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First time posting in these threads but have been following religiously since yesterday. Everyone speaks/types so well and makes area that I don’t fully understand, much clearer. Just nice to read people echoing my own thoughts and feelings - oddly comforting.
The news has been on in our house 24/7 but it’s making my anxiety spiral, but then I hate myself for it because I think of those poor, poor bloody sods in Ukraine. My heart absolutely breaks for them. They have done nothing to deserve this. Their President is an extremely brave man. I can’t imagine what he is going through at the moment. It’s very easy to see leaders and not think of the ‘person.’ His kids are only 9 and 17 (??). What must they be going through. Terrifying.
I really think/hope Putin will be assassinated. Surely even those closest to him must now be questioning his sanity? I do not understand what his long term plan is? Even if he takes Kyiv, he can’t possibly hold it. So then what??
I feel almost guilty going to bed, in a warm house, with a roof over my head, food in my stomachs knowing I don’t have to worry about being woken up by air raid sirens. I was hugely stressing earlier about the amount my direct debit is going up by for my gas and electric and it just seems so trivial.
This world is so, so shit. 😔
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I normally use Tattle for some light entertainment and watching the mudslinging at influencers 🤣🤣. These threads have really helped me, most people in my real life don't give a shit about it. So it's nice to have an intelligent discussion and ease each others worries.
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They are right about Trump though. As much as he acted like an orange idiot he kept Putin in his place.
Ridiculous, he did no such thing. In fact, Trump wanted the US to leave NATO, but under great protest he delayed it until after the election because the GOP was worried it would hurt him. See also: the Open Skies Treaty, which the US did leave in December of 2020 (and then Russia did as well this past December), which would have helped prevent the current crisis.

The strong man act was just that, an act. He is a coward and a fool.
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Is anyone else in complete disbelief that we're watching this happen and allowing it to happen? It seems the world is helpless. We're going to watch Kyiv fall today in real time :cry:
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I woke up at four after hideous nightmares. It's so quiet and peaceful here: I can hear the dawn chorus twittering in the wood. It makes what it happening in Ukraine seem even more poignant. Opened the Guardian app to see that Kyiv is under heavy fire. Those poor people - what agony, what uncertainty, what paralysing fear they are suffering. And yet they fight on, the citizens' militias mobilising to protect themselves and the land they love from the imperialism jackbooting across their borders.
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't see any way the West CAN'T be involved.
The historical echoes are too resonant, too clear. If Ukraine is allowed to fall while the EU and other nations witter on about sanctions - which will do little but spread the pain across civilian populations - it will be Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland all over again. It is merely kicking the can down the road. In a week or a month, Putin will move on former Soviet satellite states. China will be emboldened to go after Taiwan. Because of AUKUS, the US, UK and Australia will be dragged into conflict regardless. And other totalitarian states will be emboldened to invade nations they claim as historical homelands.
I don't want war. I've seen too many friends come back from Iraq and Afghan absolutely broken. But what other choice do we have? Can we allow this monstrous evil to creep through sovereign nations, leaving trails of the blood of innocents in its wake?
The only heartening thing I have seen is Russians, worldwide, protesting the war. Some have burnt their passports. It really is a case of #NotAllRussians.
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Putin really needs to be overthrown by his own people and Parliament. The best we can hope for now is he has over played his hand and this will be the end of him
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I’ve learnt so much from this thread in the past 2 days. You’re an intelligent bunch. Thank you ❤
People on this thread are really good at simplifying the information too, it makes it a lot easier for us all who aren’t well versed in international relations to ask questions and get understanding.
Thanks everyone ❤
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I will not sleep tonight, its sounds so silly but I feel so guilty here I am having a safe home and a good night's sleep and those poor people terrified. I'm so invested in this and I can't believe it's happening in 2022. Peace not war please
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I'm going to stay away from the news for a few days. I'll donate to MSF (as I think they are most likely to be the charity that's on the ground ,helping Ukrainian refugees) but I'll drive myself completely crazy if I keep on top of things.

But I'm just popping on to say please, please, please do not panic buy. If you can wait to buy petrol or food then do. I was in the Co-Op this morning and overheard people talking about petrol stations running out and with queues down the street for some before 6am.

I also overheard the most British summary of the war possible - "it's because of that war in Ukraine" "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, it's all kicked off." Mild understatement.
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Chatty Member
The world would be a much better place if we just left each other alone and in peace. Accepted our differences and realised how short our lives are as it is. I know that will never happen but I have hope the desire to feel at peace will persevere through the dark days ahead. I still hold hope this can be defused…somehow.
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Putin says he wants to rid Ukraine of Nazis.
But Ukraine’s President is….jewish?
And to rid Ukraine of Nazis his number 1 target is a..jewish man.
How does that work Vlad?!
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For everything we do know, you can bet the secret services and military are doing lots we don't know.

It wouldn't even surprise me if some covert elite units from foreign countries are on the ground.

Whatever I'm just relieved to wake up and see Ukraine hasn't fallen and is still fighting. Whatever the outcome they aren't going down easy.
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Nora Fenn

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Our disgrace of a government is refusing to waive visa applications for Ukrainians wanting to come to the U.K. There are actually Brits living there who won’t flee because they are worried their spouses won’t be allowed to come with them. Ireland has done so, so why can’t we we?

I actually hate this country I really do.
Isn’t it awful? Meanwhile Ireland has waived all visa requirements and flung it’s doors wide open for Ukrainian refugees. Proud to be Irish 🇮🇪
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Yeah this is me. My 2 dogs would be with me to the end could never leave them. Seen someone take a cat carrier on the train and was happy haha
Thankfully Poland, Romania and Hungary have all removed pet passport restrictions for Ukrainian refugees.
The video of the girl holding a big chunky ginger cat and obviously trying to calm him totally broke me 😔
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The mayor of Kyiv is Vitali Klitscko, he's 6'7" and the former heavyweight boxer known as Dr Ironfist. I'd like to put Putin in a room with him for 10 minutes.
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Rochelle struggles to read an autocue, she should say nothing about Ukraine.

She posted about free shit she got on holiday, then shared a post with "preying so hard for Ukraine" then minutes later posting an ad for supplements. It's insulting to mention it. Stick to posting the ads for overpriced pills that just get pissed out.
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