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So you do agree that she’s not being hypocritical for voicing an opinion ?
Hypocrisy is the least of her faults although one might think that a woman who has (somehow) risen to one of the top jobs in the UK with migrant parents from Kenya and Mauritius with Goan ancestry, one a Hindu and the other a Christian and herself a Bhuddist married to a Jew might have a more nuanced view about multiculturalism and integration. She is of course free to express any view she wants even if it makes her appear stupid, self-serving, opportunistic and yes, hypocritical.
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Rachel Riley gets an MBE for 'Holocaust Education' ... really? I thought she was just some really annoying woman on daytime tv. I've never heard her doing anything on Holocaust Education. In fact, when her mate Jimmy Carr made some 'joke' about 'Gypsies' during the Holocaust her silence was deafening. Surely there are more deserving people than Rachel Riley out there ffs? Rant over. :cautious:
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This is such tosh. What self respecting woman will vote in a man who says that women can ‘quite clearly’ have a penis. How bloody backwards are we that we have to ask our political leaders if they know what a woman is? It’s so frustrating and ridiculous.
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He might have "done well" in terms of wads of money stashed away but he's a man who is rotten to the core. Money may make life more comfortable and it may buy you "friends"but it has its limits.
Money seems to slip through his fingers like sand. Seriously question ... what on earth kind of person is Carrie? I mean, I'm not an unromantic chap but fucking hell, she must have been desperate . :sick:
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This Labour Party campaign was an ill-advised attempt to "fight fire with fire". However consistently positioning yourself as 'better than' the Tories but then adopting their tactics is a serious mistake because it inevitably leads to the over-simplified claims that 'they're all the same'.

Of course, if you're the Tory party or one of its supporters with nothing you can point to as a positive reason to vote for them except for the manufactured small boats crisis and culture wars, you're going to love this. The idea that voting Labour or Tory will make no difference is just what they want to encourage. Better the devil you know eh?
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VIP Member
wait is that their issue w it? 😭 no way
do they think border force is gonna detain them if they go to the next city over? need a passport to go where there's different coloured wheelie bins? begging these people to get a grip omfg

I wish I was making it up!

I genuinely can't think of any downsides to having essentials within a 15 minute walking distance so I can only imagine it's feeding into that conspiracy.
I quite like the idea of 15 minute cities. It just goes back to how things were about 40-50 years ago. Everything was within walking distance. There was a parade of shops, newsagents, church, pubs, post office, bank. Where I grew up in Liverpool, it is still like that today.

I remember when supermarkets started to become a thing. Once a month we would take the car and do a big shop but the rest of the month Mum got everything locally from grocer, butcher etc
Me too. I live in the same city but have moved from an area where most things were 15 minutes away to one where everything is 30 minutes away.

I don't have a car, but I'm young so I can manage but it's inconvenient. I can only imagine how much worse it is in more rural or suburban areas.

With the way people have seen a decline in transport links, banking services, post offices etc you'd think it would be a welcome thing.

And if the government truly wants us to live more sustainably, one way to help would be reducing our reliance on personal or public transport.
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Raab definitely has the look of an arrogant pr1ck. Obviously ... that's not a crime. Just sayin'. 🤪
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I didn’t realise when I first voted at 18 I’d have to weigh up if my government not believing in my biological facts and rights was a good enough reason not to vote for them.
It's scary isn't it? I've never given a monkey's about how people want to live their lives, dress, sexuality etc etc but things have gotten out of control.
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Meh, let me know when modern slavery, which is happening NOW on every high street in Britain through nail bars, car washes, restaurant/takeaways etc is fully solved. Then we can come back and start to look at things from hundreds of years ago.

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The Government have blood on their hands which won't wash off no matter how much political sanitiser they attempt to apply.
They will have no shame...It was all a hoot.
Suicides as a direct result of the covid lockdown should be counted and publicised.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I think having the son of a Russian spy, who also defends Putin, says he didn’t give the orders to murder Litvinenko and who also was a national security threat himself as a member of the House of Lords warrants more ire than this young woman.
You’re right of course. But I think the difference is that we know why Lebedev is in the Lords.
Boris Johnson + some dodgy photos + copious amounts of Russian money = peerage.
But we have absolutely no idea what this very young woman with a limited CV and almost no political experience has done to deserve her award. So the inevitable conclusions will be drawn. Yes it looks awful that Johnson nominated her, but it looks just as awful that she accepted it.
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Remember the ferry company that had no ships? In 2018 the government awarded a contract worth £13.8 million to Seabourne Ferries to provide extra capacity in the event of a no deal Brexit. This despite the fact that Seabourne Ferries had no track record as as ferry company and actually no ships.

Well in 2021 the government announced a 'continuity agreement' between the UK and Morocco replicating the EU - Morocco agreement that we had just left because of Brexit. The government and their friends in the media excitedly claimed it as a 'huge win'. They said a weekly freight ferry service operated by United Seaways was 'up and running' between Tangiers (Morocco) and Poole bypassing the need for trucks to travel through Spain and France. The government actually bragged about how trade with Morocco had increased dramatically since Brexit and that 25% of our tomatoes now came from there. Only problem was that the 'up and running' ferry service wasn't 'up and running' and never has been.

So now the weather problems that affected vegetable production in Europe means that European wholesalers are looking elsewhere for their produce. Places like Morocco. Being in the EU makes it easy for European wholesalers to manage the 'frictionless' transport of tomatoes etc. by road across national borders through European logistics hubs. In comparison British wholesalers have to manage the transport across at least two EU borders with all the additional administration that Brexit created. It just easier and more profitable for Moroccan producers to sell to EU wholesalers than the much smaller UK market. The UK government and particularly the Brexit headbangers put us in this position.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
What can Johnson possibly speak to investors of cryptocurrency and investment bankers about? How crypto would have benefited ancient Greece? Lol
How to store your dosh in brown envelopes, lying, money laundering, how to ponce a free mansion and Italian sex parties.
Worth every penny surely.
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VIP Member
Abbott was wrong in what she wrote. And reading the headlines, it's a disservice to other groups of people who also face prejudice/racism that her offense towards them isn't being mentioned.
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