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I honestly can't cope with her and Air Cans terrible form when working out, neither of them have a clue...assume its the PT too busy filming to dare correct them both on it aswell?

Thank god its not heavy weight 🤦‍♀️
I was thinking the same thing. I'm a fitness pro and it makes me cringe watching them both.
What gets me is that she did a PT course herself, so she should understand the basic fundamentals even if she didn't do the assessments.
As for him....well if he is training people, he needs to sack himself. He doesn't understand the first thing about personal training. If he did, why doesn't he train Vicky himself? Why bring someone else in?
Surely if you had a live-in PT, you would make full use of their knowledge and services?
She can't do a squat to save her life.
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I refuse to buy anything this beggy bitch gets given. I will not shop at M&S now ever🤬🤬🤬
I cannot wait for the cost of living to affect these absolute grifting cunts
She can't go anywhere without getting her hair and make up professionally done or a fake tan, she always looks like she needs a damn good scrub and those fucking nails🤮🤮🤮🤮
Vicky is Ercans meal ticket and he is a shit PT they both have atrocious form when exercising🤬
Clean your own fucking carpet you tight beggy cunt🤬
Her dog is a twat aswell🤣 why is she always giving him human food🤬 that stupid dog voice she does arrrrgggghhhhhh🤬🤬🤬🛎🔚
I agree that those two are twats, but not the dog, the poor dog hasn’t done anything wrong besides being adopted by two lazy cunts, if he had any sense he’d run away
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Chatty Member
No matter how many threads I read about VP I still howl every time someone calls Ercan Aircan and ginge, the haribo kid. Hilarious.
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Imagine spending that much money on a house and having this tramp as a neighbour?
I’d go fucking mad.
Go to the tip Vicki it’s not hard you lazy cunt.
Ercan could make a few tip runs, he hasn’t even got a job ffs


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Chatty Member
No Vicky it's not the past couple of months that have aged you (unless the several holidays took their toll ) its the shit #gifted food, too much drink and ❄ ❄. Get to fuck.
It’s the extreme weight loss. She’s got to be on something to lose it so quick. I’m sorry but the way she exercises definitely hasn’t done it. Plus the amount she eats doesn’t account for how slim she’s gotten
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I don’t know about you guys but if I’ve used a firm before and they were good then I tend not to shop about and just book them. I know my 20 followers on Instagram won’t gift me a free carpet clean but as the economy is in the shitter maybe some self awareness might help?
Totally agree. In a few months time greedy grabbing beggars like Vicky wont be getting anything from small businesses as they wont be able to afford to give anything away. Makes me mad to see social media being used in this way. She has no shame
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On the beg for a carpet cleaner now. So fxxxing transparent. She has had her carpets cleaned before so she knows she doesn't need to ask for 'recommendations'.
The people that clean her outdoor furniture could do it, and she knows this, she just wants everything for free.
Never ceases to amaze me how she couldn’t possibly just use Google to locate nearby carpet cleaners in about 1 second🥴 Absolute beg and so transparent like you say. Does she actually put her hand in her pocket for anything? 🤬
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VIP Member
Imagine spending that much money on a house and having this tramp as a neighbour?
I’d go fucking mad.
Go to the tip Vicki it’s not hard you lazy cunt.
Ercan could make a few tip runs, he hasn’t even got a job ffs
Omg I’d be so angry how is she not embarrassed? How can you let that much rubbish get on top of you? It’s SO lazy! I don’t understand people who can live in that much disorder and mess it makes me twitchy 🥴🥴🥴
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Sure didn’t she have a story up the other day with the dog chewing one of her bras- real clever if he swallowed the underwire. I think she just wanted a dog for easy content. The poor thing has been left umpteen times in the year or so she’s had him and pretty sure she mentioned more travelling this month.
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Her downfall honestly cannot come quick enough! 🍿🖕🏻 I hope for all her manifesting nothing else comes out of this radio gig.. after the disaster on This Morning a couple of years ago I don’t think she’s got much live tv shows / presenting since then? That alcoholism documentary was a joke as she clearly still drinks to excess regularly. She can try to rehabilitate her GS persona but she’s a cunt pure & simple. I’d love to know what Ercan’s family really think of her!
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Norfolking Good

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She must be bad if they cancelled! I book a lot of venues for events and I’ve only ever heard of them doing that if they find out it’s a gypsy wedding/party.
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Creased laughing at the hat
Would be almost semi acceptable if she had a big group of friends with her but it was literally her Aircan and a hanger on 🤣
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If her dad is an alcoholic and she has a problem with drink herself… why not just stop drinking?
Is she that dumb?
She’s always pissed and it’s boring
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Active member
Ah just found this thread. She is honestly fucking VILE. What a horrible bully. She bullied some of them poor girls on GS. Piece of shit.
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So I had to read twice, am I right in thinking it means she's covering for a week as opposed post making out like she's head of broadcasting from here on in? What a twat honestly, loves to big herself right up 😂

Her limited vocab to any listener she speaks to - hi guysssssss; howway, gaunnnn son!
Omg I had to read that again! It definitely makes out like she’s taking over but when I read it the second time I think she’s just covering for a week? Tell you what though - all that gurning etc she defo has a face for radio lol

Vicky is so.. blergggh. Swanning off allover the place, leaving MrMiloSIR with any fecker who will look after him and taking any freebie she can get.

I can't stand her, she makes me feel physically sick but I don't think she is happy or satisfied with her life in the slightest. The constant boasting "Oh look at me I'm so amazing!", filtering the fuck out of her photos and the way she speaks about and to little legs just screams that she is insecure.

Vicky likes to put on a show of this amazing life but I don't think for a minute she is truly happy and that is her own making.
I agree- deep down I think she is deeply unhappy but it’s all her own doing. It’ll be interesting to see if her & Air Can get married.. to be honest I’m not sure, though if this is her 3rd engagement I’d say she’ll be desperate to this time. Plus think of all the content: numerous hen-dos, bridal shower, selling the wedding & honeymoon pics.
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Who takes photos of themselves crying to save and upload to insta later for a mental health post🙄 please fuck off vicky. I honestly can’t stand her, such a bragger!!
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I’m still laughing at this woman asking for recommendations for a restaurant in her home town she visits weekly 🤣🤣 she literally got famous for going out on the piss in Newcastle, she should know it better than anyone. I’m so stunned more people don’t see how that’s a blatant attempt at getting a freebie. How do people remain so blind?
Such a beg 🤢🤢🤢 I haven’t been back to my home town for a little while, but if I were to go for food I’d just ask my parents if they knew of anywhere new / nice. She’s just a freeloader
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