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Lets face it ‐ never mind the state of the economy or the health service...the issue that's going to dominate this next election is whether or not our politicians can confirm that a woman is a natural born female with xx chromosomes. What a sad state of affairs.
For me personally even though I think all politicians are liars, if they can't say a woman is an adult human female and categorically does not have penis then how can you believe anything that comes out of their mouths.
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How she didn't think to read it a few times or get a second pair of eyes on it is beyond me.
It being the first draft of the letter is not the defence she thinks it is. I'd also like to see what the final draft looks like because it must be in a similar vein.
Yeah, implies that she hasn't thought very deeply about the treatment of Jewish, Irish and Traveller people in Britain.
Robert Peston "This is such a strange letter":

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why are the government so concerned w 15 min cities? are there any tory voters who actually give a fuck whether or not i can get to the shop, gp, work or school etc within a mile radius?
Pandering to conspiracy theorists because how is that a bad thing?

Only if you're one of those people who think it's hangover plan from the covid lockdowns to keep people restricted to one location.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I see Boris has moved into this £3.8m property in Oxfordshire.

Boris and Carrie Johnson move into new £3.8m moated mansion in Oxfordshire – see inside | House & Garden (

It's equally mind boggling and impressive how he has managed to become a multi-millionaire. I heard on the radio that his newspaper column bags him about £250k per year. Book deals at about £1m a year. Speaking tours over the next few years would be another few millions. I don't particularly care for the guy, but it's amazing he's managed to do so well given everything that's happened.
Impressive? It’s pure and simple corruption. Strange how the fucker could afford a £3.8 million house but apparently couldn’t afford to pay for his legal team.
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He's apparently having a quiet "family" day in Oxfordshire...and a visit from Peppa Pig who still believes in him.
I wonder if all his bastards will be in attendance? And I don't mean Mogg or Dorries, I mean his actual bastards.
  • Haha
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My question, as always is when this conversation comes up, is what do people with genuine gender dysphoria do? I understand the concern for the wronguns, of whole I’m sure are a much smaller percentage than people who really feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. Do they go in and change with men? If we note that men are very often violent with women and this puts us at risk, are these individuals not also at risk in this situations?
It’s really such a shit time.
I definitely think there needs to be something in place to help these people , both in MH and wider society . I don’t think pushing them as female is doing them or women any favours, it’s a complex MH issue , do you think a woman is long hair and a dress? Or is it genetics and hormones ?
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But it doesn't impact less than 1% of the population, it affects around 51% of the population - biological women - and has further ramifications for them.
I have never been in a situation where someone's definition of a woman has impacted me.

I've also never thought to myself "we're one of the worst off generations of our time and have the option to vote for a party that might change things, but you know they aren't clear on what a woman is so I'll just stick to voting for a party which will further entrench a wealth gap."

Sure, perhaps being able to define what a woman is might be on the top of someone's list when voting but it's not a priority for me.
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Wouldn't it be good if the report actually reflected the truth and didn't beat about the bush with niceties..

Corruption shouldn't be smoothed over. Bad people should be made to account for their misdemeanours and crimes.There shouldn't always be excuses for downright rotten goings on. Please no mental health cards either..
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Geezus, I love how the meeja are all clutching their pearls because a female MP said 'Fucking' in a off-the-cuff remark. Grow-up.
So Boris Johnson shagging anything with a pulse and getting sucked off in his office is OK because he’s a bit of a lad, but a woman used a bad word? 🙄
I laugh about how the tories are scraping the bottom of the barrel with their cabinet appointments then I read that list of entirely uninspiring dross. I suppose they are just going for 'quietly competent'.
I’ll take quietly competent over deranged, incompetent, money grabbing cockwombles any day.
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Trusting a journalist with that kind of confidential information is like the gingerbread man trusting the fox to give him a lift over the river.
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Lucy Aeroplane

VIP Member
I think people need educating on what prejudice, discrimination and racism is. Simply because we keep meeting it. I don't think Abbott meant to cause offence but she has.
Yeah agreed, I think it’s at least partly a result of the echo-chamberism and groupthink that’s all over the place in the last few years but probably especially in progressive politics. Abbott has been a good local MP (though I don’t know about in recent years) and although I don’t think she’s ever really been shadow cabinet or cabinet material, she shouldn’t have been allowed to put herself in this position. They’ve got advisors ffs, who tf advised her that doing this would be all fine and dandy? And why did nobody who might have said “erm, I can foresee some issues with this” get to look at it before it went out?

She’s all but fucked her career at this stage, and I’d still like to believe she’s more knowledgeable than that letter implies but deep down I sadly don’t actually think that any more.
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The swearing may have caught the attention but it's the suggestion that she has been doing 'a good job' while 'others sat on their arses' that is the meat of the story. Of course the 'others' to which she is referring is anyone other than the government for the last 13 years. Meanwhile Sunak is claiming to have never met the Chancellor who cut the DFE's bid to fund rebuilding of 200 schools per year down to 50. ...
The school rebuilding programme was launched 2 years ago which even on the mystery Chancellor's budget should mean that we should be well on the way to 100 schools being refurbished. This afternoon it's revealed that the actual number completed is .... 4.

There's been about 6 Secretaries of State for Education in the last two years; Williamson, Zahawi, Donelan (for 2 days), Cleverley, Malthouse and now Keegan. Perhaps they haven't been doing such a great job after all.
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The last time I saw a burnt out police van on the news it was a riot not a 'protest'.
this is really local to me and the area is a weird one when it comes to politics. very much scouse identity / fuck the tories / don't buy the sun and one of the safest labour seats in the country, but voted for brexit and ukip got 10% of votes in 2015. not a very diverse area either (literally 98% white) and as of a few years ago we have no further education / A level providers in the whole borough

the 'protests' started after a 25yo asylum seeker approached a 15yo schoolgirl and asked for her number etc, people put two and two together that migrants were being housed in a local hotel and after the police not finding a suspect within days 'took matters into their own hands'. don't even think there was any evidence to suggest the man was part of the hotel group? but might be wrong there.

Patriotic Alternative jumped on it and organised the 'protest', locals joined in thinking it was about paedophilia when that was a thinly veiled attempt at disguising the racist / anti immigrant sentiment the PA push. If it was really about paedophilia, why not protest at ashworth while ian brady was alive? rock up to prince andrew's gates and start a fire there? would they be using one mans behaviour to attack all asylum seekers if they were white or 'palatable' europeans? completely agree that it became a riot.

anyway, thought this twitter thread explained it quite well

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No, the twat in the braces
I watched a bit of Trooping of the Colour with my mum because she likes all that stuff and one of the soldiers on there was a para-trooper who had done two tours of Afghanistan ... then I thought of that twat in the braces getting an honour and felt ashamed. I mean, anyone with any fucking decency wouldn't accept an award for essentially doing naff all.
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Oh that all seems to have a mountain Farage was trying to make out of a molehill by the way. It seems like he simply didn't qualify for the type of bank account he had, so the bank wanted to transfer him to a different type of account and he refused, leading to his account simply being closed.

Ironically, reading between the lines it may be that he was using his personal account as a 'family' one which his kids could also withdraw money from. But that became a problem as they're not British residents so, post-Brexit, money keeping on being taken out of the account from within the EU became an issue for the bank. But like I say, it seems like he was simply offered a move to a type of account he could use for that sort of transaction and refused.

So, really, this is just one of those misplaced consumer complaints via social media that's writ larger, and stupider, than most.

(Meanwhile, whether there are tax implications for any income from their father that his grown up children haven't been declaring will be a matter for, I'm guessing, the German equivalent of inland revenue.)
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My dad used to say that if they tied a blue ribbon on a pig round here it would get elected.
Our results have only just come in and the Lib Dem candidate has been elected. I'm shocked and heartened.
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