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VIP Member
I'll keep this as short as possible because I know you struggle with posts of more than a few lines:
  • 20 month old article in Express
  • Based on letter written by Tory MP Andrew Rosindell (yes, that Andrew Rosindell)
  • Resolution. re. NATO / Trident passed in 1989, 34 years ago
  • Starmer didn't become Secretary until 1990
  • Comparison with current policy and claim contradictory ridiculous / desperate
That’s three lines more than you then , have you figured out what a screenshot is yet?


VIP Member
Reading through that I get the impression that the rules are pretty similar throughout England, Wales and Scotland

Ireland is normally a bit of the outlier for historical reasons (I assume)


VIP Member
For Cameron it's a massive win. A return to front line politics without all the aggravation of being an actual MP.

Was Lord Carrington ever an actual MP or did he always serve with the government as a peer? ( I know he was a hereditary peer)


VIP Member
Back in the day the Tories were dead against this kind of "Big-Brother" snooping. I mean, the bank checking is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what powers the government actually want to give to the DWP: They want to give them police powers like arrest and seizure of assets, and the ability to demand detailed information from anybody who is connected with someone under investigation, whether they themselves are claiming benefits or not. It will be a field day for anyone who likes making malicious reports to the Jobcentre.
They’ll be bringing back the special powers act next lol



VIP Member
Hey don’t laugh. Putin was clearly on to him. According to the Twitter he’s going to be the next leader - presumably he Michael Green, Sebastian Fox and Corinne Stockheath will be operating some kind of job share.
Good Lord. Twitter really has lost the fucking plot. :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
Yeah this is why I’m still not sure that it would be a clear victory for Labour tbh

Is the average person aware of how tactical voting works in their area? I remember some website being advertised last time but so many people I know just vote conservative every time that I don’t think they would care to consider whether their vote may be a bit wasted in some situations
True, but the worse thing will be Conservative voters who stay at home.


VIP Member
Galloway set to be sworn into House of Commons today
I was on Youtube last night and his Talkshow popped-up in my feed (bit of a worry) So, I clicked on it and there were a hell of a lot of people there and quite a few seemed to be donating money. Not sure what any of this means, but thought I'd share. 🤪

One question, will Galloway be treated like any other MP at PMQ's or because he is the leader of his own party will he get given a question like the other minor opposition parties?


VIP Member
It's just a receptacle for the far-right, xenophobe, homophobe types who worked up about stuff like "woke". There's always been somewhere for them and the last 20 or so years Farage has been a beacon for them.
Literally! I have a friend who has gone a bit mad and right wing and she's voting Reform.

Piff paff puff

VIP Member
You have got to be bloody kidding me. Are you try to play down a man saying that a woman should be shot? Seriously?

I don’t know if anyone else watched PMQs, but that useless twatwaffle Hoyle ignored Diane Abbott and instead took the final question from the ridiculous Mark Francois, who blathered some incomprehensible nonsense about DDay.
Keep your wig on :rolleyes:
NO! It is a saying where I grew up. Whether he wanted to shoot her or not you'd have to ask him.


VIP Member
Not sure where to put this. What the actual fuck? Tattle next?

View attachment 2645098
Silly mare. It's called disagreeing with you. Not a hate crime.

I actually like Mumsnet's response I that they are heavily moderated and remove hate posts with in hour. They commented not the fact Dawn Butler chose to post on a platform which has virtually no moderation and more hate speech that anywhere else.