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My teeth tbh they are always sensative but lately I’ve convinced myself I have gum disease so going to try and get an emergency appointment - can’t they just give me dentures or something lmao
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Travelling back from our staycation and it means I have the next 5 hrs in a car. Just want my bed and my comfies 😂
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Rosie glow

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If she’s entitled to more/less then it should be sorted out. Being 18 doesn’t mean the end of csa. In fact depending on circumstances it can be paid until the child is 20.
He fathered those children and therefore also have a duty to pay towards them.
It’s strange that you begrudge it. I always find it strange when people begrudge csa payments
You no nothing about me or my situation so please don't judge me by saying I begrudge it i dont begrudge him supporting them which he has done he has supported them in to adulthood, he paid for the eldest who was supposed to be in education but was actually on the dole because they lied to him about her leaving college
the money he has paid wasn't even spent on them when they were children she would spent it on on new hair cut clothes and nails when they came to us they didn't even have soles on their shoes Or clothes that fit and what is he paying for now when the mother has zero payouts no rent no council tax no bills
For your info payouts now stop at 19 regardless of further education the csa don't take anything in to consideration either thay take 20% of wages whether you have enough to live on or not
When I was 18 I was in college and working full time i had half a day off and worked for an apprenticeship wage of £80 per week
Ah I see. Well the rules are the rules I guess.
The thing is she barely goes to college once ot twice a week if she can be bothered
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The FUCKING WEATHER!! I have underactive thyroid, but even though that’s treated and stable, I’m just generally cold if it’s <23 degrees and always have been. Yesterday I went out in my puffer coat!!! And WFH now I’m wearing woolly socks, a thermal vest and jumper. 😭 I feel generally shitty and miserable as the #1 predictor of my mood is sunshine and nice weather. Summer ‘22 was the best summer of my life as it was just heatwaves.

I feel like a fucking tropical plant that’s living in the wrong climate and all the leaves have shrivelled and fallen off. I would love to live in Spain or even a cold country with seasons, where they heat the houses like crazy all winter (where I was born it gets to -30 but indoors is kept to like +27). The aircon obsession in the UK also kills me - shops can’t afford heating but AC is blasting when it’s 18 degrees outside?? But I’ve spent 6 years trawling through 6 shit jobs with severe depression, I genuinely thought the only way out was either suicide or just live off my husband’s money and be a housewife. Now I love my job and feel so lucky every single day. I have really interesting work, great working conditions, the best manager and I’m never bored - which has NEVER happened before in any job, not even close. I’ve been there >2 years which is a record for me. I don’t want to emigrate and take another shit job!

Just wish it was hot and sunny 😭😭
Ugh yeah I totally agree. I also live in Scotland so even if England is getting a heatwave, we get good weather for only a few days here and there. I hate when people complain when it's like 20 degrees. It barely ever gets hot here and if it does, it's for a few days comparing to most of the year of cold, wind, and rain misery.

I've been putting heating on which is just ridiculous in June. And then it gets a bit warmer outside so it gets too hot. Weather outside it's this weird combination where it's cold but also sweaty. The worst.
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Stop leaving voice messages on my phone—I have caller ID. I know it is you who called me. If I want to speak with you, I will call you back—if I don't, then get the bloody hint!
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does anyone truly enjoy this music?
Ha! I didn't think so but seemingly these two do. Absolutely lovely neighbours in every other way by the way, they just have shit taste in music and like to have a bop some days 😂

I've had MUCH worse neighbours in the past so I'll take a bit of loud shit music occasionally!
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I've put down cedar blocks. Will try cedar (and lavender) oil as well. Sticky traps also arriving tomorrow.

I hate spiders but I've been ignoring any I find in the hope they will tackle the moth issue but that doesn't seem to be working so far.
I’ve found in the past that cedar oil in an oil burner seemed to drive them out of where they were hiding.
I hate the smell of it but it seems they do too!
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It’s not them touching their face I’m worried about, it’s the innocent people who touch the surfaces where people who ‘haven’t’ washed their hands put their grubby fingers.

As someone who is immunosuppressed I rely on others having a degree of hygiene standards!
Yeah and I'm saying those people shouldn't rely on others, they should wash their hands before touching their face. Everything around us is manky, everyone should take responsibility to wash their hands. I wash my hands but I do it for myself, not for others 😅
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Pesky Tarian

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I feel like I'm constantly in fight or flight mode. Mum's back in hospital and not doing so well. That stress combined with working, parenting, housework, money struggles, it's a lot. Plus I need to make time to study and exercise and lose weight. I don't understand how some people can do it all and I can't.
I am so sorry you are going through this, I've seen your other posts and you really have a lot on your plate ❤. A few years ago I had an ill mum, crazy 2 year old, husband facing redundancy and my own work stresses and can honestly say the only thing that got me through was a course of beta blockers, they just stopped the panic rising and enabled me to deal with one thing at a time.
Fully understand if you don't want to be medicated though, let the house get messy, ask for some support at work?, don't shoulder everything and don't compare yourself to others ... lots of people are swans, serene on the surface and peddling like mad underneath. You're doing great if you're still studying and exercising!! X.
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VIP Member
My teeth tbh they are always sensative but lately I’ve convinced myself I have gum disease so going to try and get an emergency appointment - can’t they just give me dentures or something lmao
Not much they can do for gum disease I think, apart from getting regular clean and polish done, making sure you floss and short term use of corsodyl mouth wash. Definitely recommend sensodyne for sensitivity and don't rinse out the toothpaste (a lot of people do and I did as well until I found out you're not meant to 😅)
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It’s not even hot! It’s barely 22! That’s room temp! Hot is 30+ surely?

England has the most bland/temperate climate and people still moan. Move to Canada or Norway then, apart from then they’ll still moan it’s too hot indoors in winter (plus summers are hot there too probably)
Mine’s not a rant but just sad…I was meant to be visiting my parents who have an elderly friend from abroad visiting, I met him years ago. Had to cancel as I’ve got an absolutely horrid cold and don’t want to give it to him. Now I’m sitting at home feeling sorry for myself 😔
It's about 35°C here nowadays (I don't live in the UK) so fair enough it is hot but what's the point of bringing it up every time you talk to someone, I don't even know. And yes, in the winter she whines about days being too short and her flat not being warm enough. 🙄
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On a train and they've just told people to find seats instead of blocking aisles. I've just had to step over someone to get to the toilet.
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They're definitely moths. I will keep up the vacuuming this week and see if that makes a difference. I've got lavender sachets as well, will get some more of those too.
Am going to order some of the sticky traps and hope that helps.
I’ve noticed an increase in moths in the last few weeks. They haven’t eaten my clothes thankfully, but I have seen more than usual in my house!
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I went down a rabbit hole with that on the Tattle threads earlier. The stuff coming from the Facebook groups is wild - fell down a volcano, stuck on a cactus, leave a trail of food. Utterly insane.
People are definitley taking the piss now. Leave food out and water in case he finds it? Give over
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For me they have not been the same since I had covid... Sorry for TMI but the snot I would get before 2020 is not what I get now. It's almost gel like now and hard to shift, my husband says the same and someone at work was saying their colds are different since covid, almost as though something changed in our nasal areas 🤷‍♀️😂 who knows but it definitely seems that way.
I was thinking when doing a COVID test I wonder how many people have accidentally maybe unknowingly caused damaged doing the nasal swabs for COVID. Not sure if you could..
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Yep that’s what dr google told me but I just want to confirm or not if my insane brain is right lmao, I already use mouth wash (before brushing), I don’t rinse out my toothpaste, I try to remember to floss, tbh think my teeth are just unlucky
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