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Well-known member
I dunno if this has been posted here yet but it’s her addressing the smacking video. I’ve never really watched her as everytime she’s came up on my fyp live the way she spoke to her kids was disgusting, literally emotional abuse. I hope they’re safe and happy with their dads
The way she treats her children is absolutely disgusting and she doesn’t deserve to have them back at all. She’s trying to gain sympathy from everyone by that post in my opinion.
It breaks my heart that her son was saying i love you and she’s telling him she doesn’t care, he is going to remember that forever.
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Well-known member
You’ll never convince me she wants those kids back, just come up on my fyp live bitching about her nail tech and mimicking their Chinese accent. 😐😐😐
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She has not deleted Tik Tok both of her accounts are still active, she really needs to delete all social media, refund everyone who sent money through Gofund me and take a long hard look at herself and think about those boys.
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VIP Member
I’m new to this thread but heard of her kids being taken today, only ever see her on my Fyp and don’t follow but this needs to be a valuable lesson to these so called influencers. They all say oh it gives me more time to spend with kids etc etc and then sit on lives and ignore them!!!

they are absolutely pathetic for putting an app before their own children! I just couldn’t. I really hope her boys are ok tho xx
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Active member
Her children never went into the system they went with family, hers was through DV…she’s shown the court papers many of times to prove it, and her sons back home, her daughters old enough to live by herself now🤷🏻‍♀️
It wasn’t through dv. It was through getting coked up with her son in the house then getting in the car to find her fella who was also coked up. Then having full on brawls over it all. Her son wasn’t with her family either.
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VIP Member
She is fucking vile.

No one is saying she should be at home crying on birthday but you can guarantee that's what I would be doing. I'd be doing absolutely everything I can to get the boys back but she doesn't give a shit. It's all for the money
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VIP Member
Anyone with half a brain would have deleted every single social media app. Healed in private and gone on to live a quiet life. You’d have to be deranged to think updating strangers on the inter web about what house disaster you’re creating next is more important than those you literally gave life to. What a bizarre bunch of people tiktok breed.
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Chatty Member
She’s always on live never giving the kids much attention, she would rather beg for gifts. She also sleeps and let’s the kids run around the house, he’s only 3 he shouldn’t be on his own, the lazy cow should watch him
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VIP Member
Another living thing for her to neglect... and a working breed at that. As if you'd get a puppy when that house isn't even habitable for humans properly! Her wrecklessness is exactly why those kids aren't back with her, she's not stable at all.
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VIP Member
She seems like she doesn’t know or never has known how to parent properly. The youngest won’t eat properly at all and she fully admitted it’s cos when she weaned him she felt depressed and just gave him crisps. I had postnatal depression and really battled with it but my kids were weaned properly however shit I felt. Maybe she should get off tik tok and cook proper stuff and at least try and get him to eat something nutritional. She’s just an absolute beg. Everytime I go on she’s live, she sticks her kids on lives basically asking for money too. I don’t believe she’s off benefits either and if she is it wasn’t off her own back it’s probably cos she got reported.
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Well-known member
I used to absolutely love vic but the battles and leaderboards have got way to her head! Cant bare to watch her anymore 😩
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VIP Member
I don’t like vic at all, I don’t like the begging, I don’t like her parenting. Jesus though 🤦🏽‍♀️ she really didn’t fake that. If you wasn’t on her lives in the first couple she did when they was taken then you won’t understand. After watching her and used to liking her, she shows her true self on every single live and no way was that faked. Why after saying over and over she never gets a break from her youngest why would she happily let her son go for a week to his dads for £5000 when she can earn that in a week in the leaderboard and keep her child home. Sometimes I really don’t know what goes through peoples brains 😂 just my opinion don’t come for me. I respect every single person different opinion. Vic if you’re reading here, do the right thing and refund everyone’s money!
Sorry but the tears didn't last long did they? If someone told me to stay off social media to help get my kids back I'd be off there in a flash and would not return. Nothing will change, she'll be back soon begging for cash and being online 24/7. The tears only came when she 'lost' them. She'll never return the money because like a lot of them money is all she cares about
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VIP Member
A cocker spaniel of all dogs. I have one and I love him all the world but my god I do regret getting him sometimes because they're such a difficult breed.

He'll be rehomed by Christmas
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Well-known member
I do get really pissed off by SS for this reason.
If they had concerns, why not get her to attend parenting courses etc first? Do they think that the kids are in that much danger? Difficult to say for us because I personally haven't seen evidence of that.
She needs guidance & this is where SS fail, they haven't got the money to put in so support lacks. I wish schools would put on more courses on parenting tips, dress it up nicer not a course to teach you how to be a parent. We all struggle. I thought I was doing OK sometimes then I think ah ok I could have done that better.

I just hope they have all the info on the little ones dad, surely they can do claires law on him? Seems crazy for him to go there but then I know how pushed the care system is currently & how they're struggling for placements.

The situation is a failure of the system I think. I don't think Vic seems like an awful person, just got caught up in TT glory & needs some guidance. Maybe she's around a lot of people who parent that way so that's normal to her.

I do hope SS can support her in making steps to get those kids back.
She doesn’t need “parenting tips”, she’s had the children since they were born and it’s just a coincidence she’s lost them now that she has TikTok and prioritises drama and money over them🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
Maybe a journal would be best and maybe a shower and clean clothes would be a start .
I know but shes saying now she can see the eldest when ever she wants as they have shared cared even though she's being investigated so didn't think she would be aloud .
but that makes no sense. She has full care of the youngest ordinarily so by that logic she’d be able to see him too. If she’s being investigated she shouldn’t be seeing them
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VIP Member
I dunno if this has been posted here yet but it’s her addressing the smacking video. I’ve never really watched her as everytime she’s came up on my fyp live the way she spoke to her kids was disgusting, literally emotional abuse. I hope they’re safe and happy with their dads
So if she agrees the GoFund me wasn’t a good idea then I wonder if she going to close it and refund everyone. Oh wait of course not 😂
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Well-known member
Can’t she be reported to gofundme for a fraudulent scheme? I’m sure the rules state you have to use the money for the cause you claim.
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the cheek

VIP Member
Couldn’t believe what I was hearing (though shouldn’t take us by surprise with it being her). Talking about her private live account, how much weed she’s been smoking, how little she’s been eating and how SS are evil. Literally giving them more justification. How hard is it to stay offline?! What mother wouldn’t do that as the bare minimum to get their kids back?
It’s always ‘me me me’ with her isn’t it. Like, not once have I heard her cry to everyone about how much she misses her kids, how much she misses waking them up in a morning, having morning cuddles and giggles, having to charge the iPad constantly, cleaning up the mess they make, hearing them fighting, playing, their sweet little voices, getting them ready for school, watching movies with them, constantly been harassed, not being able to sooth them back to sleep after a bad dream, walking into your room with food sweets makeup, cream every where, not been able to comfort them in all the confusion, how much it hurts not been there morning and night, wondering about the confusion the little one will have gone through when he first went and just not been there to hug and kiss them … all the things you’d think a mother would miss but instead she doesn’t mention them in that way at all. NEVER. Fair enough we know she’s not allowed to speak about what’s happening in detail but that doesn’t mean she can’t pour her heart out on how much she misses them and all the things she misses about them and little funny stories she has of them .. instead of how much it’s affecting HER feelings, eating and sleeping and how much she’s trying to move on and be happy. She really grates on me
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VIP Member
I don’t like vic at all, I don’t like the begging, I don’t like her parenting. Jesus though 🤦🏽‍♀️ she really didn’t fake that. If you wasn’t on her lives in the first couple she did when they was taken then you won’t understand. After watching her and used to liking her, she shows her true self on every single live and no way was that faked. Why after saying over and over she never gets a break from her youngest why would she happily let her son go for a week to his dads for £5000 when she can earn that in a week in the leaderboard and keep her child home. Sometimes I really don’t know what goes through peoples brains 😂 just my opinion don’t come for me. I respect every single person different opinion. Vic if you’re reading here, do the right thing and refund everyone’s money!
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