserable.
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People who don't think before they speak.
An elderly relative who loves talking about death (who I haven't seen since xmas) decides to tell me about dead babies & stillbirths when I'm currently in my 3rd trimester. If they weren't old I'd have told them to shut the fuck up and WHY EVEN MENTION IT!!! Why bring that topic up!?!!?! I have already lost a baby in the past and suffering with crazy amounts of anxiety - that I can usually manage very well!!
It has upset / made me so angry as we had such a great midwife appointment this morning where everything was normal for once & baby was wriggling away.
Why do people do this? It's like it's done and said on purpose.
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malibu skies

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I’m in such a grump at the moment - my birthday is coming up and it’s all going to 💩

I had plans to go for breakfast with a couple of friends in the morning and they’ve just cancelled so now that’s off.
My best friend can’t do anything on the day because it’s also her mother in laws birthday and she has plans with her. it’s her daughters birthday at the beginning of April and she’s suggested that we celebrate my birthday at the same time - which is a nice thought but I don’t want to be the person who makes a child’s birthday all about them.

I know I’m overreacting and being dramatic because it’s just a birthday, but I think it all boils down to not being anyone’s priority, or being important enough to anyone to make an effort for.
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My mother in law asked me what my nearly 2 year olds daughters name was again 🤦‍♀️she said she couldn’t remember
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Fucking men and stag do’s. You don’t need to have a three day stag do miles away. These things are getting out of control. Wankers 😆
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I was in the supermarket earlier and there was a woman in front of me in the queue telling everyone that would listen about what she was getting her son for his birthday. It felt like she was just showing off and it really annoyed me because there would have been people around her that will be struggling at the moment with the cost of living. She was so loud and had to tell us "He's getting a PS5, 10 games for it, a new Iphone 14, a new macbook, he then said he wanted a cat so we've bought him one as well.

Then when she was paying for her shopping she said again, very loudly "Oh yes I am paying over 100 pounds, so I'll have to put my card in won't I because it is OVER 100 POUNDS I AM SPENDING TODAY HERE IN THIS SHOP ALONE"

I really just wanted to tell her to shut up and stop boasting.
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Vaping people vaping on buses vaping in food courts vaping in shops. Can't stand walking round smelling all the slickly sweet or foul smells and people walking round like its a bloody dummy or bottle to them.
I keep seeing so many kids vaping who have probably never even smoked in the first place just trying to look cool but it's so cringe seeing these little 12 year old hard men getting there vapes out of their pockets at bus stops 😒
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I was writing an email while being distracted by the kids and I wrote their instead of they're. Only noticed when I sent it. Now I look like an illiterate prick. Gahhhh. I'm going to be thinking about this all day.

Top tip 1. Never write emails around the children.
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Elle Woods

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When people tell you they miss you, complain that they've not seen you in a while, despite you texting them numerous times to try and arrange something to no avail. Yet you look on social media to see they've all met up without you, not one of them thought to mention it to you.
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Cost of living. It’s beyond shit now. My credit cards are being used just so I can get petrol to get to work. I’m effectively working all hours to not even pay my bills now. Even when this ends, I’ll be paying off my credit cards/overdraft for years now.

How much longer do they expect us to just suck this up?
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After getting home from Aldi I have a new one… when you’ve bagged up your shopping and just about to pay and the absolute doorknob behind you comes and stands next to you. This isn’t the first time it’s happened and I’ve started asking these imbeciles if they’re paying for my shopping, I just got a blank stare back but wtf where is the decorum, granted I usually pay contactless but why the f*ck are you within range of seeing what my PIN is if I was using my card. It’s not your turn until I have paid, moved out the way and your shopping is being scanned you utter bellends. Space invaders absolutely enrage me, bring back social distancing!
I swear it's something about Aldi! I had this argument with a woman in there back when we were all still wearing masks everywhere. She was standing so close I couldn't get to the card machine to pay. Asked her to step back and she went mental, calling me a racist and all sorts, threatening to report me to the police. Absolute fruitloop. Wouldn't mind but she had some sort of healthcare uniform on too, can't imagine anyone I'd less want caring for me.
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