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VIP Member
that’s not on especially as you’ve been supplying everything
There would be a riot if people did that were we work
they almost stormed the accounts office with pitch forks because our wages went into our bank accounts 2 hours later than normal anyone faffing with coffee of tea money gets publicly shamed 😂
I should take the communal bits to ransom until they give me my share of the winnings. Perhaps leave photos of a milk carton and coffee jar locked in a dark cupboard somewhere 😂.

The thing is - they're the same as your colleagues as well. If anyone messed with their earnings or bought something communal without their approval I know they'd go nuts.
Well, well isn't that the perfect opportunity to promote that very person to beverage monitor. Make them collect money and buy everything. Make sure they bring back the receipt and check they don't pocket the change.
Yes, even 20p change has to be shared out between everyone who contributed 😂
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I have a super annoying coworker, the problem is she lives near me so I see her often on my commute. It's an hour long and I'd rather do anything than listen to her yapping, especially when I'm tired from work and I just want to zone out and read or scroll. She goes on and on, she's really socially awkward too so it takes her a long time to express very basic concepts, she only talks about herself, she always has to have the last word, and she can't take the hint that I literally could not care less about what she's saying.
The problem is that when I see her in the morning, we clock in at the same time, so chances are I'll meet her at the bus stop on my way back home too. Ugh.
Actually I had someone like this when I was in college on the bus. I'd get travel sick and what helped was listening to music and I'd tell her I'm going to put my earphones in now so I don't feel sick
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I went down a rabbit hole with that on the Tattle threads earlier. The stuff coming from the Facebook groups is wild - fell down a volcano, stuck on a cactus, leave a trail of food. Utterly insane.
"My labrador has a good nose, shall I send him?" 🤦‍♀️

It's seems to be that everyone just wants to be able to say "I told you so!" Or "I said that's what happened!"
It's like when people constantly guess that someone might be pregnant, then when they announce they are, they all go "oh I've known since X, I could just tell."
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Dress shopping (again).

This is a follow on from my rant of the other day. Basically I'm still trying to find a dress to this black tie do I've been invited to next week and I'm seriously running out of time. Gave up on Vinted due to concerns about stuff not arriving for ages...since then I've tried basically every site I can think of and I'm struggling, everything is either too short, or not in my size - or pastel coloured and giving bridesmaid vibes.

All I want is a floor length dress in my size, ideally for £50(ish) or less. I've so far only found 2 that are suitable, there's this one, but the biggest size available is at least a size too small so unless it is stretchy - which it doesn't look like it is- I doubt it would fit, and the other one won't get here for a week which is too late.

View attachment 2991648

I'm starting to panic now that I won't be able to find anything at all :( When did shopping become such a pain? I used to go to these sort of events regularly pre Covid and I never had this much trouble (sadly I lost a lot of weight back then and sold all my old dresses, which would have now fit me again 🤦‍♀️ - all I've got left is stuff that is now 4 sizes too small!)
Sorry I can’t remember what size you need, they do express delivery

this is slightly over budget but sizes


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Kim Mild

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My kids . They get up and they act themselves. I explained what behaviour I expected and what would happen if they didn't behave. They didn't behave and we had tantrums for ages . The little one is off nursery today and I thought we could do something nice but I don't want to now. It's put me in a bad mood.
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Getting into a lift with someone who has just doused themselves in Lynx. Better than BO but still horrible!
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I have a friend like this. She's moaned several times a day the past week or so. If she says "roll on winter" one more time I may thump her. When winter comes she just moans about not being able to get warm 🙄
Where do you live? Is anywhere in the UK actually hot right now? I thought everywhere is getting a beating with rain and cold, and a bit of sun here and there
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To be fair most of the celebs obviously using it don’t have high BMI. You can put anything you like in the consultation to meet the criteria, no one is knocking on your door with scales to check (I’m not advocating this BTW) but genuinely please don’t. BMI is such a shit measure anyway
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2 from me 😭

1. I've bought a fat suit (waist and thigh sucker inner thing)and it is pushing all the fat above and over the top creating a whole fat roll, front and back, that I never had before. Waist looks snatched but I now have a tyre under my boobs 😭. It wasn't cheap, £40 from M&S why is it doing this 😭
I always find getting one with the bra in works best. Usually one like this -

It tends to smooth everything then without leaving one bit without the Spanx aspect (they’re just a nightmare to get on and off if they don’t have poppers).
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Double rant this morning. The Jay Slater conspiracies and wannabe sleuths are doing my nut in. People really do believe any old tripe they read on the internet, don’t they?
I hope no one I love goes missing and these whackjobs are sprouting absolute shite. It's people saying "oh my dogs got a great nose" "try flying a banner over" the guy has probably just fallen or something.
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Haha I do feel like I need to get over myself sometimes but everyone is allowed to feel how they want to feel without been told to get a grip because people have it worse, although I do think about it too 🤣 I just fight with myself in my head all the time 🤣
I’m kind to everyone, I do agree that we never truly know what people are going through behind closed doors, I just wish people would give me the same thought.
I always wonder if they're obsessing in their heads too. The scariest people have been the most broken and the placidest - well I didn't sleep the night they confided in me about how bad their lives were....
I keep nagging a person in my life to change something or their life will never change, which was some advice I was given.
When you meet the right people though, it's like they've always been in your life, and I've asked the ones I know personally, when did we meet? and they can never remember. They say it's like we've always known each other! Doesn't happen often enough but it's precious when it does. 😁
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This isn't really a rant just something I find strange.

Why do young people feel the cold so much these days???

When I started working in offices, it was always with older women who all felt cold and had heaters plugged in under their desks. I never felt cold when I was young.

Now, I'm the old woman in the office but it's all the weans complaining about feeling cold. And it's June - our office is like Ice Station Zebra in the winter.

It is an old building, it can be roasting outside but "cool" inside.

But it's mental how these weans always feel the cold. I think they eat too healthily - they need a good plate of mince and tatties in them 🤣🤣🤣
I feel the cold more because I have raynaurds. No idea how common it is amongst younger folk
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VIP Member
This isn't really a rant just something I find strange.

Why do young people feel the cold so much these days???

When I started working in offices, it was always with older women who all felt cold and had heaters plugged in under their desks. I never felt cold when I was young.

Now, I'm the old woman in the office but it's all the weans complaining about feeling cold. And it's June - our office is like Ice Station Zebra in the winter.

It is an old building, it can be roasting outside but "cool" inside.

But it's mental how these weans always feel the cold. I think they eat too healthily - they need a good plate of mince and tatties in them 🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha this could be written about me! I’m shocking, always have the fan heater on under my desk. I’m mid 30s so don’t know if I’m classed as a youngster but yeah…!
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Chatty Member
need to drop off a parcel at an InPost locker. It's been full all day but was showing limited availability on the app so off I trotted. Get there and it says its full :mad:
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I’m guessing but probably because they naively believe their olive skin is getting tanned and not damaged? I have family that live in southern Spain and they barely put sun cream on their kid and it makes me cringe. Not my place to say anything though. My daughter, like me and probably most Brits? Have fair skin so we need to cover up in the sun, especially at midday.
We do use sunscreen. And we avoid the sun during the hottest hours. You probably don't need to be fully covered on top of that.
Not all of us have olive skin either.
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I’m struggling with the thicko I’ve been paired with at work for this project. We had a meeting yesterday and she’s changed all her slides on the back of talking to her boss…. Who isn’t involved in the project at all? I said it’s annoying because we’re a team and you’ve effectively involved another cook in the kitchen who is now adding or taking out ingredients to a dish, so when we think we’ve got it right it turns out we haven’t because your mate is interfering the whole time. I’m staggered she can be so naive about what she’s done - and so easily led too.
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