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VIP Member
I thought the Rwanda idea was finished but they seem to be intent on making it law even with their own party not being united about the topic.


VIP Member
Lies? Why would you say that? The information in the first paragraph of your screenshot is essentially no different to what I have said in a number of posts.

If anything is a lie is your suggestion of "the security services still classing him as a threat in December 2023". The screenshot does not say that at all. Also the SIAC Tribunal judgment (i.e the court documents that the MoS 'obtained' - because they are available to everyone online) specifically says that do not have "any current national security assessment".
Why has it made the papers if there’s no case? He either is or isn’t a security threat, why have MP’s and security services commented on a case if there is no case… in your opinion? What system was gamed?
This reads like he’s still considered a security threat ( December 2023)
He even applied ( to the gov he was running from ) for a 5yr resident permit.


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VIP Member
Surely people only look to what’s best for their own family and not those following behind 😂…I’ve never known someone give up their bed for someone else, that’s the stuff of fairytales .
I guess this is what should differentiate the Tories from Labour.

Piff paff puff

VIP Member
No, it is taken from CrimeRate who aggregates open police force data, social media signals and file FOI requests with local police departments to build the most complete catalogue of crime and safety information in the region.

I can hear the bottom of the barrel being scraped though 😉
Where did you copy and paste that absolute bollocks from?


VIP Member
Actually I (and @HelloStereo I believe) am referring to comments made in this thread that London is the worst for crime. Not the Sky News report, which doesn't make this claim.

Even the stats I shared showed other regions have larger increases in knife crime. The top two not being in England.

As for Sky News, I can't see that they reported misinformation which is why I didn't comment on that. Though it could be argued that the news cycle could be less London centric as this would be beneficial to other parts of the country.
It’s the increase they reported on ,have the other areas you mentioned seen the same?
Maybe London is the focus as it’s a main tourist destination so people will expert a more secure environment to travel to…They’ll not be expecting to have their throat cut for the latest iPhone, nor they should.


VIP Member
We don't owe anybody anything except we owe council tenants the opportunity to buy their council house at a knock down price not available to other people who haven't been lucky enough to get a council house and thus reducing their chances of getting one in the future.

Selling off council houses wasn't anything to do with giving people an opportunity to be a homeowner, it was to reduce the state's responsibility for housing. Same as selling off council houses to housing associations.
Nobody said it was? I said it’s great that the option exists. Some council tenants never choose to buy but remain there for 80+ years, then it might pass to their children if they’re resident with them, those properties are still out of circulation longterm , unless there’s some kind of tenancy time limit that I’ve never heard of??


VIP Member
I think the next party winners won't have to do as much as it looks like to fix things. Imagine what could be done with all the money the conservatives waste and have done all these years, HS2 for example. They are STILL buying properties though the rest of the plan has been abandoned. There will be billions to use on our priorities.
This time around Reform, the old UKIP will be a credible contender, 3 points behind lib Dems if you believe the polls. Especially now with Loz Fox out of the picture. Idk what happened there, maybe Richard Tice politely asked him to leave to maximise their chances. With Nigel Farage leading the party they could end up with many seats. I know metropolitan London won't be voting Reform but compared to the size of the rest of Britain it won't make any difference. They'll take all the northern votes that last time voted Cons. I think they'll take many other long standing Tory voters too who see the Tories now as socialists.
Quite frankly bonkers