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Just popped over here for some much needed respite from the other thread.

Like Namima, even though I’m not from the UK, the whole Lilibet Diana thing made me positively ill!

Not only insulting to The Queen, but to Prince William, Catherine, and their little princess because her name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - like Lydia, MM has no class and is just plain gauche!

Now onto a happier topic … you guys!
How are you all today?

Sending love to you gorgeous humans - you really do help to keep me sane these days! ♥
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Maybe you can share more Teddy pics with us @Oops... 🤗 for teddy and oops

Sorry ladies, I’m not much of a talker, but I do read all of your posts... every single one of them. So many heart touching, happy posts. Reading this thread first thing in the morning puts such a smile on my face just before work. Thank you 💖
I agree. I’m an addict. I read in the morning and before bed. Sometimes in between depending on how addicted I am:LOL:
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
He’s a beaut - what’s his name?

Plus, @Rubythefirebat - can we have a pic of Tádé -White Puli that won Miss Sheep Lookalike 2020 - am very excited to see her?

I got Teddy Bear’s age right - then he can sing “I am sixteen....” 🎼🎼 from The Sound of Music and waltz with my Gem - ah, makes me smile 🐶❤
He is Buddy, we got him around 9 years ago.
For a while he was wary of me & basically any man, it took the best part of a year to get his trust, he doesn't like loud noise, raised voices or swearing.
He hadn't been treated well during his racing/kennel time.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Oh - there’s dear Buddy again! Such a beautiful fellah! Keep us posted on what your vet says. Sending him (and you ) a big doggy hug. 🤗
Thanks very much, he's a real happy big thing, food, food, food. Never known a dog to appreciate food so much, but not just any old food, has to be cheese omelettes, fresh tuna/salmon/haddock, pasta, kebabs :oops: baked potato...the list is endless :D
He's worth it though.
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@Geranium I had an idea I thought might suit us - how about once a month we pick the following:

What we read (could be a sentence, a book, a poster, a headline, a tweet) - I know you like your books.❤

What we wore (or would like to, or inspired by, or want but will never buy)

What we.. I dunno? ... donated, cooked, thrifted, loved?
I would love this kind of convo on the other thread too but lets give it a try here - maybe a silly idea, but are any of you interested? ❤
I’m in! I’m kind of too bored with dear Lydia, Josie, Frow et al, I just hang around for the company of you guys these days to be honest! Xx
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Hi there

Well-known member
Now that is some silky fur! She is a beauty!
She’s a he 😂 although a lot of people mistake him for being a girl as he is just so beautiful, with a pretty face if I may say so myself lol!

Casper!! 🦮🌟 One of our original Fur Babies! Gorgeous...🦴x
Oh @Oops... how I’ve missed you on the other thread. So so glad to have you around again, genuinely thought wouldn’t see you and got teary eyed. Thank you for recommending this page xx
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@fedup90210 i am so sorry to hear about the flooding and hope you can update us as the situation changes.
@Oops... thank you for being the most wonderful hostess, Roo and I had the best time! ❤
Thank you for enquiring Geranium. 💝 School was cancelled today for the small ones, so we ventured out in the torrential rain to see our brand new river/waterfall cascading down the hillside into the gully. All fun and games. The family farm on my husband's farm is not fearing so well (the rather large paddock where they have the centre pivot irrigators look like they won't need to be irrigated for some time! Photo below. :eek:) Most people seem to be doing okay, but there was a disturbing news story that someone in their car had been swept away (seems like they didn't know where the road ended, and the river began). He ended up being saved, and helicoptered to safety. (Phew). I rather think that the people in Canterbury have had enough to deal with over the years (with the shootings two years ago, and the earthquakes prior to that), so here's hoping this is a temporary glitch with no long-lasting effects!
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I love this thread! 🤗

I am free again! All done, dusted and we acquitted ourselves with knobs on. Over 600 hours spent on this tender and we smashed it yesterday. We will have to wait a few weeks to be told if we have been successful or not however, you know that feeling when everything lines up in a row and you sense you have done well? Well 4 board members gave the Presentation and we were all buzzing and had the same feeling. I did the corporate and social responsibility section and for once blew a trumpet that might have brought down the walls of Jericho! I also did the introduction and the ‘Why Us?’ section...I loved every minute of it and it was a good feeling. This tender was quite large and would go a very long way towards future-proofing our company. All this in our Silver Jubilee year. We did the presentation from my garden and the backdrop of tumbling pink roses and verdant grapevines overhead drew comments of awe from some of the 9 people who we were presenting to. Some of you may be aware that that I am very into all things quantum and Tesla. Well - there is a lot of magic in the numbers 3, 6 and 9. Yesterday was the 9th day of the 6th month and we were given a 3pm slot to present. WHAT were the chances of that? No such thing as coincidence...;) I am so lucky having the wonderful people who work with us. Truly.

I have missed ‘us’ though and will now wind down a little and then be firing on all cylinders soon :m. Me bonnet is well back on me head...👒

SO happy to hear dear Geranium’s news!! Actually - happy is a bit of an understatement...💛
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
He really was a beautiful little dog, with such a huge personality. The house is definitely quieter and I'm feeling a little lost without him.
Thank you for your condolences I appreciate it. 💖
You know, @Oops writes beautiful poems and songs for our beloved fur babies - if you tell her specific traits of your Jack, she might write you a little something you could keep in your wallet in remembrance ❤🐶
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Well-known member
Morning all - (or good evening NZ time).

I don't want to brag or anything, but an utter miracle has happened. I appear to have been upgraded to an 'active member', yet I haven't been for a walk in days! Incredible! 🤭 I did go to the Dr today though, and I have high blood pressure (very unusual for me, but it might explain the heart palpitations, and shortness of breath - doesn't explain the constant crying though). Maybe Tattle Life was trying to get me out for a walk or a jog, so that I earn the title "active." ;)

Hope you all are well out there. @Milking Keynes - hope you got that hydrangea securely stowed away underground. 🥰

P.S. I know nothing of this DM button. :unsure: I feel like I'm missing out on something.
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Your neighbours think you’ve lost the plot?
I must assure you - you have NOT!
It’s them - not you; They all should prove
Good reasons why you should not move ;)
This thread is doing me so much good! I had a bit of bad news today but you are helping me get through the day. Birthday drinks with eldest daughter tonight to look forward to as well.xx
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I just wanted to share my story. This little lady has been coming to visit me for 3 years now. For a few weeks in April/May, she comes up to my door for some food. She knows me so well she even follows me home from school with the kids.

She obviously nests nearby, but I don't know where it is. It's such a joy to have her come back each year. Last time I saw her in 2021 she was waddling down our drive with her ducklings in tow. It was like she wanted me to see her babies. Then she was gone until this week.

She's usually alone, but this morning she brought Mr Duck, who was making sure she was OK. They are so cute, they wait at my gate and quack to be let in. My kids woke me at 6.53 this morning to tell me they were here 😂🦆


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Feel free to share pictures of your beautiful fur babies. Also grab a nice cup to tea to enjoy some poetry as well.
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Oh, damn - like I said already, the timing is woeful for you. Why, oh why do these horrible things happen when least expected or wanted. At least, though, you got the organisational element sorted before it happened, hence you are missing the ‘nice’ week as opposed to the setup week, I’m thinking? Sending lots of support and love your way, though, because it’s a damn shame either way. ❤
Thank you! Yes, you are would have been even more annoying during the prep when I was running around. At least I can relax now. So frustrated though!!!
I've also been bitten by a horse fly and now on antibiotics because the rash is infected and spreading! 🤣
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Dandy Tandy has been entertaining us for the last half-an-hour with her squirrel chariot racing up and down the garden. She kindly let each of us have a go. It’s really quite amazing how squirrels have so much power. The Roman Empire missed a trick there you know...Mrs Bonnet-Bennet has reluctantly become separated from her bonnet. Miss Midnight has resuscitated the herbaceous border on top of it and placed it in the cellar to keep it cool. Mrs Bonnet—Bennet has announced that the time has come for her to let her hair down so @Sofie has brought her a hairbrush and some pastry forks. No-one is tipsy yet but as @happyforest keeps on saying - the night hasn’t even started yet. The dogs have made a fort right at the top end of the garden (behind the LSO) and Gem is in a turret being rescued by Casper, Roo and Teddy Bear. They never seem to tire of this wonderful game. We are all sitting out in the garden listening to 3 of the cellists from the LSO play Elgar...We are crying like babies and Mr Archer Karcher Darcy has now become the official hanky dispenser. Waaagggghhhhhhh...We all begin to channel our inner Jacqueline Du Pre...none of us are much good but we all try extremely hard. @Rubythefirebat begins to perform some interpretive dance for us and dear Fedup is quickly on her heels. It’s mesmerising...Miss Canthus has brought with her a commemorative tree and she says we can all plant it together a little later. Archer (of course) has volunteered to dig the tree pit...

to be continued...

The dogs helped Archer dig the tree pit - they had a wonderful time and got very excited indeed as they unearthed so many forgotten treats. We just started the ceremony of planting the tree but had to stop for a while whilst Archer rescued Miss Geranium from the tree pit. She had tripped over the hem of her floaty frock and fallen in accidentally. For some reason she kept tripping and had to keep on being rescued...She had a big smile on her face so we knew she wasn’t actually hurt... ;)

Tel O’Mere and Mel O’Dramatic have popped in as a surprise for Mrs Bonnet-Bennet. Miss Canthus and Mrs Bonnet-Bennet have now decided that a few delicate sips of gin might not go amiss. Archer staggers outside with the evening drinks tray and many, many glasses. The sun still beats down on our gathering and we are all having such a lovely time. Namima decides it’s time to fill the paddling pool...the dogs are thrilled...Jamie kisses everyone goodbye. He’s just covered the table on the terrace with the scummiest supper banquet which we can help ourselves to whenever we want. This is the life. This is the Birthday..!
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When life gets us into a muddle
We all need support and a cuddle
If it’s sad or unfair
We’ve got cuddles to spare
Here’s the space to replace your confuddle...
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How did your event go @Miscanthus and how is the "naughty" toe ?

Welcome back @fedup90210 we missed you and @Oops... ❤
My event was good thank you! Not as many people as we'd hoped but circumstances aren't really normal yet.
The toe is taking some getting used to. I've got a 'special' shoe that takes the weight off my toes but it's thrown my posture out and my back and hip hurt! It's better than crutches though...I thought I might injure other people with those!
It's the first time I've ever broken anything so feeling very sorry for myself! 🤪
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