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VIP Member
Ah an erudite tweet from noted political analyst 'Irene'. I'd hate to be so unable to form and express a personal opinion on a subject that I was reduced to copy and pasting tweets by random individuals.

And over on the 'Migrant channel crossing' thread, that poster was criticising Starmer for not expressly refuting Hotovely's recent comments. Now that he has, that's wrong too. Absolutely desperate.
He’s absolutely desperate he had no choice 😂…It’s people like Irene keep these men in a job, don’t forget …Nothing without the electorate 😉


VIP Member
Hard to imagine it getting any worse 🙄
I love the suggestion that Sunak allegedly committing £35 billion more to public finances than the Liz Truss says she would is a measure of anything other than her own descent into right-wing, libertarian madness.

I also note the the completely impartial Daily Telegraph article carefully avoids the parts of the IFS report that say that "one of the factors contributing to the increased government spending is higher spending on debt interest" and that if the OBR revised it's projections for economic growth in accordance with the projected increase in population "the impact on the size of the economy could also be substantial .... the new projections might add 0.4% to growth this year and next, declining to 0.1% in 2029".


VIP Member
I'll keep this as short as possible because I know you struggle with posts of more than a few lines:
  • 20 month old article in Express
  • Based on letter written by Tory MP Andrew Rosindell (yes, that Andrew Rosindell)
  • Resolution. re. NATO / Trident passed in 1989, 34 years ago
  • Starmer didn't become Secretary until 1990
  • Comparison with current policy and claim contradictory ridiculous / desperate
From a man posting ridiculous rubbish like this on a gossip site 🤡😆…I guess you’ve missed all my other Starmer posts then 😉 I’m sure he’ll be glad he’s got at least one fanboy fighting his corner 😂



VIP Member
They could become more efficient in processing asylum applications. They're roughly half of what they were 20 years ago yet asylum applications processed within 6 months has decreased from 90% to 4%.

Of course if they got efficient at processing applications they can no longer fall back on "look, all of the problems are due to people coming here on boats."

I guess they're trying to change the narrative now to blame it on trans people trying to use bathrooms that mirror the gender they identify with...
There’s complaints that they’re processing too quickly for the 20yrs it’ll take for social housing to kick in…Wonder what it is 🤔



VIP Member
Let's be honest, it's easier and more fun to be in opposition and the party of protest. I wouldn't want to pick through the smouldering ruins of whatever the Tories leave behind and then try to produce results. I suspect some Labour MPs are thinking the same.
Can’t be easy trying to win an election with a good percentage of your party / electorate on the other foot , all crumbling around you…See there’s another member has been reprimanded!


VIP Member
There will likely be a lot of tactical voting at the next election.

If the sitting Conservative MP has more chance of people unseated by a Lib Dem, then the Labour supporters will vote for them, and vice-versa.

The third-party poll rating is a bit irrelevant in a first past the post-election.
Yeah this is why I’m still not sure that it would be a clear victory for Labour tbh

Is the average person aware of how tactical voting works in their area? I remember some website being advertised last time but so many people I know just vote conservative every time that I don’t think they would care to consider whether their vote may be a bit wasted in some situations


VIP Member
For Cameron it's a massive win. A return to front line politics without all the aggravation of being an actual MP.

Was Lord Carrington ever an actual MP or did he always serve with the government as a peer? ( I know he was a hereditary peer)
Lord Carrington was never an MP. He was a gentleman and a first-class patriot. Which is why he wouldn't fit in with todays Conservative party.
As Cameron isn’t an MP he “had” to be awarded a peerage. Meaning he will sit in the House of Lords rather than the HoC - presumably avoiding the inconvenience of being questioned by the opposition. Integrity and accountability eh Rishi?
What an embarrassing shambles this country has become.
Yes. However the convention is that another Foreign Office minister will attend cabinet and be the chief spokesperson in the Commons (and be Camerons whipping boy/girl)


VIP Member
Don't know that it was designed to distract us but it is a distraction. As I understand it (and I haven't bothered to read too much background) the SNP intended to use the vote to embarrass the Labour Party, Starmer headed this off, The Tories found themselves in a difficult position and responded by 'walking out' and now they and the SNP are trying to regain the upper hand by forcing The Speaker to resign and throwing shade on Starmer.

Fortunately, although the subject of the vote is a serious issue, the political games being played by all the parties has absolutely no impact on real life. What the whole thing highlights is that we need a general election as soon as possible so that whoever is in government can get back to doing their fucking job.
That bloody weirdo 'Sir' Lindsay Hoyle needs to go, that's all I know. Bloke gives me the creeps big time. Oddball. Need a woman as speaker imo. To keep all those naughty Eton educated twats in line.


VIP Member
100%. I don't care who's defecting where. If you change parties then it should automatically trigger one.
I've never bought the argument of 'People vote for the person, not the party', when voting.

Nowadays, it is more likely to be the other way round, unless there is a really strong local candidate standing as MP.

It is like when we had the debacle of those Labour, Conservative and Liberal Dem MPs deflecting over to 'Change UK' a few years ago.

Every single one should have faced a by-election.


VIP Member
I reckon Cameron is probably there because he's going to be appointed to head some enquiry or other, maybe into police impartiality or something like that. I doubt he is going to be back in office, although they did do that weird thing with Zac Goldsmith, so who really knows.

Or he just forgot his umbrella after some post-remembrance service partying.
Chair of the new parades commission???


VIP Member
I'm not a fan of republicanism (well, it's more the people who will be in control than the actual idea of it) but he does look pretty archaic sitting there like that.
He must feel like a right pillock tbh . I don’t think Charles is into the ceremonial aspect of royalty.


VIP Member
How would British citizenship save him if his captors were laying in wait?? Do you just wave your passport and they disintegrate like vampires in daylight 😂 don’t think extremists care what passport you travel under , especially terrorists.
The persecution that this man had actually already experienced was by the Sudan authorities because he was a member of a minority group that the authorities considered to be disloyal (imagine that).

The basis for his appeal against removal of his citizenship was in part because the UK authorities had not properly considered whether loss of British citizenship would render him more likely to persecution in Sudan. Evidence that a journalist detained by Sudan authorities had been treated more favourably because he had British citizenship was ignored.