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Chatty Member
The absoulte state she is in this morning I am 99% sure she is back on drugs. S can't wake her up off the sofa, she's talking complete nonsense and it's actually quite worrying!
Omg really,I haven’t seen her in for a few days, since she’s moved out to that flat I’ve noticed she’s not on live as much as when she was in her bedroom or living room,with it being half term I hope S is okay.
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Chatty Member
Only the little girl with her the boy apparently living with her in 3 months when she gets her permanent council house which won’t happen as people are in temporary accommodation for years, the 2 older girls are at the house
I understand the older girls not going as they don't seem to have a good relationship with her.
The way things are going that little girl may not be there in 3 months.
She just said on live now I get a chance to prove I'm a good Mum. Looking at today that isn't really showing Vic
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VIP Member
The less you do and the more lazy you are the more you get. Absolutely disgusting, but you can’t bet she’s told the authorities that her husband knocks her around etc, nowt about her neglecting her kids, living in a self made shit hole or smoking drugs 24/7. Surely karma’s got to catch up with her soon, it’s her kids I feel for I really do.
Genuinely don't know how she's going to cope when it's up to her to raise the two youngest alone. They'll be living on shite and getting one bath a fortnight. What's she gonna do without Sasha there to buy groceries? Very much doubt she's gonna quit throwing all her money in fruit machines. And if he gives her child maintenance, he's an idiot. He'd be better off simply buying her food and clothes for the kids.
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Chatty Member
Considering she's meant to be moving in 2 days, there's not much packing going on. I don't think it's a council flat, I thinks from what she said it's emergency accommodation (because poor Sasha is soooooo abusive) she told him on live a couple of evenings ago that she was moving and he genuinely sounded upset. I don't know what planet this women is living on but she would be so much better staying with him who does EVERYTHING for her. I hope he keeps an eye on those poor children. But from a selfish point of view he should be hanging the banners up and throwing a street party when she finally walks out that door!!
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VIP Member
Do we think she's seriously been in touch with Women's Aid about her so called abusive partner? Because whenever anybody asks her about it she refuses to talk about it. That bloke the other night (Lee?) was giving her some sound advice about giving up the weed and calling them ASAP if she felt threatened and she just wouldn't acknowledge any of it. At first I thought she was just deluded and genuinely believed the stuff she says but I'm starting to think she knows she's the problem and she just talks shite when she's pissed to distract from the fact that she needs to sort her life out.
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I saw her the other night on with 5 other people they were talking about their day. She said her day had been shit as she had to contact Womens aid. No one asked her about it, for the rest of the time I watched she just looked so out of it.

She is still in her house though.
it's totally bizarre and I think there is more than just weed going down in that house
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She was off her face last night rolling splits and on the piss her child up at 2am looking for attention and being ignored her house seems dirty. Feel sorry for her kids
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Chatty Member
Blaming the visit from the Police for her gambling today, fucking pathetic
Its an excuse at this point! And she has the cheek to wonder why her partner wont let her anywhere near his money and she claims its abuse!! Who would let her near a penny of their hard earned money!! Poor man needs to grab those kids and run for the hills!
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Active member
I am stunned at how bad that house was. Jesus Christ, what a filthy hovel. Nothings changed has it, all that bullshit about turning her life around once she got away from her husband. She’s exactly the same as before, on live all day and all night, smoking weed and eating like a pig on camera. I bet he’d new place is rapidly turning into another shitpit. The poor little girl is all I can say. Why don’t social do more?
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Well-known member
This woman is sat on live right now reading her personal diary aloud to her very young daughter in an attempt to send her to sleep as she has school tomorrow.

The diary entries discuss the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father… actually using words such as “rape”, obviously this is terrible, but so inappropriate.
Plus other adult things about gambling, her toxic relationship with her partner and adultery, and TikTok drama.
She is swearing and not withholding anything. Absolutely shocking. Social services need involving.

I also cannot believe that she keeps telling her little girl to go to sleep but there are bright lights on, she keeps talking to her phone, and now reading the diary. What a mess.
1000000% SS need to get involved. I feel awful for her poor daughter, this is childhood trauma right there and she deserves so much better.
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VIP Member
Well something has happened in the caravan clubhouse today. She's just been on live and Victoria's mother has just arrived to pick them all up to take them home. When the mother walked in Victoria's son turned around and said "mum tell nana what happened in the clubhouse today" which Victoria then proceeded to play dumb. Her son said "your have to tell her mum" so Victoria started shouting at him to shut and and it was none of her mothers business and then the live ended. I wonder how much money she lost today!!! Those poor children, what a holiday!!
Ran here to ask the same thing and see if anybody knew 😂 where's her mate? I didn't see or hear her in the short time I was watching? My first thought was that she lost all that money she won yesterday. Couldn't believe she won £120 and was effing and blinding about spending a tenner on some popcorn and cokes for the kids. She's so fucking rude to anyone who serves her as well. Anywhere she goes, garage, shop, bar...just downright rude and obnoxious.
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Chatty Member
wow that's shocking, she's not a good mum its blatant and sad when you hear her child begging for her mums attention
It's really very sad as she says she had an awful childhood yet doesn't seem to care about her own children. She needs help to be a better parent. Tonight she is just sat there drinking & crying on here live.
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Chatty Member
The little girl looked lost today at least she had her dad and older siblings to be there for her when she was at the house
Completely agree Vic kept telling her to fuck off & leave her alone this afternoon. All Vic wants to do is be on tiktok live all day she has no time to actually play with her daughter.
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Chatty Member
Council help if it's because of DV. Vicki has been using that card for the whole time she has been on tiktok.
It's just worrying because she can't look after herself let alone those children. Hopefully she will have some kind of professional support in place.
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Chatty Member
Probably cleaning because the council won’t allow her to ruin that flat like she did that house
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It's really very sad as she says she had an awful childhood yet doesn't seem to care about her own children. She needs help to be a better parent. Tonight she is just sat there drinking & crying on here live.
shouldn't her kid be in bed at these times anyway????? like just a messy lifestyle obviously I understand she's had a bad childhood and that's awful I wouldn't wish that on anyone ! but she can't deny she ignores her child, or sometimes just stares into the abyss and seems so out of it. someone even said she said the n word??? I mean I heard her child say white lives matter the other day like she only gets that from her parents !! were just concerned as sometimes she seems so out of it and zoned out!
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