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I hate how she says that she has unacademic parents and no older sibling so felt like she was uniformed. Many, many people are first generation university students/oldest children/only children and they cope just fine at university and they don’t feel compelled to write a book.
And many of us are first generation AND working class or disadvantaged in other ways so going to university is a pretty difficult experience as we don't have our parent's money and a 'good' education to back us up in the way that Jade does, plus there's the whole feeling like you don't really belong aspect as a first gen student. I'd much rather read about a normal person and their struggles of going to university than Jade whose biggest struggle was not getting into Oxford so she got her parents to bankroll her into a scam university.
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Jade is so stupid. She just jumps on the BTS bangwagon to get Youtube traffic coming her way. If she was actually someone who truly delved deeper into things .. why didn't she mention BTS's dark past? Probably because it would not be a popular thing to do. They did not always sing about self love, they sang (and tweeted) about sexist bullshit. And this isn't an Anti BTS thing, I do believe people can change. But makes me laugh when Jade says she loves them because they are all about self-love. K POP is so much more than BTS.

Jade is still trying to twist what happened in Switzerland. Nothing about cancel culture. No one is demanding you get cancelled. People have always just wanted an apology. Her accepting what she did broke covid restrictions. How she should not have gone to South Korea in the middle of the pandemic. And then hid how much she was travelling around South Korea. Going on an exploration day when the government were begging people to stay home. South Korea messed up with their vaccine ordering, they are not like the UK ... they are still vaccinating over 65s!!
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I miss seeing their faces everyday... parasocial attachment much? The fuck
Disclaimer: Probs a bit OT. I always thought that kpop stans were way too attached/ had a weird relationship with the idols. We all know that Jade isn't particularly skilled at critical thinking but I think its pretty obvious that all Kpop groups are practically engineered to look/act/perform a certain way. btw I mean absolutely no hate to kpop stans, I can definitely understand why the music/groups are so appealing I just thinks its also good to keep in my mind that what you're seeing isn't very real or authentic. Also there is sometimes a facet of fetishization or 'othering' of korean people through Kpop (something Jade does seem particularly skilled at), especially when stans start shipping members of groups. I thinks its totally fine to ship fictional characters but its pretty creepy to do to actual people, especially when you know nothing about their private lives.
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Except that Adichie is writing about trans people who rightfully find her TERF views harmful 😬. She is literally railing against cancel culture just like Jade , Ben Shapiro, and Piers Morgan.
she doesn't have terf views.. she has said that someone who has grown up as a man cannot possibly have the exact same life experirence as a woman, how could they? Imagine having a career in IT as a man until 40, building your career as a man in a notoriously sexist industry, then becoming a woman, have you had the same life experience as a woman trying and (maybe) failing to get to a high level position? I don't want to bring this here, but you should go to the gender discussions thread here. I find it insulting you have lumped her in with Morgan tbh
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I'd love to see her do a video all in German just to compare it to the videos Eve has done in German. You know Jade would be so much more smug about it even though Eve is literally going to have a degree in German.
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Jade still hasn't really addressed her Switzerland trip has she? Seriously, 'influencers' lack any empathy and don't have an ounce of shame. so many people had to be apart from loved ones and she has travelled, abroad just prior to a lockdown with an (alleged) German person anyway?
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Legit Jade thinks she's a revolutionary and now tries to teach about the most basic thing every normal humans have been doing since forever.
What would we do without you 🧚‍♀️Jade🧚‍♀️, thank you for ✨daring✨ me to go out to the park alone on a date with ✨myself✨.
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how is this making her disabled followers feel like shit? it's maybe weird/unusual to express it, but if we think about it, aren't we all (who can walk/see/hear/talk whatever) grateful/happy that we can do these things? if someone in your friend group says "i'm happy to go on holiday next week", and you cant go because you have to work or whatever, would that also mean your friend is making you feel like shit? come on now. you are allowed to express happiness for the things you have lol. it's not like she said "only people who can walk are valid"
Think it’s more that she started the video with ‘find 5 things that are beautiful right now’, then said ‘the fact I can walk’?? I can see how that might upset someone who is not able bodied
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When she says "dutch, I intuitively understand it because of my mum". Does she thinks languages are inherited, as if they're a genetic trait or something?

I really don't understand what she means by she intuitively understands dutch when she said her mum didn't speak to her in Dutch.
My Dad is Italian, my Mum Hungarian. I was born in Germany. Let me confirm that you don't inherit languages xD (magical sarcasm here) it took me literally 10 years to learn Hungarian, and still don't speak Italian.
I really don't know why Jade thinks she can learn a language in a few weeks. It takes YEARS.
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This is going to be really petty but I’m of the opinion that she shouldn’t be filming herself while driving

I know she’s not actually on her phone but I imagine she’s still focused on looking a certain way or portraying a certain image and it’s distracting
Not just Jade, but this bugs the crap out of me about so many YouTubers.

"Don't worry guysss, it's hands-free so it's safe!" (Proceeds to spend the entire journey looking at the camera instead of all the children and old people undoubtedly rolling over the bonnet. Or scrambling mid-drive to grab their phone off the floor when it falls off the stand. RIP everyone else on the road.)
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I also think that a huge part of the discussion is missing the fact that the alleged person could have done their own work in their own time. A lot of language learning really is about independent study in your own time to learn the grammar and vocabulary, and the classes should be used more for interaction and speaking or explaining the more difficult concepts of grammar if need be.

It's totally possible that someone did get to a high level with the help of that course, but it's not just because of that course.
Imo there shouldn't be any discussion here really. Jade lied and that's it. It is not attainable to go from A1 to C2, even C1 in a span of 3 months, no matter how you study. Maybe you would still remember a lot after the 3 months but thing about achieving each particular level of a language is that it's already sunk in your brain at least for some time. So even if someone goes from A1 to let's say B2 in 3 very intense months (i.e. doing nothing but studying the language every day for 8h), afterwards you'd simply forget majority of that - also that's why those extra fast courses are shit cause they're not sustainable in the long run. Remember Jade's French course lol? Jade is full of bullshit so I don't know why we're still discussing on how it could be possibly attainable. She should be called out instead and learn not to lie.
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Jade openly admitting she’s been to London several times without getting her shots first?
Who’s surprised though.
I mean it’s allowed? It’s been allowed for ages? And 18-24 years olds only got nationally invited for the vaccine last week? Plus how do we know she didn’t go ASAP after her text? She hasn’t shown it but maybe she won’t?
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Jade always goes on about her rejection - which I sort of understand. But she frames it in such a way that suggests like 'poor oxford for missing out on me??', while also complaining of imposter syndrome??
Don't get me wrong, i know the two aren't mutually exclusive, and it probably is a twisted coping mechanism, but i feel like it just plays so so much into toxic positivity?

Also, I don't think Jade would have been right for Oxford. She could have got in, sure, and i'm not saying that Oxford doesn't make mistakes with admissions, but she just doesn't seem passionate about bio or academically curious enough to warrant thriving there.

Although obviously we have a parasocial relationship w her and don't know her at all - but just my thoughts.
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maybe, i'm just saying maybe, she should punch herself to wake up from her delusional dream
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You could get a real degree from a real university and travel all seven continents for less money than the Minervans spend on their "degree".

Minerva might seem like a fun option but it's restrictive, expensive and pointless. Not to mention stressful.
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