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After 14 days off falling of the wagon I have finally weighed in and only gained 1.6lbs - I'm very surprised but I'm considering that a win.

Today is my first fast day - I'm planning to do Monday and Friday because those are two days I struggle with over-eating the most so will see how it goes. Will be only weighing once a week for a while so that'll be Saturday mornings.
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Feeling mentally ravenous this week so far. My period is coming up, I think that affects me. Had a huge chunk of pastry in the afternoon despite being very full from lunch. I didn't want to sit and let it turn into a bigger thing so went for a long walk after work. Walked up and downhill fairly briskly for 2 hours, didn't start with that in mind but good to know that walking apparently burns a lot of calories 😂 I don't know if it redeemed the situation but I feel better for having had some fresh air.
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Wow congrats to everyone so far, this thread is amazing. Love the support everyone gives each other, it's really motivating. I am at work this afternoon, fighting the good covid fight and all that but tomorrow, after I've weighed, me and my daughter are having a Chinese and watching The Wheel :love: a good way to end the month I feel.
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Morning everyone!

I bought the Renpho scales after recommendations on here - wow, much better than my Aria ones (which are going straight on FB marketplace!)
6.7lbs down in January 😳

I still have 2st to lose but that’s such a motivation for me. I can’t say clothes feel less tight but most of my weight gain is around my back and tummy (I’m a potato!)

I’m off to drag my boyfriend out on a 90 minute dog walk. He’s ecstatic 🤣
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I've been using the happy scale app since I first lost weight in 2017 (I lost 30lbs and kept it off but gained over half of it back last year) and have just realised that I can change my start date (and weight) on there without losing the previous results from the graph so I've set my start date as the 30th dec and realised I've lost 8lbs since then which I'm pretty bloody pleased with! Got another 18 to go to get to my low/comfortable weight and only 3 to normal BMI.
I also measured again today and I've lost 1.5 inches from my waist, hips and bum :D
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Yesterday was another fuck up - I ended up getting a footlong subway at lunch which I wouldn't normally be able to finish but did, then had my planned halloumi wrap for dinner and two ciders so I went over TDEE again.
OMAD isn't working for me this week clearly so I had a protein shake before I left this morning and have a bol curry thing for lunch and paneer masala for dinner which all comes in at 1400 calories.
I've been a bit sniffly overnight and knackered all week so I think it's a combination of the weather and my body possibly fighting off a cold that's making me absolutely ravenous. I also fell over and badly twisted my ankle on Monday so I'm telling myself my body is demanding the extra calories to heal 😅
I've worked out that my slightly ott weekend plus the last three days going over will have only led to 0.5lb gain though which is fine as long as I don't let it just go on and on! I weigh daily and there's a bit more on than that which'll be mostly water weight and I'd lost 12lbs since the first of Jan so it's not a major issue

I walked to work today for the first time this week so I've already got 5,000 steps in and that always makes me feel more positive and likely to stick to the plan for the day so rather than completely writing this week off and starting again on Monday I'm starting again today and taking it one day at a time. Also at least I carried on logging even though I was going over -it's when I fall off the wagon entirely that spells danger!
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Had the nicest Chinese last night so now I’m ready to get back on it. Only +.8lbs this morning (weigh everyday) so really encouraging and know it’ll come off over the next couple of days.

I’m literally so close to losing 20lbs so that’s my goal for this week. It’s huge for me as I’ve not been this weight for over 3 years. I’ve also not ever stuck to a diet for 5 weeks (probably max. 2!!!) so I think I’ve really found my groove.

Going to try those low cal Sainsbury’s pizzas this week, hoping they are yummo! This weather is just making me want to eat endless amounts of pie and mash to keep warm😂😂

Hope everyone had a good weekend ✨
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Had a good day today! I did a workout and have had good food all day🥳🥳🥳

If you haven’t tried Richmond meat free sausages OH MY GOD go and get some !!!!!!!! I’m not veggie and I’ve never really tried meat substitutes but they’re the most incredible sausages ever 🤤🤤 and only 115 kcal for 2 with 7g protein!!
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Just had to share my breakfast this morning 🤣 I’m awful for just having a slice of toast then being hungry and hour later so thought I’d make a proper breakfast today. My first time having baked oats 😍😍😍 topped with a kids milkybar (65kcal), biscoff spread which I burnt when melting lol (87kal) and a banana. Absolute lush. Basically like cake for breakfast!


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Finished day two of my non-diet. Ended up chucking my body scales in the bin today as they kept calling to me non-stop so for now I'm just focusing on the 'healthy living' part rather than the weight loss part. I'll just go by how clothes fit for now.

Managed to get into my 'home gym' today after work and it was the first proper workout since Lockdown One hit - only managed 15 minutes with the dumbbells and then a 20 minute walk but I feel so much better for doing it. I have a long walk planned tomorrow to the pharmacy/supermarket so that's my exercise sorted.

Food-wise it is what it is. I've had some healthy foods and some non-healthy foods. I'm trying to focus on two things at the moment - firstly, how food makes me feel - am I stuffed or comfortably full? Does my energy dip at work in the afternoon after XYZ lunch or is it steady? Am I enjoying my food or am I just eating it because I feel guilty wasting it? (I'm was very much raised in the nineties and had to 'think of the poor starving children in Africa' and finish all my food even when I was full or didn't like it.)

Secondly I'm focusing on figuring out what situations and what emotions make me reach for food and what I can do around that that. For instance, having a healthy snack there and ready for right after my scheduled work meetings or moving a stressful task to just before lunch.

It'll take a while to untangle myself but I feel more positive at the moment.
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Thanks fir the replies on the first thread. Think I'll ditch the cereal and go for a more filling toast and egg or bean combo. Defo need some more veg to bulk meals out. Managed a 7000 step walk today with a further 10000 at work tonight, so that all helps!!
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Hello everyone! I've been lurking these threads for a while now but just wanted to thank whoever it was who recommended the Leslie Sansone walking videos? I tried one yesterday and my goodness I was dripping afterwards!! My calves have completely stiffened up today too, which is good going for a half hour workout! Great recommendation thank you!
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The scales have jumped down 1lb this morning, which I'm taking as my reward for resisting pancakes yesterday! Now 0.8lbs away from matching my lowest weight in over 2 years.
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Can I join in too?

I've lost 24.4lbs since 1st of August, currently at 151.8lbs, my target is 140-145lbs. I'll be happy with another 7lb loss but I think once I lose 7 I will still want to lose a few more. My weight loss is very very slow and it's so annoying. But hopefully I'll get there soon!
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Only -1lbs for me this week bringing my total to -8lbs. Obviously nice to see higher numbers but a loss is a loss and I want to lose the weight slowly so that it stays off so I’m still happy. Planned some better meals this week than I had last (besides payday McDonald’s😋) so hopefully I’ll see more of a loss this week!! Last week of Jan ladies and month 1 is over for a lot of us⭐
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Do you know what I’m so glad I’ve got this group for accountability! Would have definitely fallen off the wagon by now I think. Had a couple of bad days good wise but reading you guys being so positive and supportive to one another is exactly what I need.

Today I had porridge etc for breakfast, egg fried rice with some chunks of beef for lunch and then fajitas for dinner. Wasn’t going to have wraps or cheese or even mayo but turns out fajitas are surprisingly low cal including the wraps (by low cal I mean like 500cals for 3 full wraps) buuuut ended up having wraps cheese and mayo as was called into work last minute and needed some energy as was to be a long night. Also had a twirl and some malteasers (again) (I think I need to ban these from my house cos “fun size” my arse) so unsure what my total calories for the day was as didn’t weigh the cheese/mayo etc but hopefully stayed under 2000 for at least a 1lb loss this week. Need to just keep reminding myself I’m 15lbs down and not to undo all my hard work so far.
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I've been stuck between 10st 11.4lbs and 10st 11.0lbs for the last fortnight, came on this morning and the scales said 10st 10.4lb - as long as I don't eat anything stupid, I should now see steady loss for a bit.
Sorry for quoting myself, but just to prove my point, 1.4lbs of water retention has vanished in the last 24 hours, now 10st 9lbs and back into the 'healthy' BMI band :D (Still have 16lbs to lose to get to my goal though!)
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How do you find C25K? Is it hard?

I have never been a runner so at the age of 50 ( four years ago) I thought I should give it a go for heart health.

I have never finished the plan of 8 weeks but that's me.

Last October I got to week 5 and was really doing well, still can't run fast or far, but was out there doing something, which is the important thing I think, then I was ill for two weeks, Lockdown 2 etc and lost the plot.

Back to week 2 today, hard for me but I did it.
Promised myself I will get to the end this time.
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New member
Totally joining in on this! Have been dieting since new year and have lost 7lbs so far. I'm really short and find losing weight so difficult! What's helping me stay on track atm is instagram. I've made a weightloss instagram and I'm following loads of other weightloss ones too. Find it so motivating seeing the other healthy meals people are making and knowing I've got to post what I've eaten at the end of the day. Good luck to you all!
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The Renpho app has knocked another year off my metabolic age this morning. Only two years over my actual age now!
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