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Hellooooo everybody, goood morning ❤❤❤ I’m sorry I watched that clip - I jumped out of my chair - and I’m already jumpy (three cups coffee in)!

It stopped raining for you - yippeeee! Thank God ❤.

Yes, @Namima - what is your next move? 🤔🤔🤔
I'm so sorry Mrs M-K - that made me laugh more than I should admit. :ROFLMAO: Well...since nobody else is around, what are you doing today, young lady? (Except for terrorising the Aldi-Lidl thread that is! hehehe...) xx
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Bobby Chariot

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@Bobby Chariot awww bless poor bud! Hope he’s on a road to fast recovery, it is so so upsetting to see our fur babies in distress x
Thanks very much, he's slowed down a lot now, but doesn't seem in as much pain, still eating like the proverbial & still wanting his walks.
Buddy just doesn't realise his age, he's mad as a hatter tbh.
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@fedup90210 i am so sorry to hear about the flooding and hope you can update us as the situation changes.
@Oops... thank you for being the most wonderful hostess, Roo and I had the best time! ❤
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Milking Keynes

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Reading all your gardening posts (never going to live down the sunflower comment 🙄 )....
I love this time of year in my Iris germanica flowered yesterday and my paeonies are in bud...two of my favourites.

Thank you for the techy advice...who knew you could do that? I'm putting accents on everything now!!!
Oh, you will rue the day you mentioned sunflowers - certainly until mine become more extrovert and outgoing 😉 - happy to help with the accent - enjoy a whole new world of accents! ❤ I was pretty happy to find them myself!
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Milking Keynes

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Hi lovely friends,
I’m still here. It was my daughter’s birthday weekend. She and her dad went for a long walk on the Saturday, on the Sunday she went for a run, then they both came on a dog walk with us and a family meal in the evening. It was super awkward.
On the surface, nothing is different but the elephant in the room is the cancelled wedding.
Tomorrow they head off on a city break with another couple (the man would have been his best man) and my daughter really feels uncomfortable about going. This was booked after he’d decided he didn’t want the wedding to go ahead which is baffling to Us.
He has not started looking for other jobs.
My daughter is being so brave, and she has a wonderful group of supportive friends but she is basically confused as to what if anything is happening in their relationship.
The costs for the cancellation are going up and up.
My husband said the other day that this is sucking so much joy out of all our lives right now and he never usually lets stuff get to him.
I was looking at her last night, looking so bright and pretty, chatting about her job and being entertaining and thinking why is she in this situation? A clean break would have been kinder.
Sending you all love. Thanks for checking in on me xx
Good Monring 😉 all - itsa my birthday today. 🥂🎷🎉🍾🍹🍰🎊❤🥰🥰 Yay! Mrs Bonnet-Bennet has turned the grand old age of 21 - where have the years gone, my lovelies! Last year we celebrated @Oops lovely abode and - if I remember correctly - I woke up on the ferry with her bust from her mantlepiece in my structured bag along with various Fortnum &Mason goodies.

Now - back to @Geranium. Isn’t it your daughter’s birthday today too? I remember she shared my birthday! I read your post and, I have to say, this is death by a thousand cuts. A clean break is absolutely necessary and this bloke needs to stop now. And I mean now. He is pulling the strings - acting like Mr Nice Guy, when he is anything but.

A wedding cancellation is a big deal - we don’t resume business as usual... we don’t go on holidays as a last hurrah, no hard feelings, look at us.. NO. It’s a big deal and it spells out FINAL. So he needs to leave! I am miffed on your behalf - it’s unacceptable - easily known he isn’t paying for the costs given his attitude. Am livid for you, @Geranium, you have endless patience. Xxxx
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Oh, glad to hear you two are carrying on the party without us! After @Miscanthus post, I went to my trusty structured bag and - she is right- they carry a multitude. No wonder she got the candlesticks in there - I myself pulled out a very handsome bust - can’t remember how it got there, it’s all a bit hazy - but it is now perched on top of my upright piano! Oh, I do love a gin haze - zero accountability as one can’t remember 😉😉. Yes, indeed, I can hear wonderful mezzo-soprano voices in harmony. Your duet is magnificent!
I wish I could love AND laugh at a post at the same time! (I mean I can but I can’t show it here...) 👏

PS we aren’t carrying the party on but we are having a good reminisce... ;)
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Ahem - I couldn’t help noticing that you’ve not mentioned a tiara anywhere in your post, @Oops...!

You are most welcome to borrow this one of mine (that I had to steal back from Master Midnight while he was sleeping) should you wish to, I think it would definitely elevate your entire bridal lewk . 😉

View attachment 1106322

Personally, I wear a tiara every single day without exception … and I’ve discovered that they really come in handy for holding my heartless waves in place when I go to bed at four o’clock in the afternoon, y’know due to the exhaustion of flouncing about the house in my wedding dress ensuring I get optimal cost per wear!
This absolutely killed me 😂😂😂👏👏👏 too funny x

View attachment 1106417
Ali has made what I think he is implying are work outfits. He forgot his shirt in this one though.
Perhaps he lost his shirt betting on the wrong horse…
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awww I have the golden chariot of dreammmmm :love: I am thankful for this thread. Otherwise, I would've remembered nothing. Must be the medicinal gin...

@Namima always find THE most beautiful men to introduce us to. And beautiful horses as well. I would be tilting my head back all the way to look up at this beauty since I'm about 5'2", maybe 5'3". 🤪 @Rubythefirebat also have an exquisite taste in men, especially man with a horse.

@fedup90210 I'm so glad your family is doing well on a hill. Hopefully everyone got evacuated to safety. Earthquakes are scary. I experienced a couple before and still remember it to this day.
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Hi there

Well-known member
@Milking Keynes I’m ok thank you for checking on me x Feeling very vulnerable and emotional so taking one day at a time. If I don’t, I keep thinking about what ifs and so and so.

PS- Loving all the bags and shoes collections ✨
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
We are away on holiday with our daughter. Today I asked about the wedding. Assuming it was going ahead, I have bought a few more things. Very, very reluctantly because she clearly does not want to talk about it, she tells us that neither of them are happy. They are not sure if the wedding should go ahead or not. They are thinking possibly not but nothing is confirmed.
I want to cry and cry. Both because it’s likely that our daughter won’t be getting married but because we love her fiancé and will miss him if they split.
I’m also so anxious as the wedding date is fast approaching and my husband has told them they don’t need to make a decision yet.
Her beautiful dress is hanging in my wardrobe. They have their wedding rings. And people are assuming we are deep in happy wedding plans. I feel a fraud.
Sorry to unload. I know it’s nothing compared to the troubles many are experiencing.
Dearest Geranium - I just read your post. I skipped past @Miscanthus reply because I don’t want to be ‘influenced’! You are heartbroken. You have every right to be. So grieve for the end of the relationship - it was ten years and so you should. Your daughter knew you would be deeply upset and that’s why she avoided telling you for so long. But she did - she is not happy and her fiancé is not happy. Therefore, they cannot get married under any circumstances.

Now - not only do you have to accept that but you have to make your husband accept it. It’s over. Next, you are going to have to cancel all plans and arrangements with honesty and clarity. Get it all done and out of the way. Clear the decks so that you can console your daughter. She gave her heart and invested ten years of her life with this man and needs you now.

Wishing you all the very best and sending you a huge hug.❤
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Sweet William

Hello there - I’m William - I’d win any prize
For my utterly beautiful puppy-dog eyes
Let them charm and disarm you - for I am aware
Of the powerful depth of my hypnotic stare
I’ve been told by so many in so many ways
Of the soulfulness held in my languorous gaze
Let everyone love me and everyone dote
And remark on the shine of my beautiful coat
I’m gloriously gorgeous - it’s been my proud duty
To galvanise all with my manifest beauty
And Tilly; my human, adores me I know it
And I adore her and she knows ‘cos I show it

My best pal is Gracie - she’s always in tow
She’s older and taught me most things that I know
And when we’re together we haven’t a care
We share Christmas hats and a fireside chair
She gives me support and she gives me a cheer
When I enter my red-zone and go chasing deer
My chasing is harmless and very well meant
But nothing can stop me when I get the scent
There’s really no point in you calling me back
’Cos I’m off like an arrow - a fur cracker-jack
I can cover two fields in a second or two
But I’ll always come home in the end back to you

I love to watch wild-life like squirrels and birds
And I love to watch people in ones or in herds
I love little babies they make me feel soppy
I get so excited my head goes all floppy
I love climbing ladders - now isn’t that clever?
It isn’t your usual canine endeavour
Tilly says I am skilful and cheeky and fun
And that’s all that matters when all’s said and done
At the end of the day when our home’s in a muddle
With my paws round her neck I give Tilly a cuddle
Tilly is mine and to me she’s so dear
I’m the happiest Spitz in the world when she’s near
I absolutely adore this. Even more special as my beloved Grandad's name was William, and I had an angora goat named Tilly (who was an absolute treasure!)

One thing that I was thinking while reading this piece, and the MS Merwin from @Geranium , is how much I appreciate the rhythm! (That might sound weird). To provide some context, I'm a musician.

I might actually become cultured, hanging out with you people! (Then I might re-read the Boochani, and 'get' all of the nuances that went over my head!!) 🤗
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What a wonderful time we had @Oops... Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest and inviting us into your beautiful home! ❤❤❤
I hope @Milking Keynes had a great time.
I know I had a good evening because I have a few...ahem...souvenirs...
My voice is a little hoarse from all the singing, my eyes red from all the crying and I have a mysterious bruise on my posterior! I think at one stage I was inspecting the cellar, or was it the gym, looking for some Whispering Angel (I'd had a few too many Edinburgh gins with Mrs Milking B-B at that stage). I fear I missed steps number 5, 6 and 7.....
Oh, and if you are missing a couple of silver candlesticks I believe it's because you placed them precariously near the edge of the table and they toppled into my new, structured tapestry bag (purchased after being 'influenced' by Mrs M B-B).
Talking of missing things...have you seen one of my detachable sleeves, my starched apron and my secateurs? By the way, thanks for the cuttings...I think I asked first 😁.
Fortunately I had a quick journey home across county lines (not those country lines!) and slept like a baby, but had a terrible dream that we planted our Geranium instead of the commemorative tree! Please check!
Love Miss Canthus xx
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I have set up a really comfy armchair with big fluffy cushions and an endless supply of tea and chocolate biscuits in case @Nuttynana wants to come for a little visit. 💺☕ 🐈🌈
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I would probably have fainthearted freesias, retiring roses and coquettish crocuses too...!

A faint-hearted freesia called Molly
Retired with a rose bush called Polly
Whilst Shylie Sunflower appeared for an hour
The crocus just blinked and looked jolly...

Agghhhh! @MissMidnight YOU are psychic - GREAT MINDS :love:


Hermes is winging his way over later today! Watch this space...:m
SUCH a lovely book. Thank you so much @Sofie 💛
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Right - that’s it! Can everyone meet me at 7pm GMT tonight at the field behind Chawton House please? The time has come - we simply can’t put this moment off any longer! We are all going to run round in the field for a full 15 minutes neighing loudly until we are all sufficiently bonkers and then we are ALL going to JUMP out of that field...

Long frocks and bonnets optional.

Thank you so much.

Good afternoon, @Oops - how lovely you still have your daughter over. I am looking forward to a glass of Merlot over the weekend but it looks increasingly unlikely as my 16 yo has a social life which usually entails me collecting her at midnight from whichever friend she is with. Anyway, exams trundling along for my other daughter and she is armed with Zolmitriptan to get her through the horror of migraines.

I have booked the House Hotel in Galway for the first week in August - please God it won’t rain! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 It is located in the Latin Quarter, as I said, at Spanish Arch so even if Mr. Bennet-Bonnet plays golf for the duration, me and the girls can wander about. Would so love it if you rowdy lot could join!

I won’t even mention the tender as you are already on tenterhooks about it. ☘ XO
If it wasn’t for the fact we would have to quarantine for 2 weeks I would have just tipped up and surprised you! All the adverts here on telly are advocating the beauty of going to Ireland for a holiday but no mention of the frocking fact that you have to quarantine when you get there. I actually looked into it and became a little despondent. We could have all tipped up in the Latin Quarter in Galway and we just would have known who we all were - I so know this! Grrr...

You now have to forgo the ignominy of pushing me around in my purloined Bath chair...tch! As soon as your back had turned I could have rushed into a shop, bought a bag and rushed back without you knowing...

Oh I sooo hope the migraine keeps away for you daughter - my cannons are still firing every hour on the hour for her btw x🤞
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It’s a particularly mesmerizing piece, I agree. How did you know, @Oops - that’s exactly it! Embroidered by an itinerant pipe lagger! I knew such an iconic piece would not be lost on you. Extremely difficult to provide balance with one’s accessories, mind you, as the bonnet is a statement in itself, of course. However, they compliment each other superbly. I would add that many you tubers could learn from this photo. It’s possible to look this good without the need for filters, fillers, photoshop, etc. I’m trying not to toot my horn, here, but me and Miss Canthus are a sight for sore eyes. ❤
I feel there's a very frivolous side to you Mrs Milking Bonnet Bennet. Is that a fringe on your scarf? Polka dots, pearls, flowers and embroidery .....and a fringe? I, on the other hand, am starched, brooched and aproned and have my hand modestly protecting a view of my fanoir! That's class! 😁
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