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this insta story annoyed me so much i dont even have the words. "97% of students (at minvera) are on financial aid so you know it's *actually* diverse". how does that make sense??? surely that just means it's literally so unaffordable no one can do it without aid? and i dont want to hear the girl who uses the phrase "german germans" talk about diversity lol.


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Unjaded Jade #14 Scam uni reflection, lacking direction, still hurt about her Oxford rejection
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Adding on the acceptance rate and a blurb about the uni honestly makes it look even more suspicious at first glance. If I saw a simple "[major] student at Minerva University" I would assume it's a normal, unremarkable school that I've just never heard of. Claiming to be among the world's best with a vague "revolutionary" shtick? I'm gonna move on to the candidate whose degree I know actually forced them to learn the subject.
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Hello! Fellow Argentinian here. Just wanted to comment on jade's videos about buenos aires.

Firstly, she's been extremely lucky not to have her phone or camera stolen when she's been vlogging on the street. It's extremely common to be texting on you phone or in a call and someone rushes past you and grabs it. It's generally advised to not have your phone about the streets. The robbers don't care what kind of phone or camera you have, they will steal if they see a phone and plus Jade who is distracted talking to the camera would be a perfect target. She does mention that people have told her about it. But states she's on a "safe" street. I argue that robbers tend to go to the nicer areas of the city cause they know people have better phones and are more distracted in general.

Ahh hate when people assume just because we are in South America it's hot all year round. She states that even though she knew it was the end of the winter didn't think it would be cold.

Small pet peeve but the cafe García she went to. She didn't write the í with the accent. Small thing but if youre so intent about learning the language it's a small thing to get used to.

Also, she claims to have a transport card but I've only seen her in taxis. Granted the public transport is very hectic and not easy in another language.
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It's probably not the end of jade's incredibly high emissions lifestyle because she'll be jetting off to see friends in no time
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For a nature gal who doesn't like cities she doesn't seem to have gone on many trips just to experience the nature in all the different countries she has been
While living in Germany she went on a trip to experience one of nature’s most magnificent creations: dick. What more do you people want? 🤷‍♀️
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Such a superpower when I get stressed because I know I've forgotten a million things and pushed aside important tasks to hyperfocus on one thing and I end up having an anxiety attack 🤪
Have you tried figuring out a routine/lifestyle that works for you? <3
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Her saying the UK is "scary hot" because of climate crisis whilst flying from Berlin to the UK for a weekend :rolleyes:
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I know I’m probably late to the party but for some reason her TikTok talking about results day came up on my FYP and she’s STILL clearly het up about the Oxford rejection.

It happened in January 2018. That’s almost 5 years ago. You’ve got your grades, took your gap year, at your “perfect, amazing” Minerva, yet you still refer to Oxford as “she who we do not speak of, we don’t mention her.” 🙄

Maybe it’s the first thing she failed at in life, but how (and same applies to Ruby) has she not gotten over that yet? You’re one of tens of thousand of people who have been rejected from one of the world’s best universities. Big deal. You don’t need to make it your personality, especially when it’s been close to 5 years. It’s just tragic at this stage.

Can’t you just accept that (as shocking as this is Jade), there are people there who were better than you and deserved their place more? God.
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I’m so incredibly sick of “I’m oppressed because I have curly hair” shtick. It’s such a slap in the face to women of colour who face real discrimination for their hair. You’re a white woman with curly hair, Jade, big deal pet x
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‘Why was I not taught this in school’
Err because if every atrocity ever committed in history by any nation was part of the national curriculum we’d probably all be in school until we were about 50?
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I don't understand how anyone could not know menopause happens, everyone is always talking about ticking biological clocks why do they think that is if periods don't stop. I get that a lot of people have no idea about the intricacies but to not know at all ?
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Anytime anyone capitalizes a word like that I think they think their audience is dumb. Like we get HORRORS are HORRIFIC and the INCREDIBLE video is INCREDIBLE, you don't have to YELL at us. And once again she's asking why she didn't learn something in school... hot tip Jade: You can learn stuff outside of school! As an adult! For example by reading up on the history of the country you're studying abroad in!

Idk this is pedantic but this thread has been kinda dead for a bit and I'm hoping to lure all of you back by posting
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- "The struggle is funny...only if it's superficial though"
- People make GoFundMe's to stay in Minerva
- They love free food

- "Alone time is rare." There's also no campus, so if you want to work you have to pay to go to a cafe or something. If you need to do a conference call or have a therapy session or just a moment to yourself, good luck. As an introvert, this sounds like an absolute nightmare.
- Making friends:
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I wonder who that "certain type of person" is...imagine going to school with 20 other Jade's in your class. No thank you.
- Jade says "people have such high EQ's" (yea, like you Jade?)
- Minerva is special because there's flexibility between conversations about the weather and deep conversations (such as historical silences)
I can't roll my eyes hard enough. In my classes, we literally talk about historical silences (it's a deep conversation, yes, that's contained in an academic setting so we don't start pulling stuff out of our ass just to sound "deep" and profound). Do they not have that at Minerva lol? Or is that a strictly friendship type of conversation?

- Token black girl answers Jade's audience's questions for her. (snark aside, I'm glad she at least included her). She said "the Minerva community is great and so open-minded!" (cue to Jade marvelling at how "there are even BLACK people, people from AFRICA going to this university!!"- is that video still up lol)

Love life:
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- "Are we incestuous- yes". What the fuck. Is wrong with these people.
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- Jade smirking because she literally went to a dick appointment in the height of the pandemic. She didn't give a fuck about harming other people. "It's a small Swiss village though!!"...yea, with less access to hospitals and a smaller knit community. She even said she will not apologize for it which is crazy to me. Why isn't she cancelled yet??
- Downloading Bumble "changed Jade's life." Good for you, I guess.

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Oh, how a picture speaks a thousand words...
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"Don't force yourself to be here" as everyone looks forced to be there, and Jade side-eyes the camera...

Ok, thanks for reading all that guys. Brb going for my mental health walk.
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I think the "dying in pain" is just a massive exaggeration. When I'm "dying in pain" a happy mirror selfie for instagram is definitly the last thing I wanna do. I think she's just suffering from "normal" period pain and just wants to show off about how she can turn everything into something positive and "casual magic".
Its frankly just annoying. Some things, like period pains, just suck and dont need a positive spin on it. Plus it makes everyone who really has super bad period pains feel bad for not seeing them as something positive and being not productive and radiant. This mentality of "just push through the pain :)))" of people who never had like super bad disabling periods is just so annoying and, as already mentioned, normalizes the idea of having super painful periods and doing nothing about it.
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It's hilarious because when I was 17/ 18, looking for post-secondary options, Minerva popped up as an ad on my FB page. I remember seeing the tagline and rolling my eyes, wondering which gullible person was actually fall for a scam like that.

Least.of all Jade 🤣 hadn't looked at dinaras insta for ages, hilariousnhow all minerva students seem to be as deluded as each other
So, it turns out they try to rope in vulnerable, delusional people who think they're special and "have got what it takes." Coincidentally, both Jade and Dinara recount being at low points of their lives (Jade rejected from Oxford and Dinara...idk, "not living to my truest self" or smth) when they got "rescued" by Minerva that seemed to promise the solution to all their problems. A common MLM tactic. And now it seems like they've got some weird Stockholm Syndrome thing because they can't stop making it part of their personality.
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