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It’s basically like saying that depression is a super power. I have both and both are making my life extremely difficult. Not to mention the treatment is quite expensive. There are no positive sides to it and I’m not gonna pretend there are. The only way I can live my life is getting treatment and fighting the symptoms. It’s so disgusting to just call it a sUpErPoWeR🦋, she’s so dumb and toxic she should just stop posting on social media altogether.
nooo it’s not the same depression is an illness and neurodiversity isn’t. I’m not ADHD so do accept what the poster said above about how soul destroying it is having to take the medication 🤗 but yes, totally inappropriate for Jade the neurotypical to tell someone what their lived experience is meant to be
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As a native Spanish speaker I can say that it isn't THAT bad. I mean, she isn't fluent and her accent is noticable, but I also sounded like that when I started learning English and it is part of the process of learning a new language. I don't think Spanish is a really easy language to learn if you plan on use it accross several Spanish speaking countries. Even for myself, as a native speaker, it can be difficult to understand Spanish from Latin America. It is not that I do not understand the words, it's just that some words have different meaning and there are tons of cultural references and local idioms and expressions that you just don't get unless you have been living there for a while.
Thats also why lingoda is so crap, if I was moving to Argentina I would have wanted to study with an Argentinian teacher for that very reason but of course with lingoda there is no choice
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I'm sorry but the constant prolonged mmming and aahing (??) in that video when any of them says anything drove me absolutely insane 😭 it's exactly what MLM members do at their 'girl boss empowerment' conferences... Minerva is truly never beating the faux-intellectual MLM allegations
Far from imparting knowledge on its students, Minerva seems ro make them all dumber!
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Are they sharing a bed or are there two beds in that room? Her stupidly about the temperature is insane , would her parents not have realised this either?
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a one week no phone yoga retreat with jade, imagine how motivating that would be :ROFLMAO:

so I just looked at her brother's insta, the thing about his project actually wasn't a story, here it is
that mushroom hair is doing him no favours.
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So I clicked on this video recently and the host mentions Jade and the casual magic around 1.32

I dont think Jade is the ultimate example to give when you are talking about ditching hustle culture and embracimg slow living. Honestly I immediately cringed and closed the video yesterday but then I decided to share here so we may cringe together
I love Alice Capelle, you're right that Jade was not the best example, I don't think she'd watched any other videos Jade has on her channel or knows her, I can understand how casual magic can seem appealing. The thing is that so many people have already talked//written about the same thing. Eg David Foster Wallace , the author of Infinite Jest, urged people to open their eyes, start living intentionally and look, really look around themselves, because eg supermarkets are like a circus or an amusement park if you stop looking just for what you need and allow yourself to take in, observe and maybe even try all the other almost infinite options. That's basically the same thought.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if the super fancy looking accommodation is due to inflation in Argentina (predicted to hit 95% this year) and what was previously unaffordable is suddenly much cheaper?
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…but you don’t stay in uni accommodation every semester as we recently learnt

While I understand that mentioning that would be possibly controversial, saying that you could find your own accommodation and pay less could be a selling point considering how much it costs. Happens with normal unis too though tbf, you’ll normally have private dorms in uni cities or groups to find housemates
I think it is difficult to do though if you know almost none of the language , I found calling up for apartments even in languages I felt pretty confident in terrifying
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This is true, but I do think Jade has a point about the way the history curriculum excludes loads of significant events. When I was a student it was all about Nazi Germany and Henry VIII. In fairness, it might have changed since I was at school (I hope!)
Nope when I left school (2017) I learnt about Nazi germany too and medicine through time. I used to fall asleep in school :(

While that's a good point, Jade never really talks about it in that sense. She doesn't independently say "history class in school should be less UK-/euro-centric" she only ever talks about it in the specific context of "I don't know this thing that I've come across in the specific country that I am in right now and so the school system is at fault". There's only so much history class could teach you, even if it talked about different topics and focussed on history in other countries (especially with the depth and complexity that these topics need and deserve), especially if you're only taking it until gcse

To be fair, language transfer/linguistic interference ("translating" from your main/first language to the language you're learning) is a normal part of language learning. I honestly feel like her Spanish got better compared to the last time we heard it! And I do commend her for posting a video like this, knowing there are mistakes and her pronuncation isn't great and there are scenes where it's awkward and uncomfortable because she doesn't understand something. I still think the way Minerva works is shit for learning languages and if she had studied in an actual class and at an actual brick and mortar uni her Spanish would probably be much better by now but learning a language is always hard, even if Spanish is one of the "easier" ones (for English native speakers), so it takes guts to post yourself making so many mistakes. And for once she's not acting like she's fluent after 3 days of learning!

The video chapter names like "a muy rico dinner" and "casual magic en español" are kinda cringy though imo
Everything takes time to learn. I’m sure she’ll either Get it or just drop it altogether when she leaves Argentina. It’s like Korean has she even spoken a word of it after leaving Seoul?
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I think it shows how privileged she is, she's probably not even even thinking about it being stolen
At the beginning of the new video I was wondering if she had had her stuff stolen...of course not. But exactly this, He wanders round with god knows how much expensive stuff filming, I hate to say it but I think sooner or later it will happen
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Bu-but...."I have to write 26 thousand words, which is a lot more than the average undergrad!!!!" #notlikeotherstudents

Jaded mask off, but you make a great point. Isn't she supposed to conduct her own research as opposed to just regurgitating what current research says? Obv you have to contextualize your own work, but don't you have to contribute something NEW to the field lol?

Also I hope she gets enough misplaced confidence to publish that "dissertation" of hers so we can look at it for funsies.
IIRC she leaked her English essay about Yeats in her first year and its standard is waaayyy below the average of a first year English course. Like embarrassingly bad for someone whose first language is English.
depends on your uni/course. I went to a normal British uni and had to do a literature review for my dissertation.
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With such a vague degree programme that didn't seem very rigorous she's seriously narrowed her options for future study. I don't think she will get a look in at Oxbridge (the application is inevitable), and at other universities probably only certain humanities or business courses will be open to her.
I think she'd struggle to get into any reputable uni, Oxford is totally out of the question imo
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I haven't checked in with her in a while one of her shorts came up on my feed. Does she have a Dutch passport? She'll probably decide to live somewhere in Europe if she does can just see that. It's funny watching all these studytubers not know what to do with themselves.
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I noticed on Folk’s Instagram (someone linked to it in his thread, I wasn’t stalking!) that it looks like the whole family flew out for Jade’s graduation. Ah, the ✨CasUal MaGiC✨ of racking up even more airmiles in the name of Jade’s educayshun.
And from her stories at least 2 of them were filming it 🙄
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She made a tiktok explaining how she's going to take another gap year, because she doesn't have a career path in front of her eyes and she's burnt out and needs some rest. So much for that Minerva degree!

I'm not surprised by this, honestly. But I do find it odd that her whole personality has been "Jade the academic weapon" and now she has absolutely no idea what to do with her life. But I guess gap years make great content lol
I hope she doesn't turn into a Holly istg
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