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Just facetimed my friend, Miss Canthus, to see if she fancied a hair o’ the dog... what a sight befell me.. pincurls awry, spectacles askew, pinny detached and minus a sleeve - that’s not all. Dropcloth on her forehead and frozen mighty peas on her posterior. I could say with honesty, a hair o’ the dog was absolutely essential. Therefore, we have now been hastily served a ‘cure’ - so that order is resumed. Phew!
🤣🤣🤣friend?....never, ever FaceTime me without at least a day's warning!!!
Thank heaven for Mighty Peas*! I wasn't sure whether to put them on my face or my bottom....
You know they say after a certain age a layyydddeeee has to choose between the two? Well, although I am far too young I have had to make that decision already and let me tell you, my rear won!
Those Mighty Peas have really brought out the bruise!
Anyhoooo....I will let you off for the FaceTime surprise as a hair o' the dog was just the ticket. I was wondering if I would ever be the same again after last night. I know my bustier top won't! My detachable sleeve was last seen around Teddy Bear's neck!
As for my long lost secateurs, they have gone on 'holiday' with @fedup90210 !
What's a girl to do?
Thjnc illn gavd snosher hairy dog...hic!
* See Aldi and Lidl thread
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Milking Keynes

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Can you PLEASE put us all out of our misery and tell us WHERE you got that divine structured bag? I mean - it’s just different...:D. Was it hand-embroidered by an itinerant pipe-lagger?
It’s a particularly mesmerizing piece, I agree. How did you know, @Oops - that’s exactly it! Embroidered by an itinerant pipe lagger! I knew such an iconic piece would not be lost on you. Extremely difficult to provide balance with one’s accessories, mind you, as the bonnet is a statement in itself, of course. However, they compliment each other superbly. I would add that many you tubers could learn from this photo. It’s possible to look this good without the need for filters, fillers, photoshop, etc. I’m trying not to toot my horn, here, but me and Miss Canthus are a sight for sore eyes. ❤
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Love Geminis ❤ I'm Aquarius.
Happy birthday to lovely Geminis Miss Geranium and Mrs Milking Bonnet Bennet. 🎂🥂🍾🍸
Loving all the poetry. You are sooooo talented!
I’m Libra ⚖. So I’m an air sign too! Maybe that’s why we click so well...:m
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Milking Keynes

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Thank you for asking after me @Namima ...I was beginning to wonder if y'all had forgotten who I was. 😔🤗

Still in the middle of exams, so just dashing in and out quickly. (It's nearly 4am here, so about to hit the hay). Had an absolutely dreadful exam this morning - just blanked - so now I'm dealing with the 'crisis of confidence' aftermath. Argh. Moving on...only 5 more days to go, then there's a 3 week break. Wondering how the other exams are going across the world - @Milking Keynes @MissMidnight 😘

Went to Mr 7 and Miss 6's school production this evening of The Lorax. I literally cried my eyes out through the whole thing (it was dedicated to a beautiful student who went to the same school, and died this year at sad). The Lorax is such a poignant wee story!
No - you were not forgotten! I assumed the exams were on. Hold tight there, I’m sure you’ll do great. Very stressful, I know. I’m just back from the doctor, actually as I had to get a ‘waiver’ for my daughter that allows her 15 minute break if she gets a migraine during her exams which is the prime worry. Go to bed and try and get some sleep.Lots of love XO
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This thread is doing me so much good! I had a bit of bad news today but you are helping me get through the day. Birthday drinks with eldest daughter tonight to look forward to as well.xx
Sending you lots of love @Geranium ❤ Have a lovely evening with your daughter.🥰
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I'm always late to the party too - you're not the only one. ;) 😘

I wonder if anyone else appreciates this pic. I don't have a horsey at the mo, but I came across this on pinterest when I was looking for a Thelwell pic (😉) and sent it to a friend who is 'malting' due to chemo (it's a sad story actually, but I try to keep a little bit of humour during rough times).
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@fedup90210 humour is what gets us through !!!
My sis in law is going through the same 😞 Yesterday was her last day of chemo and she starts 6 weeks of radium in June. They have adopted a stray cat into their home (now named Oreo) who has provided them with lots of entertainment and distraction from the tough moments.❤
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Well-known member
Can you PLEASE put us all out of our misery and tell us WHERE you got that divine structured bag? I mean - it’s just different...:D. Was it hand-embroidered by an itinerant pipe-lagger?
I love it all! The broach, the earrings, the spectacles! The pinny!! @Miscanthus did you have something to do with the construction of the hat bonnet? Do tell...don't be timid. :unsure: 🌸🌻
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Milking Keynes

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Thank you lovely friend.
I’m feeling better, keeping busy, lots of fresh air and physical activity with dogs and horses!
The longer days and support of friends is helping lots too.
@Geranium I had an idea I thought might suit us - how about once a month we pick the following:

What we read (could be a sentence, a book, a poster, a headline, a tweet) - I know you like your books.❤

What we wore (or would like to, or inspired by, or want but will never buy)

What we.. I dunno? ... donated, cooked, thrifted, loved?
I would love this kind of convo on the other thread too but lets give it a try here - maybe a silly idea, but are any of you interested? ❤
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I love writing poetry (especially about dogs and cats). I try to write at least one poem every day; it’s a habit I got into when Covid struck and I was incarcerated. My goal this year is to try and find a publisher who likes poetry Fur Babies. I’ve written all my life and never done anything with it. It all ends up in a drawer...I have written a musical about Jane Austen, another about Dogs and another one last Christmas with 104 pets of a forum I used to belong to. That was part musical part poetry/story. If I didn’t have to work I would happily write all day...It’s so lovely to just float off and let it pour down my arm. :m
I think that sounds like a wonderful goal! You are delightful and talented, I can tell. 🤗

We only went into lockdown for 4 weeks in New Zealand, so I can't quite appreciate how incarcerated you must have felt. Having said that, for those glorious weeks (which I adored - uh...apart from sitting exams with hubby and kids at home), I made sure to take the aforementioned hubby and kids for walkies on the farm. It was so good! So blessed to have the space, and we were treated with the most gorgeous autumnal weather. (Here's a pic from one of our walks below).

I used to do the odd bit of singer/songwriting stuff, but I always struggled with the 'lyrics' part. If I could write (which I can't), I would very much like a shed just like Monty Don's, where I would exile myself, (away from distracting things and people), and console myself with the tip-tapping sounds of an old typewriter.

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@Milking Keynes @Geranium @Namima Thank you for your kind comments ❤
I stubbed my foot on the bed leg in bare feet...normally you just swear and move on but not this time! 🙄 I hate walking around in bare feet too but I was rushing.
Pain isn't toooooo bad (it's the toe next to my little toe, left foot), but it's annoying because I can't get a shoe on, because it's strapped up, or drive because of the pressure. I'm in the middle of a two week art event too! 😣
Oh no! So sorry to hear that! I was thinking about you while watching Josie's latest offering (To be frank...I don't want her talking about peonies - just leave one thing unspoilt! 😂 )
Miss 19 ended up fracturing her ankle while playing football tonight, and after a trip to A&E ended up with a moon boot on...there must be something in the air! ;)

Take care poppet xx
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VIP Member
Just facetimed my friend, Miss Canthus, to see if she fancied a hair o’ the dog... what a sight befell me.. pincurls awry, spectacles askew, pinny detached and minus a sleeve - that’s not all. Dropcloth on her forehead and frozen mighty peas on her posterior. I could say with honesty, a hair o’ the dog was absolutely essential. Therefore, we have now been hastily served a ‘cure’ - so that order is resumed. Phew!
How apt for this thread hehe 🥰
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Had check up with our vet Eddie, the big chap is fit as can be, being nearly 12.
One or two teeth on their way out but that's always a problem with Greyhounds as their fast metabolism helps produce excess acids, giving them dental problems.
Weight loss has also reduced since we introduced more carbs/pasta into Buddy's diet & giving him a supplement.
Happy 👍🐶
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He’s looking good ❤
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Milking Keynes

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What a relief to hear he’s come through that, phew indeed!
where would we be without our animal companions? I am feeling very worried about my youngest daughter and my cat and dog both cuddled up to me on the sofa last night / very unusual to have them both! Mr Geranium took a photo but I dare not share as I look like Wurzel Gummidge the scarecrow!
give Teddy Bear a big cuddle from me, Oops xx
I am also feeling very worried about my daughter - state exams loom and I worry for her mental state. Her sleep patterns are erratic too, I got Gem cuddles last night too. I was watching a movie called How do you know - a charming romcom with Reese Witherspoon. I can recommend - light and engaging - just what we need!
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We have a new member! Mildred Ratched!

I mean THAT cannot be a coincidence :cool:...

@MissMidnight - your comments please :p

Have just realised that we have the vignettes on here - we have the pets on here - but only one post on shoes and bags...(When we set up that was the premise :geek:).

Are we being remiss? That’s what I want to know :m
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Hi there

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@Geranium Oh all of this must be so so upsetting and heartbreaking for all especially you. I so wish I could do/say something that brings comfort to you. I’ll be praying for you, lots of hugs xxxx
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No naughty step for the host! #specialprivileges!
Apologies, apologies...quite right! I don't know what came over me!? I am still rather overcome by the jetlag... (I don't mean to complain, or sound ungrateful, but suffice to say, @MissMidnight didn't exactly have a great deal of 'control' of the flying carpet that she was riding on when she collected me from 'the other regions'. 😬)
***Don't show your teeth, and back away quietly, Fedup***
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