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VIP Member
Yeah. It wasn't for scientific research and I am pretty sure they signed a waiver in case of death so I'm not sure why it's all over the news. There are terrible things going on the world over.

Hundreds of migrants died in Greece and yet didn't receive anywhere close to this coverage. Another boat capsized in Nigeria a week or so ago in which 108 people died, nothing in the news.

I could list a bunch of tragic stories from around the world that never get covered in the news, yet a few rich people in a sub going down to view the Titanic shipwreck and its headline news. Don't mean to sound harsh, it's sad of course, but the focus on it is just a but much.
The saga of the submarine is such a novel and dramatic disaster that I quite understand why it has captured the attention of the media and the imagination of the public.

Many of the other stories you mention are tragically not uncommon. There is nothing unusual enough about them to generate much interest from the media. Plus of course as a glance at the appropriate thread will tell you there is a section of the media and public that has little to no sympathy with migrants dying anyway.

For my own part and hopefully it goes for many others too, I don't think having empathy with one situation takes away from feelings about the other.
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Miss Begotten

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Seriously makes you wonder where the empathy goes once they get into government. I always hear how politicians go into politics for the right reasons, it makes me wonder why Theresa Coffey got into politics
I don’t think many of them had any empathy to begin with. I can’t believe that Sue Ellen Braverman was a perfectly nice woman until she became an MP. Or that Gullis lunatic was everyone’s favourite teacher.
Most of the current cabinet must have gone into politics for money and power - none of them would last 5 minutes in a proper job.
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VIP Member
Jesus Christ.

They could have given it to someone like Tom Tugendhat. At least he'd know what other armed services personnel are talking about.
I know someone who would have been perfect; a former serviceman with a distinguished record, a veteran of the frontline, a pilot, a family man, an author, a generous philanthropist .... he's not an MP but I'm sure something could have been worked out:

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If someone wants to be a creep and perv on women do you think a sign on the door is going to stop them?
Single sex spaces provide a reduction in harm which is important since just under 90% of complaints regarding changing room sexual assaults, voyeurism or harassment reported at leisure centres and public swimming pools took place in unisex facilities. Of these, sexual attacks made up 67 per cent.
And it’s not just in public places - girls in school need privacy away from boys especially as puberty has a bigger impact on girls physically.
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It's all culture war bollocks to shore up the Tory vote. They've fucked the country and will continue to do so. Stop the Boats is a great distraction straight out of the Lynton Crosby playbook.

Build the Wall, Lock Her Up etc.
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VIP Member
They thought they could and would get away with it. That's the arrogance. We're superior to everyone else. We can do what we like because we can.
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VIP Member
Is it just me who watched the regular BBC news articles today on the Chandrayaan-3 spaceship and wonders why the UK are still sending overseas aid to India even though they have their own space program? Surely if India prioritises sending a rocket into space over the millions of people living in poverty there, it's time for the UK and others to stop subsidising?

I'm not normally one for 'we should look after our own first' etc, but in this instance i don't think that's an unreasonable view to hold.

I partiall agree with you. But the problem is that the Indian government is not really interested in the well-being of minorities and with its hindu nationalist ideology, muslims are being more and more persecuted. So, yes India should take care of its own people but don't. If oversea aid targets people ignored/persecuted by the Indian government, well then we can see its usefelness.

But generall speaking I am doubtful about oversea aid - not that it is not needed or that I think it should be stopped. But I reall dislike the way it is used and how corrupt people can gain access to this money before it can reach those in need.
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I don’t have an issue with this - tons of men have got into the House of Lords over the centuries on little merit. Why not a woman?
The youngest ever appointee to the lords with a CV that simply reads 'worked for Boris as special advisor in vague capacity' is beyond even the farcical stuff like Sir Eric Pickles surely.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I'm lost with the parties now and haven't a scoobie who I'll vote for in the next elections.

Tories can't agree with each other and stitch each other up. They're like big kids throwing dummies out if they don't get their own way.

Labour are far too critical and love to say they'd do things differently, but can't explain how because they don't have a plan.

So I'll have to hope the Lib Dems can pull something out of the bag.

I want to see:

A clamp down on benefit fraud to enable those who should rightly receive it be paid more.

Increase pensions to allow the elderly to live normally, heat their homes and eat well.

Pay compensation to WASPIs.

Send home illegal immigrants, or take them to Rwanda. Let hotels return to accommodating guests. Put money saved from paying the migrants to better use, ie: pay nurses and police more.

Sort out the prison overcrowding and stop releasing prisoners early to free up space. Send foreigners home to finish their sentences.

Stop building on green belt. Demolish or upgrade derelict buildings.

Give help to farmers, financial and/or workers. Grow more British. Stop the price of food increasing.

Do you agree with any of this?
Weren’t you the one who thought Liz Truss would be a brilliant Prime Minister?
Fwiw, if you’re even thinking of going near the Lib Dem’s as an alternative, just remember their leader thinks that women can have a penis.
Benefit fraud -
  • 3.6% (£8.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error
  • 1.4% (£3.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was underpaid due to fraud and error
  • the net loss to the Department for Work and Pensions, after accounting for recoveries, was 3.1% (£7.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure.

Relatively speaking this is a miniscule amount compared to losses from tax evasion/fraud. You don’t mention that so I’m guessing you’re OK with it.

The Rwanda policy is utterly inhumane. You do understand that it’s almost an exchange programme and that the UK will be accepting vulnerable refugees from Rwanda? Which begs the question, if it’s not safe enough for its own citizens how can it be safe for anyone else?

Almost all of the other issues are down to 13 years of Tory mismanagement, incompetence and BREXIT.
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She always used to get slated for being robotic and socially awkward when she was PM...I think she's decent and the complete opposite to Johnson in terms of honesty and integrity. People I know who've met her were all very impressed and liked her as a person.
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VIP Member
Is it being reported what is happening in NI in the rest of the UK? We have masked men roaming the streets in daylight now and schools in that area have been locked down? Thank you Brexit (y)
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VIP Member
I think the whole political system needs an overhaul. Together with the media, politicians just make a laughing stock of the whole system. It seems like decent politicians are wading through treacle if they try to change things.
Not sure what the answer would be, but I have heard people talking about wanting more autonomy and that giving Parish Councils more autonomy would be a good thing. However, having seen their shenanigans on You Tube videos this tends to elicit an immediate eye roll from me
I can see, though, that people are sick of electing someone or a party on various promises only for them to backtrack and do what the electorate don't want.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Is anyone else listening to Mrs Sunak’s speech?
It’s like a very bad episode of This is your life. Absolutely cringing.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
No shame. Some kind of personality disorder? Who knows. I think Steve Bannon (Trumps original advisor) has probably changed modern politics forever insofar as now you can just lie and deny with impunity. Boris of course used this tactic. Frank Luntz (sp?) the US pollster was on tv yesterday suggesting people are so sick of it all turn-out may be very very low ... especially fro conservative-leaning folk.

Just going back to that Barclay quote ... a minister using the term 'wokery' is pretty sad. What the hell does that even mean. :cautious:
Im not sure Barclay knows. It seems to be dragged out every time the Tories want to send the gammons into a frenzy.
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