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Not sure where to put this, but is anyone else getting sick to the back teeth of the blanket coverage of a missing sub? Christ, enough already.
Yeah. It wasn't for scientific research and I am pretty sure they signed a waiver in case of death so I'm not sure why it's all over the news. There are terrible things going on the world over.

Hundreds of migrants died in Greece and yet didn't receive anywhere close to this coverage. Another boat capsized in Nigeria a week or so ago in which 108 people died, nothing in the news.

I could list a bunch of tragic stories from around the world that never get covered in the news, yet a few rich people in a sub going down to view the Titanic shipwreck and its headline news. Don't mean to sound harsh, it's sad of course, but the focus on it is just a but much.
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Isabel deserves it. Awful person. Pretty much trashed the golden rule of journalism, ie: Never reveal your source. She did it before, 10 years ago when Vicky Pryce was sent to prison after Isabel revealed her in a story. She's a disgrace to the industry. I'm actually astonisted Ferrari never mentioned any of this ... he's always banging the drum about journalists and how wonderful they all are, yada yada yada. Good article about this in the Independent:
Utter crap.

Isabelle has done the nation a favour in providing evidence as to what an odious lying shyster Matt Hancock was during the pandemic.

Telling us all one thing in public, whilst ignoring large amounts of advice given in private.

The 'ring of steel' around Care Homes was nothing more than an utter lie.

Had this not of all come out, Matt would of probably sucessfully 'rehabilitated' himself post Westminster (in his proposed media career), despite a reign of utter incompetence whilst being a Minister.

The nation is largely behind these leaks, bar The Guardian and Independent whom were largely critical of Hancock at the time - and have decided to take pot shots at Oakshott instead.

For the Guardian to bang on about standards is just laughable. Although if it was one of their journalists who leaked this, there would of course would of been no issues, and full backing given by the outlet.

As for Chris Hulme and Vicki Pryce, you think perverting the course of justice is acceptable behaviour? Both deserved what they got for making up lies in order to escape being punished.

Vicky was more than happy to falsely take points for Chris's driving convictions whilst they were married.

Some people need to get off their high horse. It is seemingly acceptable for left wing whistle-blowers to leak things but not right wing ones.

I for one do not care what side of the coin a leak has come from, nor which member of any political party it affects. If an MP has been found to have been seriously cheating and lying to the public, they deserve all they get.
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I never said that. I’m not going to vote for a party that I don’t believe in their values. I don’t believe in the Conservatives or the other main ones.
That's fine. You can vote for whomever you wish, spoil your ballot paper or simply not vote. However the fact is that in our current system there are only two parties that can form a government. Voting purely on principle risks getting the worst of those two options which IMO is another Tory government. Of course you may not think this is the worst possible option and so are prepared to take the risk.

I've moved to a new area since the last election, one that is staunchly Tory with a (currently) high profile MP. There is only the smallest chance that they will not be elected and the only candidate that might beat them is the Lib Dem. I harbour a lasting grudge against the LDs for propping up the Cameron government that precipitated the mess we're in now but at the next election I'll vote for them simply because that I the only thing I can do to try to avoid the disaster of allowing the Tories to finish the job of wrecking the country for good.
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I was watching something this morning with politicians on and it reminded me of how they only answer the part of the question that suits them.
So when the public ask why do we have to pay for the clean up of the sewage released by the water companies into the environment, the politician started waffling on about the public don't have to pay for the fines..........made me laugh when a few minutes later Martin Lewis said she was talking a load of shit. 😄😄
I sometimes think Martin is simmering and will eventually explode massively. 😲
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Hmmm. I am not sure this looks good for the civil service. Big bosses at the top sometimes need to be hard-faced and feared in order to wield some authority. The tiers immediately below - who let's not be silly, are paid an AWFUL lot of money - should either be experienced and strong enough to deal with it, or certainly not incompetent enough to provoke his ire in the first place. I don't think a world where we throw out bullying accusations willy nilly is a good idea.

So I would like to see the report and know what it is he's supposed to have done. There's personal bullying and there's just telling people to do their job. The two seem to get confused in the modern snowflakey world.
  • Sick
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He's got more time to play at Peppa Pig world now.

I don't understand why some people are still defending him? Has he ever been told "no"-fullstop- in his life? Maybe he'd respond more to Dog Obedience Classes? I do think he should be castrated now to prevent any more unfortunate offspring.
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I didn’t realise when I first voted at 18 I’d have to weigh up if my government not believing in my biological facts and rights was a good enough reason not to vote for them.
It's not such a big issue for me. With a cost of living crisis, people using food banks, not being able to afford rent, not ever being able to buy a house or retire, problems with the NHS, underfunding of schools etc. Honestly a politician defining something that is probably applicable to less than 1% of the population is so far down my list of priorities.
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so let's focus on bad Russia and their treatment of Ukraine
I don’t think this is an either or situation. We should focus on both. Russia is bad, it’s a terrorist state. They are raping children, men, women and the elderly, they are torturing, they are murdering. People don’t have access to medicine and food. Children are being taken from their home country and forcefully ‘adopted’ by Russians and all their Ukrainian identity is being rubbed out. It’s a form of genocide. What’s happening in Ukraine also directly impacts on the UK as a country so that’s why we are focusing on it more. Our food and oil prices have gone up and certain things are more difficult to get due to trade routes being affected.

What’s happening in Yemen is equally horrific and on a certain level more complicated because there isn’t just one foe. The international community are backing the government, which is in turn backed by the Saudis. The Houthi rebels are backed by Iran and Islamist groups and separatists are backed by the United Arab Emirates.

Learning about space is important and comparing it to the coverage of a humanitarian crisis and war doesn’t make any sense as they are two completely different ideas and issues.
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Piff paff puff

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The dilemma is this, whilst I agree this gov are like a zombie gov. Shoveling all the cash into their friends businesses and doing absolutely nothing to stop the country's institutions and infrastructures crumbling. I don't believe any other party will not do the same. They will just do slightly different, funnel money out in other ways and schemes.
When Angela Rayner called them scum I couldn't agree more. However the way she did it (reminiscent of a 1980's college student in Thatcher's Britain) and where, and call me a judgy bitch, I'm on tattle after all! But it made her look like she doesn't have the intelligence to make good decisions for this country. She can't articulate her feelings or control her impulses. There is nothing more I want than to see a politician being passionate and showing real emotion. That gives me hope they really do care but I don't want them acting up to get a reaction from their constituents or not being able to turn that passion into policies that will benefit us all.

Nothing that is being decided in this country is benefiting it's citizens. We are told it is. It's gas lighting. At this stage I reject them all. I've seen enough.
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NI have had voter ID for years it’s not watertight but hasn’t caused any problems, most people are on the electoral roll anyway and have some form of Id .
Jacob Rees Mogg admitted they introduced it hoping it would work in the Tories favour. They clearly thought the impact would be significant enough to go through the trouble.
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It's fascinating that the former leader of this country wants people to think he's too dumb to understand rules because the only alternative is to admit that he's deceitful and he figured that's the lesser attack on his character.
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A whole four years? I need to sit down.
Well, some seem to be acting like he’s fresh out of school, whereas I was making the point that most 25 year olds will have already been in employment for years.

I work with a 25 year old who manages a team and he’s perfectly capable. Just seems a bit like reverse ageism for someone to assume an MP will be incompetent based solely on their age.
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I have a lot of respect for the way Theresa May has conducted herself the past couple of years. She returned to the back benches and has been very dignified.

I'm also liking the cut of Penny Mordaunt's jib ... and that's without including her sword holding skills!
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But why point out her background ! It undermines ( not enforces) diversity imo.
It’s not undermining diversity, it’s merely pointing out that it’s a really weird standpoint to have as a successful example of assimilation.
Nobody is saying she can’t say this stuff, we’re pointing out that what she is saying doesn’t exactly have credence because she herself, alongside many people in her party, is an example of immigrants assimilating in this country. If multiculturalism had in fact failed, no ethnic people would be thriving.
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Excuse me while I have a rant, but I'm becoming more and more exasperated about the illegal boats coming to the UK. The migrants won't stay elsewhere in Europe because they know that we're a soft touch.

The most recent item I've read this morning is that they're sleeping on pavements protesting at the accommodation offered to them. This country needs to get a grip now. They talk about doing this and that, but migrants know nothing's happening, and they are now making demands once they arrive here. When is it going to end?

Of course you know very well that asylum seekers do stay in other European countries, in some cases in greater numbers than the UK but let's not let facts get in the way of a good rant. There's also a separate thread for this kind of nonsense so can we not transfer it to this one?
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