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A lot of make up (including day time) on young women these days looks like Drag make up. Each to their own but many don’t need it.
All those contouring techniques come from drag. It looks great in a photo but in real life they look like they have mud smeared all over face.
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World book day. When parents spend hours making costumes for their kids when they could read with them.
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What a weird thing to say, why do you think that you need to know? If you had been close to the person or their family you'd know anyway.
Have some respect for people's privacy.
I’m so morbidly curious. Death is a part of life. (As ironic as that sounds 🤣) It’s up to the next of kin/family if they wish to disclose the cause of death anyway so no harm in being curious and asking

Another unpopular opinion -

People who get offended or are shocked at women who choose to wear short skirts/boob tubes/tops that show cleavage are just jealous that they can’t pull it off themselves.
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they made Ukraine about them 😐
Apparently the people of Ukraine are experiencing the same hostility from Russia as they experience as a trans community,
It’s laughable. Sorry but it’s gone too far
They always have to wangle themselves into every scenario where a group of people are oppressed. Being trans is a lifestyle choice/fetish fgs.
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Oh, the "disorder" thing does make me 🙄. My son went to a party at the weekend. He didn't know anyone there apart from his girlfriend. We were asking how it went and he said "Well, walking into a party full of strangers sent my social anxiety into overdrive". He doesn't have social anxiety, he's always been very sociable! He is quite shy though, but shyness isn't a disorder now, is it? 🙄

The drinking culture in the UK is shocking now. Even on soaps, almost every character will come in from work and immediately pour a drink, no-one puts the kettle on any more. I worked in pubs for years back in my 20's, and I used to drink all day, probably for 6 days out of 7 at least. I wasn't often falling-down drunk, but just pleasantly buzzed all day. Looking back, I made some very questionable decisions, including my first marriage, quite a few one-night stands, and serious money mismanagement. I just stopped one day, I'd had enough of feeling like shit for most of the time and I never went back to drinking at that level again. I still enjoy a drink, and I still get drunk on very rare occasions, but I feel that I'm very lucky to have escaped alcoholism, not all of my friends were so fortunate.
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This will be an unpopular opinion on a gossip forum about influencers but some people really need to take a chill pill and step away from threads.

We’re all here to chat shit about them but some are like rabid dogs salivating at the mouth at the smallest things, they’re hatred is very clear to see. I think some of the response say a lot more about the poster than it does about the influencer in question.
Have to agree.

Some are obviously here for a good bitch and laugh but for others it’s like their main mission in life to bring a particular influencer down and won’t stop until they’ve accomplished what they’ve set out to do. Madness.
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Some people like dogs/cats/children and some people don't.. I am concerned when people get nasty or spiteful about innocent beings...
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It’s always the same showy off parents posting pics of their kids on world book day. The ones who go the extra mile and spend loads or put hours into to ensuring their kid has the most quirky and interesting outfit. Probably so they can show off on Facebook more than anything.
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Adults who go nuts over pancake day need to grow up. You can have them any other day of the year, it's not a law.
Being a real grown-up comes with the realisation that you can go to the shop and buy cake whenever you feel like it.
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Anyone who says they don’t care about animals in a disaster is more fucked in the head in my view. I wouldn’t use the word ‘pretentious’ about any of this awful situation tbh. That’s a word I associate with cars, clothes and wealth signifiers.

i couldn’t say what I would do in a life or death war event and I doubt any of those grandly announcing who they would save would know either.

Edit - the dogs that go in the water where I live definitely don’t always survive but I wouldn’t go in after one in fast water either.
There is a fair amount of sneering towards people who love animals as if they are below the intelligence of the person sneering. Not aimed at anyone on here in particular just an observation.
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I love animals but they are not people.

I agree with the OP. If your main focus is dogs when people including children are dying or in danger, you're a weird person.

A dog is a dog, in China they eat them. No one ever gets their knickers in a twist about all the farm animals left behind to starve. At least a dog can fend for itself.
It's possible to care both about people and dogs. And about farm animals. For me a weird person is someone who says people are dying so I don't give a shit about animals
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I don't and won't ever donate to Children In Need after my dad who was a Headmaster told me he had heard of a school in his area where they used money they had received from them to do up the staff room with a microwave etc. Tell me how this is helping children in need

nope it's disgusting and uncouth.. can someone explain what makes it amusing?
I know of a school that raises money that was matched by the lotto charity for a new swimming pool. When the money came through they used it on a new cafeteria. But there was no way what they did would have cost the same as an indoor swimming pool with changing facilities.

This might be an UO but in my opinion anything thats funded through chairtys or tax is full of back handers and embezzlement. Town councils and schools are the worst.
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May have been discussed before. But…

The idea of “Santa”/“Father Christmas” should be scrapped.

Some kids get very little for Christmas or nothing at all. (Kids in care, kids living in poverty, kids from abusive households) & then kids from wealthy/comfortable backgrounds get thousands spent on them. No kid should wonder why Santa brought more presents for their friends/other children whilst they received nothing/very little.
It’s always been that way, it must be so disappointing for kids who don’t get anything after all the hype on the lead up to Christmas :(

It’s obviously way more apparent now as people (parents and kids) show off on social media.
To be honest when I was little (in the 70s) just the excitement and magic of Christmas was enough for me. Presents were a bonus. Then again we weren’t a generation of spoilt entitled brats then.
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Look.... People who don't live with people who have BPD have no idea how awful, AWFUL these people can be to deal with. They may have had trauma in their lives etc. but speaking as a child who grew up with this shit, I cab tell you that it was traumatic as fuck!!!
It may be a mental health issue but it also shouldn't be other people's issue to put up with.
I only wish people knew more about personality disorders so that people would stop encouraging you to keep them in your lives.
Look…. I live and work with people who have BPD. (Diagnosed)

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s other people’s issues to put up with. Because I agree, it certainly isn’t. I’d never excuse someone’s shitty behaviour, but explain to them how their behaviour can negatively impact others. Then the qualified mental health team can also deal with them and their support plan/medications.

Personality disorders are complex. No 2 sufferers are going to have the exact same behaviours, which is why most are diagnosed in adulthood.

I guess I’d rather support my loved ones the best I can rather than cutting them out of my life, invalidating their entire existence and letting the cycle of a traumatic childhood carry on and repeat down generations.
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I don't like any tattoos on anybody, find them such a turn off. I said this to some friends and they acted like I'd just killed someone 🤨
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Too right. I would only buy presents for the birthday girl/boy. I think it encourages bratty, “I want now” behaviour. I know someone like this too, who although dont expect everybody else to, buy actual gifts for their other children on one of their birthdays and they are NOT nice children either - spoilt, interruptive, dictating and enjoy listening in and partaking in adult conversation too much (another pet peeve of mine). I think it’s insane. Fair enough if it’s a bag of sweets or something but full on gifts! Children need to learn they can’t have and get everything they want - especially on someone else’s special day. Brats.
They also light the candles on the cake twice so the non-birthday kid can blow them out.

Funnily enough, I'm not keen on their kids 😂
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No need to get rid of Father Christmas/Santa just go back to the fact he only fills the stocking.

Don't worry about what your kids get with your adult mind. just remember how it was as a kid, they don't give a hoot about brand new or 2nd hand or a knock off.
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The Ukraine/ Russia conflict is not your own personal tragedy to constantly beat your chest over.
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