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Another rant to add! A man came and delivered a parcel to us today, and instead of knocking he just let himself in through the front door? Luckily my partner was there as it would have been terrifying if I had been alone!
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Elle Woods

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People who expect you to listen to their problems all the time but as soon as someone else has something they want to vent about they don't reply or they just change the subject and go on about themselves again
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Rude fucking shop staff.

Went to the park and my kids wanted to go shop for ice-cream. I didn't feel that comfortable leaving my dog tided up outside. So gave my daughter(4) some money and told her to pay while I stood in the door to keep my eye on the dog.This is a news agent so I'm at the door like 2 meter from my daughter in the queue.

She stood behind the woman being serviced, box of ice creams and bank note in hand. When it was her turn the woman looked at her then walked off.

The 3 old bats just stood at the end chatting, after 5 mins said is anyone serving. They then give me a shit ton of attitude about how they didn't know I was waiting and the till is up that end. I said she's stood their with a box of ice-cream and a note by the till you were just serving at, what do you think she's doing.

Firstly don't give me fucking attitude if it's a mistake, say sorry and serve my kid. Secondly, you fucking work here, how about pay a little more attention to the customers in your shop even the ones that are kids, rather than having a fucking gossip.
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My dirty bastard of a partner pissing in bathroom sink at 3.30 this morning caught him out because I needed a wee straight after. Left fuming after that didn't sleep so headache and a 13hour shift to do
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Ooooh is your husband a hottie?!
I think so 😉🤣 not that i let him know too often, have to keep him grounded. He's been working out for a few years now so has a good body. Bastard.
I could see his head swelling so had to bring him down a peg or 2 🤣

She would soon send him back, the snoring, the annoying things he does. She would soon get the ick
I did say to him that I could have his bags packed in 5 minutes and he could have the kids every weekend, and twice during the week 😉
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I'm just back from holidays with a friend. Some of the stuff she does just really boils my blood

- She takes ages to get ready in the morning but its not like she wears makeup or does her hair or anything. Its just cos she moves sooooo slow and has to set like 10 alarms. I would prefer extra sleep time. She is also so unpunctual and we end up having to run everywhere or else arriving 1 min before the time. I am the complete opposite and hate the stress of it. But I am made to feel bad for pointing out that everything takes longer than we think it will and we should add a buffer.

- She takes literally 100s of the same photo of whatever monument we are visiting. I love taking photos but a few is more than enough. She often doesnt take the place in as she is trying to take so many pics. Like I mentioned something about a church we visited and she completely missed it. She takes photos of every single meal and drink. We went to somewhere like Nandos and she took a bloody photo of it.

- She has a food allergy but does zero research before hand on restaurants despite me sending her a link of good restaurants for this allergy. She also didnt even think of googling what the allergy is in the local language until I said it on Day 1 of the holiday and refers to the allergy in the medical term in english to wait staff who look at her confused. I know the allergy isnt her fault but I just wish she did a little research into cafe and restaurants first as I always just say I will go wherever she wants that suits her. Then she googles when we are there and its a 40 min walk to where she wants to go and we are starving. Also if she is hungry we have to find somewhere immediately but when I am hungry she asks can I just have a snack to keep me going...i feel constantly on her schedule.

- We had a very long day on the last day of our trip and a long drive from the airport to our city and it was very late at night. I was driving. She lives a little bit off the beaten track and a family member kindly offered to collect her from somewhere nearer the route to my house but my friend was trying to dictate the place to be collected despite the fact that it wouldve been country roads that I didnt know and very bad weather. I said in that case I might aswell just drop her home on the main road which I am familiar with as given the time and the fact I had been up around 19hrs I didnt want to drive on roads I didnt know. She eventually agreed. I just think with everything she just suits herself and doesnt care about anyone else.

Like one time we were both bursting for the toilet in the restaurant. We had just arrived and ordered and she takes literally 15 mins in the toilet and I was waiting outside with all her belongings and the food had come by the time she had come back. When she came back I said I was going to go in and see where she was and she was like "oh what about my camera bag"...nothing about the fact my bladder was about to almost burst. She is like a sloth with how slowly she moves.

Sorry for the long rant.
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True crime fanatics. “Have the police checked the suspect’s social media”? What do people think the police do? Just dick about at the crime scene and then pull a conclusion out of a hat?

God only knows what would happen at Scotland Yard if they didn’t have the support of a hundred people on Facebook recommending they look at CCTV footage in the park where whoever it was was brutally murdered. It’d be absolute Bedlam.

This is so petty but it also annoys me when they say shit like “this case is truly confounding”. just fuck off, Sherlock.
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One of my children has recently started going to the gym with his father. I am already sick to death of hearing how his dad has lost weight etc. This is a person who has decided his 40k salary isn't enough to rent somewhere he could share custody so he lives in a single room with a shared kitchen and bathroom in some converted nursing home rather than taking responsibility for his children. Yeah mate, must be great to be able to go to the gym/swimming etc whenever you like, living your life as if you're child free.

He does have one child per week on a rota system on a Friday for three hours though which literally equates to seeing each child for a few hours once a month (Plus the gym and lifts to sports clubs). Dad of the fucking year mate. Still, I live safe in the knowledge that however much the gym helps his physical appearance, nothing will ever improve his hideously toxic and deeply unattractive personality. Also I'm winning because I no longer have to suffer the ick of watching his 'work outs' using resistance bands tied to the fence.
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I'm so bloody tired. Trying to keep my house tidy and keep on top of bills and cook from scratch, work in a stressful job, and home work and play time with my daughter. It is just so much. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm a single mum with very little by the way of a support network so don't really get any help and for once I'd like someone to look after me 😔
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One of my friends has a bidet which is the most amazing thing ever. I really want one but (a) they're far too expensive and (b) not sure I have the room. Hers has essential oils, powder ... anything you can dream of!

Another of my friends has a combined radio and magazine rack in the toilet! I know people will have mixed thoughts about hygiene when it comes to this, but if you are stuck in there for a while then it is actually a great idea.


Back on topic:

One of our coffee carts was broken into last night and destroyed quite badly (both the cart itself as well as everything inside). They'd obviously tried to tow or move it, judging by the damage to its axles, but couldn't as it's pretty well anchored into its spot. The thugs have also smashed up various landmarks in the immediate area.

Where we're sited, is overlooked by houses - it's a wonder nobody saw anything (or if they did, why they didn't phone it in).

We're fully insured, but given the current backlog in claims they'll likely take ages to pay out.

We can't open today because the police have scene workers brushing for prints, etc. Given that there's a cruise ship in at port, that's a huge day's takings down the drain.

It's just so frustrating. Crime is getting worse everywhere - all retailers are copping it - but it's getting to the point where I have to question whether it's worth it.
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I said people who steal are tramps if that includes you then so be it.
I refuse to see anything noble in actively stealing or encouraging others to do so in order to prove a point or make a stand, it's all a bit juvenile tbh. The sort of protest a teenager would make.

I completely agree that people who steal are tramps, I'll include in that neighbours of mine who variously don't tax or insure their cars, fiddle their gas & electric, steal parcels delivered to them in error...not forgetting scamming UberEats/ JustEat by claiming food wasn't delivered when it was, so getting a refund and the food. And probably also getting the driver the sack but hey, who cares, stealings ok right? 😑

I remember as a kid asking my dad why a family friend had set light to their settee to get money off the insurance (claimed as 'fire damage'. Happened a lot in the 70s and 80s) My dad explained that was fraud, and why it was neither an advisable nor in any way honourable course of action. Even though 'everyone' did it.
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Chatty Member
Not a rant as such but more of a sad vent... I miss my old life so much. I spent over five years living abroad, in a lovely apartment with a balcony in a beautiful city, incredible weather, with lots of free time to enjoy it all - plenty of travelling, walks, reading, writing, learning a new language, just enjoying ourselves. My OH was asked to move abroad with his work and asked if I would come with him for support which I gladly did. I didn't have a full time job when I was there, but I did make some money doing dog-walking/dog-sitting which I loved. I know I was so lucky to experience it, and I should be grateful for the time rather than pining for it again, but I'm still genuinely struggling to adjust to my return to "real life" - full time corporate job in the UK, not much to do here, the British weather... we've been back home for over two years now, yet I daydream about my old life constantly, which probably isn't healthy. I even miss the silly everyday things like trips to the local grocery shop and doing the laundry and hanging it out to dry on our balcony. Walks around our lovely neighbourhood. I would love to find a way to make it happen again, even if I could work my current job from over there, but I haven't figured out how. My OH misses it too and we're both just rather bored when we compare our lives then vs now.
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My GP who has sent me yet another appointment for a Abdominal Ultrasound based on a blood test I had a day after my work Christmas lunch complete with copious amounts of booze in a week where I had had several similar and eaten and drunk way more crap than normal . She already phoned me at 5am NYC time 2 days before Christmas (thanks for ruining my holiday with loved ones pal) and made it sound as if I was dying and had a million things wrong with me based off the same blood test. (what all of this has to do with the fact i saw her regarding pain in my knee which she attributed to arthritis god only knows)

Now I have been sent an appointment from a healthcare provider outsourced by the NHS to private at 8.30 am on 20th March. Not only is it extremely short notice there is no earthly way I can get there at that time of day without a car because it's practically the other side of London and will involve several buses, trains. tubes etc.I dont' get time off work for medical appointment and I work in the City 8 am to 6 am. Besides the fact it will cost me astronomical amounts in fares. I am not effing paying £30 quid and losing a days wages to go to an industrial estate in the arse end of nowhere based on a blood test taken when I was undertaking medieval levels of baccanalian consumption when there is nothing bloody wrong with me!!!

AND i have to spend hours on hold cancelling the fecking things
I'm not sure what you're complaining about tbh. Most people would be grateful if their GP was so concerned to take action and follow it up.

Maybe you would prefer it if they didn't give a shit.
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When you arrange to see a friend you haven’t seen for ages and then they announce they’ve invited someone you hardly know. And what you do know you’re not keen on. I hate it! It drives me mad and it’s rude! And breeeeeeeeeath
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This is probably partially unreasonable but I am really fed up with my husband right now.
We had our baby girl on Thursday and we got home late last night from hospital. I hated being on my own in the post natal ward at night and really struggled, baby has been really clusterfeeding and I am so so tired. I lost 1.6litres of blood in the delivery and feel quite woozy and weird. Don’t think my daughters latch is great yet and so breasts are incredibly painful. I was hoping that he would take her when we got home and I could sleep a bit to catch up on lost sleep. He hasn’t done this. He has done other useful things.

As the breastfeeding and latching thing is so painful right now he suggested getting some formula tonight so he feeds her and I could express some milk at the same time. I was happy with the suggestion and said we need to sterilise the stuff… anyway he took our eldest up to bed at 8pm and fell asleep himself afterwards, which is exactly what he did last night. I feel so alone. I just wonder wtf he is unable to keep his eyes open past 8:30pm when he’s not the one who laboured for 9 hours and pushed an 8lb baby out of their vagina then lost a bucket of blood? He also got a full nights sleep as he woke up at 6am. I feel like I’ve got the shortest straw on this, I’m doing my best but honestly I would like another grown up in the house who might be able to change one of the million shitty nappies that are being produced???????
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In every family there are siblings who do and siblings who don’t and for some reason I can’t work out the siblings who don’t are always treated better than the ones who are actually doing any nurturing and looking after. It’s galling.
I see this happen a lot. More often than not I see sons being lauded as wonderful Princes who don't help out, and daughters who do errands being taken for granted. Not a complete generalisation but from what I have witnessed in my extended family and friendship circle. I don't understand it.
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The vaping thing should be more tightly controlled for kids. Ive definitely seen 11-14 year olds vaping. Those disposable things they buy contain 20mg of nicotine which is nuts - I quit smoking about a year ago and that is higher than the % of nicotine I have in my vape. I’ve tried them and they give me a headache because of the amount of nicotine in them. I worry about the long-term impact of a nicotine addiction on a developing brain. They target kids with sugary flavours like candyfloss and bubblegum. :/ think it’s so wrong.

I really enjoyed my work social tonight. I’m glad I made the effort. :)
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I would like to rant about old “friends” you hardly see or speak to who weirdly ask you to be bridesmaid face to face in front of other people so it’s awkward for you to say no and then you’re expected to pay hundreds of pounds to go on a stupid hen do you don’t want to go on and give up time out of your schedule when you have both work and study commitments full-time and run a house, have a partner and a real group of friends you see and they actually make an effort to see you and message you. I wish I’d said no and backed out ages ago because it’s been eating away at me but now its too late! Who corners someone into agreeing to be a bridesmaid?! All because they’re awkward and have a controlling partner so have very few friends. Hundreds of pounds I could’ve put towards mine and my partner’s first property together flittered away on someone who never even wished me happy birthday!!!

- I’m not an asshole who expects everyone to run around after me but I’m well aware when efforts aren’t reciprocated without good reason which is why I distanced and made new friends years ago. I’ve been with my partner over 3 years and he’s never met any of these people from my old life and I highly doubt I’ll see any of them again after the wedding because we’ll be moving away. Pointless!
I feel this in my bones! A wise friend of mine (when I was moaning about a similar issue) said to me:

"don't swim oceans for people who wouldn't jump puddles for you"
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