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Trans rights have the same impact on women's rights that feminism did on men's rights. Giving rights to one group does not inherently mean taking it away from others.

So far, I haven't identified any proposed policies which would have a tangible impact on my rights as a woman or my way of living.
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It's lazy to say "oh it happened X number of years ago" because if you look at these people and countries today, the lasting effects are very much current.
Bullsh1te. All the oppression and ills that Empire didn’t import are still thriving in these countries today: slavery, squalor, exploitation, corruption, famine, pestilence etc. Inhumanity is still rife in great swathes of regions long after the departure of imperial rule.

Those who pretend the world before the British empire was some wonderful utopia, and that Britain should be eternally flagellating itself for having an empire is nonsense. Granted, the British empire was far from a benevolent entity, and was undeniably motivated almost entirely by self interest and profit, but the state of affairs in the rest of the world was much, much worse, and not just in the European colonial empires.

African, Arabic, Asian and even Native American empires almost universally displayed significantly more brutality, ruthlessness and racist subjugation of those they conquered than the British empire. China alone killed tens of millions during the 18th and 19th centuries in brutally suppressing various rebellions through its empire. India's Muhgal, Sikh and Maratha empires also displayed extreme brutality and abuse of those within their conquered territories, which is likely part of the reason why Britain was able to appear benign in comparison for so long.

Similar stories of horrific bloodshed and abuse can be found from Belgium's Congo, to the Ottoman empire, to the Aztec empire. Yet above all others, Britain's empire, which probably killed far fewer and caused less misery than almost any contemporary empire, is targeted disproportionately for criticism and hatred.

The world in the 18th, 19th, and early to mid 20th centuries was an almost unspeakably horrific place, no matter where you were. Britain's empire however, was somewhat less hellish, which is why some historians argue it was objectively a force for good. I guess individual opinion rests on whether you think a historical empire should be judged by modern standards or by the standards at the time of its existence.

And Britain never came up with empire, slavery, colonialism or barbarity, but somehow it gets full credit for these practices and human traits as if it did. The British were certainly responsible for addressing and seeking to abolish many of these evils in the world, and that’s why now we can all sit around endlessly chastising ourselves for not having done better and apologising, ignoring that the luxury of that indulgence wouldn't be possible without the legacy of western education, benevolence and democracy.

I acknowledge that many cultures probably would have preferred to continue without Western interference and we have examples of untouched cultures in the Amazon and Africa... but I don’t want to live like that, though. Neither do I want to live in the conditions of 18th or 19th century Britain.

It was the wealth of empire that funded the social changes necessary to improve conditions in Britain and propagated the evolution of human rights that we all take for granted today – in the West at least. The exploitation of the colonies is bound up in that, without which the technological and social advancements necessary couldn’t have happened so quickly. The Empire illustrates the worst but also the best of the West taken in view our evolving attitude to human rights.

And in the West we are still actively exporting our 'imperial' notions of human rights, along with practical aid, to the 'less civilised'. Still imposing our 'outdated colonial ambitions' in this ongoing crusade to 'save the rest of the world'. Would you prefer we desist?

History isn’t one snapshot that you can examine critically from the perspective and mores of another time. That's what's lazy.

And bullsh1te.
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This is particularly vile ... I am always amazed that this can be someones first thought. Some people need to take a break from politics, it's obviously in their head 24/7. Must be exhausting. Take a day off and go and watch Love Island.

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Chatty Member
A lot more to this me thinks….The missing money the lottery winners want back, loaning the SNP party 100k of his own funds…yeh right…I want it all leaked and out 😂
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I think people need educating on what prejudice, discrimination and racism is. Simply because we keep meeting it. I don't think Abbott meant to cause offence but she has.
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Gina doesn't just want to be on TV, she wants to be running the country with her amazing and honest party or whatever she called it. Another one talking about draining the swamp and all that 🙄
These people with all their grandiose idea's, wanting to change the world, clean up politics etc. etc. The majority of people just want a few pot holes filled-in or the ability to get an appointment at the dentist. People like Gina dream of scoffing Ferrero Rocher's at the ambassadors residence rather than deal with mundane everyday issues. As I said ... just leave us all alone, get a gig on LBC or something.
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the police clearly did an excellent job of looking into partygate if this is new to them too :rolleyes: there was a group pic of the same night and they didn't find this on anyone's phone???
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
And just to complete the set, it's now revealed that the DFE gave a contract worth £1 million (from the school rebuilding budget) to a company at which Gillian Keegan's husband is a non-exec director. Everybody is keen to stress that there's no skulduggery involved but isn't it amazing how often government contracts are awarded to companies in which entirely coincidentally an MP, their relatives or friends have an interest. What are the chances?
And to think how much Angela Rayner got criticised when she called these people scum. 🙄
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And interestingly he's the first criminal I've heard of who's originally from Guinea Bissau and to my recollection there have been very few Portuguese criminals who make the UK headlines.

So him being Portuguese and/or from Guinea Bissau isn't an indicator of his criminality.

Sure, his background may be of interest but picking it apart probably won't lead us to why he did this or prevent something like this from happening again.

If we want to understand why he did this, we may find he has more in common with someone like Raoul Moat - who also killed multiple people in a series of attacks - than people from Portugal and Guinea Bissau.
Based solely on what has been reported in the media so far it seems likely that this awful incident is more an indictment of our mental health care system than immigration policy.
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Pandering to conspiracy theorists because how is that a bad thing?

Only if you're one of those people who think it's hangover plan from the covid lockdowns to keep people restricted to one location.
wait is that their issue w it? 😭 no way
do they think border force is gonna detain them if they go to the next city over? need a passport to go where there's different coloured wheelie bins? begging these people to get a grip omfg
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Something really irritating me today, sort of politics related but more news related. Why does the news keep describing the people being flown home from Greece as 'repatriation flights'? They are just flights bringing people home. I've never said to anyone in my life: "I'm flying home tomorrow for repatriation". Sorry ... irrational irritation, I just had to get it out of my system. Fookin' newspeak. :LOL:
I think it's because they're flying empty planes over to Greece for the sole purpose of bringing people home before they would have ordinarily returned to the UK.

So in that context I think it makes sense to give them a different name.
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I would like to see all crimes get equal coverage and public outrage, regardless of who the victim or attacker is.
That will never happen. I think most people would amazed at how many murders, violent assaults and robberies take place daily. Speak to any ambulance crew or policeman and they will tell you how many they have dealt with and how many have reached the news.

As stated, unless it is particularly awful, terrorist related or unusual it won't get a mention.
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Happy Lady

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I was reading today that Boris wants the UK to give Ukraine "all our jets". I'm all for helping as much as we can, but wouldn't that surely leave the UK exposed if we were attacked with nothing to help our own defences?
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Has Suella been possessed by the spirit of Tommy Robinson?

if she focuses on British Pakistani criminals then will all the others slip through the net?

what purpose does her saying this serve? Except to cause division?
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Until last week, I never believed Lizz Truss could have a comeback in politics. It's like the disaster of last year never happened. She has exactly the same program - no reflection at all since she left but somehow she has a lot of supporters? How?
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So only white Tories should give these statements? Is that what you’re saying?
Nope. I'm saying it makes no sense for a nation that prides itself on being inclusive and diverse to say that multiculturalism is a failure and anyone would call out any MP who claimed such. Especially when there are multiple examples which prove the opposite. Nuance is needed!
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VIP Member
In 2015 there were 36,525 fully qualified GPs working in the NHS. That equated to 27,306 full time equivalent GPs. Since then rising population and an aging demographic has increased demand for GP services but the number of GPs has actually declined. In February 2020 the government announced a drive to recruit an additional 6,000 GPs by 2024. As of March 2023 we have the equivalent of 2.053 fewer GPs than we did in 2015.

In 2015 there were on average 1,938 patients per GP in 7,623 practices. In March this year the ratio of patients per GP had increased to 2,285 and the number of practices decreased to 6,407. In 2015 there were 0.52 fully qualified GPs per 1,000 patients and in March that has fallen to 0.44 GPs per 1,000 patients.

So please let's not have any of this nonsense that the situation was worse 10 years ago. By any measure the GP service has declined since 2015. The government has completely and spectacularly failed in 'delivering' the real solution i.e. increasing the number of GPs and instead can only offer to improve the phone system and apprentice GPs.
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VIP Member
I think people need educating on what prejudice, discrimination and racism is. Simply because we keep meeting it. I don't think Abbott meant to cause offence but she has.
Diane Abbot has previous for this though and has been accused of race baiting on more than one occasion. She has had to apologise before and again the old 'given out of context' excuse was given.

She is as prejudiced and racist as the people she claims to deplore.
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