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Kim Mild

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Nobody speaks to me nicely. My youngest just demands things and has tantrums ( usually about what they were demanding) , my middle child is a brat. My teenager is hostile , who knew asking what utime they'd be home was an unreasonable question. Now my husband keeps coming home and being a huffy bastard .
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I'm sick of hearing about it whenever celebrities get a diagnosis of some sort.

That makes me sound terrible, but let me explain. I feel great empathy for the celeb themselves, a lot of the time the coverage is not their doing. No, what bothers me is the absolute hysteria the press and everyone who ever had the slightest connection with the diagnosised celeb keep going and going and going. "Regular" people are diagnoised with all sorts every day and nobody gives a shit. I am sick to the back teeth of things mattering only when they happen to someone with a profile.

Bruce Willis is the latest person this is going on with and it's so irritating. You'd think he was a zoo animal from the coverage.
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Oh while I'm in in a mood. Went to mums for dinner and she served us out of date food. Like some of it was 2 years out of date?!
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Having read what people have ranted about today I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people out there that don’t know what the word friendship means. By the way the nannying job sounds up my street. However I am not a qualified nanny. I have raised my own children to adulthood one of whom is neuro diverse. Just saying.
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I'm not sure about the high frequency sound, maybe, but it never bothered them. Sometimes when a dog's loose the owner will call it the minute they see you. They can obviously trust their dogs to be off lead.
It's the other kind of people who think their dog is sweet and it's only playing. Same people have that attitude about their feral kids.
Absolutely. Everyone is meant to enjoy their dogs and kids. :rolleyes:

A local deli by me has had to put a sign up on the door saying 'No Dogs Allowed In Shop' ... It's a bloody food shop and yet people feel it's fine to just take their dogs in there. Drives me nuts.
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When certain breeds of dogs get in the news for attacking/killing people yet again and comment sections are flooded with people deceding the breed is not the problem but the owner.

No, there clearly is a problem with certain breeds and until this is accepted people will continue to die and be injured horrifically.
Anyone that says deed not breed has no understanding of dog breeding. Breeds are bred for temperament and behaviour. That's why a collie can heard sheep and my poodle can't.

These savage dogs at best have been bred for look and not personality which can lead to bloodlines with bad tenperments. At worse they have been bred to be agreassive fighting dogs.

Of course deed comes into it, but the breed is relevant. The dogs killing people also have the capability. A lap dogs not able to kill someone.

I live near a big forest. So many people have huge dogs, with mastiffs and cane corsos being very popular.

There have been some awful fights between owners, dogs between themselves and with walkers.

Honestly, what is wrong with people? Why can't people just have a nice normal dog? Labradors, retrievers, spaniels - all have lovely natures and are loving but no, these brash, look-at-me types have to have a brute of an animal at their side. It's pure intimidation.
You're right it's very attention seeking. They think people will think what amazing dog owners they must be to be able to handle such a beast. When in reality all dogs take training, even the little ones.

Personally when I see people with big dogs I think yuk, you've got that big slobbery thing in your house.
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We have to be somewhere today by a specific time. Because we have to be up early, I suggested going somewhere first that's normally SUPER busy.
Husband cant deal with a change to his plan so has sat on the toilet on his phone for the past 15 minutes to scupper my idea, so now i have to say we dont have time to go do we and he can act all innocent.
Why is he such a selfish knob! No way im letting him off the hook here. Im going to drag his selfish backside later when its absolutely stowed off with people, force him out of the car and to face up to what he has caused
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My abusive ex who I'm currently desperately trying to divorce has now announced that he is going to withhold access to the money in the childcare voucher scheme, which is held in his name and is being used to pay for chidcare whilst I work because he refuses to look after the children at all, other than an occasional couple of hours here and there.

He's claiming he will need the money to put into a new home. However, I know for a fact that you cannot get a cash refund of those vouchers because we enquired about it in 2021, both to the company they are held with and his employer. Therefore the money will just sit in the account and go to waste because he can't use it. It is simply another way to have control over me and try to force me out of work. He's an appalling person.
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Exactly, it's a big factor in whether it's worth the time to fill in the application and apply. It takes a while to apply for jobs that use this online webforms, and so when in job hunting mode you want to avoid wasting time applying for those with lower pay than you are currently on, usually. At least put the salary band e.g. 24,000-26,000. Ones where they just put "competitive" ...what is that supposed to mean?! 😂
It means it's not competitive at all and they're gonna try to pay you as little as they can get away with
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I have a little rant incoming re: my (lovely) mum

I’ve had a cough since about Wednesday week before last, it’s been constant and horrible. As a result of said cough I’ve bruised my ribs so much I can barely move and this morning I heard a pop on one side and it’s been AGONY since. I’m also 37 weeks pregnant. I phoned 111,got sent to A&E where I was in tears with the pain, had random people ask me if I was okay and try and get me seen quicker. I texted my mum to let her know I’ve come home with painkillers and antibiotics and she (and I don’t know why, I think she must always have wanted to be a pharmacist or something) just asks me what strength they’ve given me? I literally just want sympathy. I’ve actually no idea as my husband picked up my prescription and has been looking after me so I haven’t seen the packets anyway, but if your daughter( OR ANYONE really) texts you to say they’ve been up A&E with damage to their ribs is your first question really what strength co-codamol did you get? I’m just so flummoxed.
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I've inadvertently made a freind with another mum on the school run who then complains at me for 30 mins 2x a day about anything and everything and I don't get a word in. Its quite draining to listen to honestly, shes got a real issue with the kids teacher and she is vile about them, shes also vile about a couple of other mums with kids in the same class and I find it quite upsetting to listen to her go on. On the days I dont have to get back home to work I make an excuse im going to the shop and walk another way home so I don't have to listen to it, but I can only do that 1 day a week!! I've tried dropping off at the last minute and getting out of there as quick as possible but she allways catches up with me 🤣🤣 i can't shake her off. She seems to be quite toxic and I don't want to be part of it
Can you pretend to be on your phone? Phone yourself and get your own voicemail and leave a rambling conversation? Smile apologetically at her when you’re on the call and walk away slowly like it’s quite an intense call… do this for a couple of weeks every morning and afternoon, if you do catch her explain your 2nd cousin 3 times removed is going through a messy divorce so you’re just trying to be a shoulder to lean on….
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My toddler is sick again and teething, my depression is kicking my bum, the house is a state, work is horrendous, my parent is coming over (lives abroad and has met my 5 year old 3 times and youngest once) for a week but only has time to see us for a few hours because they’re seeing friends the rest of the week. I have no friends or outlet, im just tired and starting to wonder what the point is.
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That would have driven me over the edge… don’t know how you kept calm!
Gets better- I got back to the office and they were all like where have you been? It doesn’t take all afternoon to send a parcel. I lost my temper, threw the parcel on their desk and said well YOU BLOODY TRY AND DO IT THEN! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Then my boss came over as clearly I had lost the plot at this point and was like “ohhh, yeah I saw on the news they had a cyber attack”.

He then saw my face and let me leave work early 😂

I’ve the patience of a saint but at the moment it’s been tested by fools.
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My own procrastination. I have a lot of stuff to do but I've just just wasting time online or watching shite on TV I don't really enjoy. So I'm not doing any work OR having fun. 😂😂
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Why are the nastiest people your so called 'family'
Reminds me of this quote from the girl with the dragon tatoo:

"You will be investigating thieves, misers, bullies. The most detestable collection of people that you will ever meet - my family."

I have hated my extended family and cut contact with a lot of my cousins.

Just because they're family doesn't mean they get to treat you however they want- because they're family they should be nicer.
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Whenever someone uploads a video of them cooking something like a standard roast or something all the comments are about how it looks unseasoned. You don’t really need to smother a roast chicken in chilli powder, plus people do season it just with actual herbs but idiots on the internet seem to think seasonings only come in a powdered form. It’s quite petty but I feel like people jumped on the bandwagon of making fun of people who don’t use any seasonings and now think anything that’s not covered in powdered spices is unseasoned.
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Know Your S**t: Inside Our Guts | All 4 (

Things like this being on TV. I had to see a lovely headline who about a woman who sells her own poo for people to eat because of this programme and I've been feeling quite sick ever since.

More and more, although on the one hand she was a horrible bigot who I'd never actually want to support I think Mary Whitehouse had a point in at least some ways!
I think shows like this, naked attraction, embarrassing bodies etc. are actually quite unique to British TV, you can’t turn on the telly at 8pm on a Monday night in most other countries and get a full view of someones prolapsed arse or something.
Whenever I’ve explained these type of shows or showed this shit to foreigners who have never lived in the UK, their response has been to go into a state of shock lmao. They actually cannot believe some of the stuff that gets aired on TV.
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I completely agree. There’s a field near me where everyone goes to walk their small dogs and let them off the lead. There’s this really chavvy looking guy who keeps bringing his XL Bully over with no lead. As soon as I see it put my dog back on his lead and walk back. It makes me so uncomfortable especially when I have my children with me. I know all dogs can attack but the damage this thing could do is a different story. Funny thing is this bloke lives on what we call benefit street and this dog would have cost a fortune!
I always leash my dog when I see any bull breed. I don't trust they won't think my dogs a rabbit or somthing and rip him apart.

Then I always see comments online about how offended owners of bull breeds are that no one ever let's their dogs play with it and leash their dogs round it. What kind of idot gets a dog that looks like it eats people for breakfast than complain others are wary of it.
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Gotta rant about my digestive system. I randomly get bloating and stomache aches but I haven't been able to figure out what it is! It's not gluten, it's not tomatoes, it's not onions, it's not rice, it's not garlic, it's not legumes... I don't know what the fuck it is and it makes me MAD! Glad I live alone so I can fart in peace but hell it's pretty bad, I look 7 months pregnant.
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