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VIP Member
I can't make sense of it at all. I was in the US in the late spring for work and it was close to 40 celcius and it was super hot, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel that different than around 24/25 in the UK.
It’s the humidity level that makes the difference, I’m fine with dry desert heat but really humid weather like in the tropics absolutely drains me, the constant sweat and frizzy hair drives me mad!
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What kind of computers are you all using that 10 mins to get started??

'Getting going' for the day is so vague. I work on software projects and when we scope out work, even though our days are 8 hour work days, we always use 6/6.5 hours as an estimate for a work day on actual project material because people always get pulled into other tasks - answering emails, messages, HR stuff etc.
I’m talking coming in, unpacking their stuff (we hot-desk), getting their laptop set up, logging into the systems, going to the loo, making a drink etc.
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Chatty Member
Yes correct. I don’t know why we call them peas either we just do 🤷🏽‍♀️

Now the things I'm going on about are definitely peas. Whenever I get chicken fried rice I ask for no peas because they are the little green round things. I don't mind red kidney beans and whenever I have seen peas in rice, it is definitely a pea pea and not a bean pea.
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VIP Member
I didn't bring it back up, I was replying to someone else that did. I don't care particularly. But obviously touched a few nerves the amount my post has been re commented.
At no point did I say you brought it back up? I just thought I’d give my opinion on the drinks debate

Also, sugar free Sprite used to be really nice before the sugar tax and now it’s just too fizzy - though the same has happened to normal Sprite. Maybe there’s a market for imported drinks that don’t taste like absolute trash
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VIP Member
Like every time I read non chicken washer all I can think of is chicken shit

just joking I’m not doing it again guys 😅
See I went to check whether I was remembering right that you shouldn't wash chicken and for some reason the only thing that came up was washing eggs

Even Google search thinks it's illogical
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VIP Member
if you have to book two seats on a flight because you're too fat to fit in one then you shouldn't be flying. I'm not talking about slightly overweight people because hey, most of us have a few extra kgs, I mean the people who are so fat that you wonder how they manage to wipe themselves after a shite.

also, not everyone has a bikini body.

Nah fr, take this as an example.
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VIP Member
Each time I read chicken washer all I can think about is salmonella

Unless it’s live chickens we are talking about then it’s just cute
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Baby Giraffe

VIP Member
I find having a cold fizzy drink really refreshing after a meal when I'm eating out, always pepsi though as I don't like coke. Not sure I'd call it vile 😂
It's personal taste I guess, I find the taste of most fizzy drinks a bit vile but I don't really have a sweet tooth. Work with a guy who will drink about 10 cans of Pepsi Max a day and wonders why he's not in the best of health so there are extremes too!
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VIP Member
I think I meant peas but Peaches wonders if I know what peas are, so to be honest I'm slightly baffled. I feel like some cataclysmic awareness is about to hit me that what I all my life I thought was a pea is actually a sultana or something.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I don’t like Fanta lemon but I’ve never tried the abroad version

Fanta fruit twist is the best Fanta and apple tango is one of the best fizzy drinks!!
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VIP Member
26 degree weather is grand in Spain, 26 degrees in Ireland has me choking and gasping for air. It’s like a completely different type of sun, unreal.
I’m sure there was a debate on here about temperatures feeling different in other countries compared to here 😅. I think it totally feels different.
Ps it’s only 21 now and I’m that sweaty after a walk I’ve had to change my entire outfit 😳
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VIP Member
i can see why you’d think this and forgive the thesis I’m about to write but hopefully it makes sense! It’s really close to my heart as it’s my experience so I’m not having a go I’m just really passionate about it and suggesting that normal tests = no illness is a common misconception (and I guess understandable) - if that’s true I’d better sell my wheelchair eh? 😅

Many, many illnesses do not have reliable one size fits all diagnostic tests or treatment. My condition is a cluster of symptoms that over 250k people in the UK have - whilst everyone experiences this condition differently, there are main symptoms that everyone experiences that if they could be treated, would drastically improve my quality of life and allow me to work more. Would you tell someone with rheumatoid arthritis or M.S which are diagnosed by exclusion that they don’t have an illness because it isn’t showing up on tests? Long Covid/ME don’t have diagnostic tests either but shall we not set up any research into the treatment of that? mental health issues don’t show up on tests but are real. Should the healthcare system just assume that we know everything there is to know and not strive for more effective treatment and understanding of common but complex illnesses?

People deserve quality of life and research into little understood conditions - surely that’s the whole point of healthcare? Currently a lot of treatment IS inadequate and patients are just expected to live with pain. Tests coming back normal doesn’t just magically disappear your symptoms and make you all better although I wish it did 🤪

Research into treatment for these conditions is underfunded and slow and a lot of that is to do with people having really crap attitudes towards chronic/‘invisible’ illnesses. People only care when it happens to them. Is it that an individual member of the NHS’s fault? No. I don’t view the nhs negatively because they can’t treat me, I view them negatively when they deny me my basic dignity because of their own preconceived opinions and views on disability. Maybe I’ll never be cured, but tbh I’m fine with that, they’re not miracle workers and I don’t think healthcare will advance enough in my lifetime.

However that doesn’t mean I should be neglected and left to piss myself because I can’t walk but the nurses believed I just wasn’t trying hard enough. I’m talking about medical negligence which if you have a widely misunderstood chronic illness is sadly a really common occurrence. I have met some fantastic doctors who tried their absolute best for me but it doesn’t make the traumatic experiences any easier to deal with.
Thank you for giving me some insight into chronic disability. I was trying in my original post to think of reasons why certain medics are dismissive of illnesses that they can’t easily diagnose and how the nhs is criticised by so many people. Is it the nhs as an institution or the people they employ? I’ve been treated by the nhs for serious illness and will always be grateful.
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VIP Member
It doesn't even have sugar so I'm not sure how bad it is on your teeth - according to one google search artificial sweeteners don't affect your teeth

My dentist told me to only drink sugar free stuff so I'll trust her on that
Oh really, that's interesting. I heard something different from another person in dental industry but will definitely look into it more. Though even sugar free Coke or Pepsi make my teeth feel fuzzy so maybe it's something else in it that affects it 🤔 don't get the same feeling with other sugar free or even sugary drinks
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