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My husband has irritated me to the high hilt this morning. He is so disorganised and devil may care. I had a terrible night with our little girl who finished me off by kicking me in the head while she slept, I’m so shattered. I’m 39 weeks pregnant. Last night I asked him where he is working today (he travels) he said London, so I offered to do the school run, he told me he would do the school run, so this morning I lay in, then when I came downstairs he said “oh I just realised, I have to go asap, I can’t do the school run” this is 30 minutes before we have to get out the door, I’m still groggy and our daughter is still in her PJs, not has breakfast etc. so I said I’ll do the school run then. Have to rush about like a blue arsed fly! Asked what train he’s getting and he said he hasn’t looked? How does he know he has to leave asap then? It’s simple isn’t it? You decide what train you need to get and that informs your time to leave the house? He’s a bellend. Then this morning I’ve had to ring the nursery as on Friday they confirmed a place for our unborn child to go in Autumn, but they want the registration fee and one month’s fee up front (daylight robbery), so I message him about it and he starts making petulant comments about how cheeky they are and we don’t get government funding at the moment (none of which I have control over…) and he says “send me the details then and I’ll sort it” which is great but HE ALREADY HAS THE DETAILS BECAUSE I SENT IT TO HIM ON FRIDAY.

I am so tired thinking for three people in this house and we’re about to be a 4 person household. After being kicked in the head all night I feel a great desire to pass it forward….. 🤯😤
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My husband made me a drink yesterday and I just started drinking it without giving it a second thought. Got half way through, looked at the bottom of the cup and it was literally covered in mould 😭. Apparently it was just in the cupboard so someone must’ve fucked up and accidentally put a dirty one in there last week.
I haven’t stopped thinking about it all day, the thought of me obliviously just sat there drinking mouldy juice is so disgusting.
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Colds. They’re such an inconvenience. My throat is like razor blades. I’ve got too many things to get on with and do and I’m holiday from today and now I’m gonna be spending it ill 🙄
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Mine is rather pathetic in comparison to the last 2 😣…. When you’ve been a part of a thread for ages and it’s great banter, on topic, decent like-minded people and then it gets taken over by others and it’s now shit.
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One of my housemates. She has her boyfriend over 3/4 times a week and they're so loud and in the morning he's showering and it means I can't shower in the morning. She also never lets us know when guests are coming so you get in after work and there are a group of people sitting in the dining room having dinner or she's cooking with her boyfriend. When I brought this up with her she said if i didn't like it I should move and that if he was showering I should use the other bathroom (which has none of my stuff).

We're not really meant to have regular guests - maybe the odd friend stay over the weekend or so but not to that extent. When I brought it up she went ballistic and said if I ever criticise her I need to make sure I'm perfect first and how I'm a dirty bitch because my shelf in the bathroom was a bit dusty and I put some wrapped up tampons in the bathroom bin. Also how I was jealous because I couldn't get a boyfriend, how I was too old to be in a houseshare and what was I doing there etc. She said she was paying rent and could have him over whenever she wants.

It just seemed like such an overreaction to my comment. I asked my landlord how often people could stay over and they said they were in breach of their tenancy agreement having someone to stay that much. So they're going to get an email separately today haha.

I probably wouldn't have said anything to my landlord if we could have sorted it amicably but she went off. Now she can deal with them if she wants to but it's still annoying me today and ruining my day off work!
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Chatty Member
My boss, who was awful to me today and then said (after getting told off by other bosses) “I’ve been told I have to apologise, but I still stand by what I said.”

For context - I had to remove myself from a clinical scenario because I was going to faint, so he had to take my place. He thought this was inconvenient and he “has better things to be doing”. I find it soooo embarrassing to nearly faint at work, and he just made it so much worse by making a big deal out of it. His job as the boss is to supervise and help the team if needed, so I don’t really know why he thought it was out of order for me to ask for help.

I’ve been angry about it all day. I was made to feel stupid and bad at my job for something I can’t help or control, and despite it being recognised by everyone else as a problem, he still doesn’t think he was in the wrong.
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People who leave the stuff they don’t want in the supermarket on a random shelf. If it’s non perishable I don’t mind so much but I went tonight and there were so many fridge items dotted around the store that had been abandoned. Those are going to have to be thrown now cause god knows how long they’ve been there. Such a waste
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My sister in law, she has been pregnant about 17 times birthed 12 (aborted the rest!!) had 6 kids removed from her care.
She is about 40 her partner of the last 8 years is about 60 and father to her lates 6 kids, whom she does have.
Both have never worked a day in their lives, loved from our home town down to Brighton way, claimed homelessness eventually got a brand new 3 bed house......Now she has just moved into a brand new 4 bed house right next to the sea, due to over crowding!!!!
Got a brand new mobility car for his "arthritis", one of the kids is autistic, and she gets a ton of money for her!! Just pisses me off that myself and husband work to the bone, and she literally since 17 has had everything handed to her on a plate, she told me she gets around £3000 a month in benefits WTAF!!!!!!!! This is a part of why our country is so screwed financially, (don't worry I know its not all the reason if anyone if offended by this post!) But I mean what is the actual point of being a hardworking decent human............
My sister in law, she has been pregnant about 17 times birthed 12 (aborted the rest!!) had 6 kids removed from her care.
She is about 40 her partner of the last 8 years is about 60 and father to her latest 6 kids, whom she does have.
Both have never worked a day in their lives, moved from our home town down to Brighton way, claimed homelessness eventually got a brand new 3 bed house......Now she has just moved into a brand new 4 bed house right next to the sea, due to over crowding!!!!
Got a brand new mobility car for his "arthritis", one of the kids is autistic, and she gets a ton of money for her!! Just pisses me off that myself and husband work to the bone, and she literally since 17 has had everything handed to her on a plate, she told me she gets around £3000 a month in benefits WTAF!!!!!!!! This is a part of why our country is so screwed financially, (don't worry I know its not all the reason if anyone if offended by this post!) But I mean what is the actual point of being a hardworking decent human............
*Free school meals
*Free prescriptions
*Free Glasses
*Mobility car + Insurance (I believe)
*Council tax paid
*Housing Benefit
*Child Benefit
*DLA for him & child
*Grant for household items
*Energy Support
*Milk vouchers
*They also got money towards moving as they could not afford the cost of hiring a van!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This isn't a rant, also not the right thread to comment this on, but not sure where else to write this.
I just saw something today that upset me. I live in a small seaside town, with lots of rural areas, and countryside near me.
I was walking my dog out in said countryside, I walked through a village, that has a diary farm.
There was a very small dead calf laid outside of the farm buildings. Just discarded like a piece if rubbish.
I am a veggie, but after seeing the dead baby cow, I've decided to become vegan.
I know the calf may have died of natural causes, but the it was just laid there, like it meant nothing. I can't stop thinking about it.
Sorry for the ramble...
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malibu skies

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Why do I have to be a grumpy bitch for 3 and a half weeks of every month.

that’s it. That’s the extent of my rant
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Entitled pricks who think you should give up bought and paid for seats on trains and planes.

There are so many stories floating around these days of people being asked to give up or change seats for kids and it winds me up. Anytime I fly I always choose a seat I want to sit in. 9 times out of 10 these days you have to pay for it. I saw a tik tok the other day of a woman who was trying to shame passengers on a train because her son, who was bout 8, was sitting on floor. She genuinely thought one of the adults should stand to let her child sit down. I don't think the comments were what she was expecting.
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Chatty Member
The way doctors receptionists act as though they are doing you a huge personal favour by giving you an appointment. And the gasp of pure disbelief when you have the temerity to ask if a different time is available. I understand the issues, the attitude is unnecessary.
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Yes !!!! If someone has found the perfect lasagne dish please show me and I’ll be eternally grateful!
I even have a dish that came with lasagne sheets and sauces and it still doesn't fit them without overlapping or breaking 🤣🤣
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I have 0 motivation to do anything lately. I just get home from work and endlessly scroll Instagram reels and waste my evenings away, but at the same time nothing compels me to pick up a book or even watch a show. I'm hoping when the weather warms up and the sun comes out I'll be more productive
Completely echo this. I feel absolutely demotivated today.
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Had an argument over making a lunch on Friday night, still not talking…. Just think after working all day and not getting home for when most people go to bed why should I make your lunch at midnight for your shift the next day when you’ve been home all day and I’m not even going to work so don’t need a packed lunch?! I’m refusing to back down and make peace hahahaha
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And this is why the system is fucked. Being on benefits shouldn’t make you better off than working people. It should literally just cover the basics. What’s the insentive for people to work if you can get a free car etc
Let's snap back to reality here for a minute. You don't get a "free car".

If you are disabled you get mobility allowence. You can then exchange that money to rent a car from the motability scheme.

That person only gets so much because there are 6 kids, 2 adults and 2 of them are disabled. Your average family wouldn't get that much.

I'm a single mum with two preschoolers and I get 1000 per month. I still play council tax although at a reduced rate. I still have to all the same bills as everyone else, no I don't have sky or virgin. It is not a lot to live of once bills food and petrol are paid for.
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Work rant !

I’ve had to take some days off recently to deal with my husband’s mental health decline.
Some of my team have decided to behave like children and give me the cold shoulder over this, and I’d been there 4 hours today before anyone acknowledged my existence. I’m well aware that they have to shoulder my work load if I’m away but it’s not a situation I can change right now. I tried explaining things last week when I was accused of ‘pulling a sickie’ but gave up because they weren’t hearing a word I said 🙄
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i have a work do tomorrow. I just cannot be bothered. I have had depression for months and I’m now just crawling out of my cave. I wish I was a man sometimes as all I’d need to do to feel confident would be get a haircut, wash and put on a suit. That feels way more manageable than attempting to wear makeup for the first time in perhaps nearly a year.
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