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I haven’t been following the thread so apologies if this doesn’t fit here but seemed like a good place to vent my current frustration: people posting “good news” stories about rescued animals or sharing posts lamenting the poor animals trapped in war zones (be that Afghanistan, Ukraine or wherever)

I literally do not give a shit about animals (even pets) when there are people dying *

*I get the two aren’t mutually exclusive but still 😤
They say a civil society is measured by how they look after the vulernable. I guess you are still a savage

I'd much rather animals be saved that don't know what's going on and had no choice in the matter (I know Ukraine also didn't) Humans are a disease and really the world would be better without us
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People who call you boring for not drinking and say you aren’t fun are either a) boring themselves and alcohol masks their tiresome personality or b) alcoholics who are in denial about their behaviours.
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Farting should be socially acceptable. I find them funny.
I nearly collapsed in hysterics once when a person let rip in the street near us & a small kid that was with them looked at them and said " Dear God...." and looked shocked. It was hysterically funny , the way he came out with it
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I think most holidays became commercialised years ago. I'm not ancient, but I'm not a spring chicken either, and Christmas was still about making money back when I was a child just as much as today.

I had a Walkman for Christmas back in the early 1990s - which was the equivalent of today's iPhones - as they were the must-have 'gadget'.

So I suppose my UO is that people look at the past with rose tinted spectacles far too much. Life wasn't much (if any) better or worse to be honest!
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Parents shouldn’t make their children feel bad for the fact they have to buy things for them. Throughout my childhood I can remember so many occasions when my dad would tell me how much he’s done for me like, keep a roof over my head and clothe me. I know so many people who had the same experience. I understand it’s expensive having children and there are lot of things my parents have done for me that many others don’t. However whenever they’d talk about how they would be a lot better off financially had they not had me and my sisters, I’d never understood why he’d make us feel bad for this.
Totally agree. Why have them if you’re going to see them as a massive burden?
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World book day is just another elf on the shelf.
I wish they’d stop making up these ridiculous days and events.
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i said this on a thread ages ago, and got the obvious replies of ‘well i can’t have children’ so my dog is my child.. like sorry about your circumstances but you’re still not a mother to that pet and they are not your child.

comparing pets to children is always funny to me cause you always get the replies of well i love them like my children blah blah but being a mother to humans and pets is not the same, sorry if that offends anyone but its the truth.
Having a pet is nothing like having a child.

Yes it must be heartbreaking to not be able to have children but a dog/cat/anything else with four legs is completely different and no comparison. Literally nothing about owning a pet is the same as being a mother. Hard pill for some to swallow but it’s the cold, hard truth.

I would go as far to say the type of people who “humanise” their pets are actually bad owners.
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Speaking of kids, I can't help but be a tad judgmental when I hear the ridiculous names some of my peers give their kids. Recently, I had my colleague tell me how annoyed she was when she found out there were 2 other kids in her neighborhood who share her baby's (in my opinion, strange) name because she purposely picked it knowing it was uncommon. I didn't have any sympathy for her because the poor boy's full name had zero sentimental value (not a family name, not even a name of a character from her favorite book or movie) and she only picked it in hopes of it being "unique". It also sounds clunky when combined with her partner's last name. I'm fully aware that naming a child is 100% the decision of the parent(s). However, a name is also what you choose to let people know how to address you. That's when you can't really blame anyone for having an opinion about it in their own heads.
There's a Renesmae and a Nevaeh in my Son's class at school. I judge their parents every time I hear their names.

People forget they're not just naming a child, they're naming an adult too. It makes more sense to give a baby an adult-sounding name than a cutesy baby name, because they'll be an adult longer than a child.
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UO: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, Bastille, Dua Lipa and Adele are all shit and people that exclusively listen to whatever is on the charts baffle me immensely. Especially when they listen to it really quietly and it sounds super tinny. Would rather hear someone take a dump, not even joking
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Adults only planes would be great, the way you can book adults only hotels/resorts. I understand its probably financially unfeasible but still I dream.
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Anyone who says they don’t care about animals in a disaster is more fucked in the head in my view. I wouldn’t use the word ‘pretentious’ about any of this awful situation tbh. That’s a word I associate with cars, clothes and wealth signifiers.

i couldn’t say what I would do in a life or death war event and I doubt any of those grandly announcing who they would save would know either.
I don't think anyone said they didn't care. Only that humans come first. Anyone even saying they would save a dog or cat over a human is IMO a dick.
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What a weird thing to say, why do you think that you need to know? If you had been close to the person or their family you'd know anyway.
Have some respect for people's privacy.
Welcome to the unpopular opinions thread ✨

Look how many likes it’s got. Not quite the unpopular opinion it seems!
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Well-known member
I haven’t been following the thread so apologies if this doesn’t fit here but seemed like a good place to vent my current frustration: people posting “good news” stories about rescued animals or sharing posts lamenting the poor animals trapped in war zones (be that Afghanistan, Ukraine or wherever)

I literally do not give a shit about animals (even pets) when there are people dying *

*I get the two aren’t mutually exclusive but still 😤
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It’s been a while.

Get in the fucking bin with your passive aggressive use of emojis, you fucking don’t want to thumbs me up or hug me you daft cow, you’re being salty….
Less sodium please.

the peace sign and kiss face should come with a case of herpes as punishment

What a weird thing to say, why do you think that you need to know? If you had been close to the person or their family you'd know anyway.
Have some respect for people's privacy.
i fucking need to know I’m nosey!!
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Sheridan Smith is an awful actress. Watching No Return and she has the acting ability of a plank. In fact a plank would probably have been better because she keeps sticking out her tits
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So is it mandatory to dress up. What if you don't want to or your parents can't afford a costume

I know people say knock one up but you still need a sewing machine, or glue and materials that's all cost money.
And time, not always a lot of that going spare in low income households either
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World book day is a farce for children. Parents put more effort into their costumes than actually sitting down and reading books to them or taking them to the library / buying books.

Also, parents that let their child dress up as a non book day character is a joke. Spider man? Really? Just sit and read with your child as opposed to playing fake dress up for the day.

Soz. Rant over.
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I work with a lot of 20 something young women, some of whom are a bit on the big side. My unpopular opinion is this: why do they post heavily filtered, adjusted photos on SM, where they look absolutely beautiful (to be fair, they mostly are beautiful) but really tiny, with very slender figures and slim waists. One girl was moaning to me that she gets lots of offers of dates, but no guy has ever asked for a second date. I was tempted to say that she was catfishing them, they thought she was a stunning size 10, and instead they got a much bigger girl instead.

Nothing wrong with being big, but why the faked photos?

It's a bit like all the 5ft 9" men on dating sites - they are all much shorter than that.
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Cctc xx

People who don’t bother to park their car in between the 2 white lines are the worst kind of people and deserve to have their car scratched. It boils my blood!!
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