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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
The youngest ever appointee to the lords with a CV that simply reads 'worked for Boris as special advisor in vague capacity' is beyond even the farcical stuff like Sir Eric Pickles surely.
I think it’s more likely she worked under ( or on top of 🤢 ) Johnson than for him.

As for poor, downtrodden Mad Nads
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I quite like the idea of 15 minute cities. It just goes back to how things were about 40-50 years ago. Everything was within walking distance. There was a parade of shops, newsagents, church, pubs, post office, bank. Where I grew up in Liverpool, it is still like that today.

I remember when supermarkets started to become a thing. Once a month we would take the car and do a big shop but the rest of the month Mum got everything locally from grocer, butcher etc
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I don't understand why the topic of immigration or asylum seekers needs to be had at the expense of people not from here anyway.

It's completely possible and valid to have a non hateful discussion on why immigration may need to be capped or the asylum system needs to be reformed without being negative about people from those groups.

It's also contradictory to claim people don't integrate only to constantly push this us v them rhetoric. You can't encourage people to see each other as enemies then wonder why they aren't living in a harmonious way.
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George got a one day a week job somewhere I used to work after he left office. I went to an event he was speaking at, and the disdain with which he spoke about Brexit and Brexit voters got me SO angry. I’m a remainer, and the blame for Brexit sits with HIS party, and not only that, his flipping government. Don’t come in now saying that it‘s terrible as if you’re someone like me that’s thought it’s a horrible idea all along. Sanctimonious arse.
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I know what you mean ... but for me because she's from a working-class background and also suffered abuse as a child I feel kind of guilty totally hating her. George Osborne, Boris, Cameron, Mogg and all the other vile old Etonians I have no such quarms. I suppose that makes me classist and who knows, maybe Mogg had his trousers pulled-down at prep school, something definitely happened to turn him into the utterly bizarre man he's become.

I'm the opposite. Because of her background she should know better.
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People are too docile and glued to their phones to actually do anything about Western decline. I mean, just look at birth-rates in Western society. If people can't be bothered to breed, they sure as hell can't be bothered to rise up and throw off the yoke of waton capitalism. :rolleyes:
British people are politically docile and seem to think it's noble to accept their lot, even if their lot could be what kills them. But voting is one of the few, low effort actions they can take to avoid having to "muddle through".

The low birth rate is a response to capitalism, people can just about afford to live for themselves, let alone add a child to the mix. You can't "breed" (ew) your way out of capitalism or poverty. Having children will hit your pockets faster than most lifestyle changes.
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A government minister (Mark Harper, Transport Secretary) has just made a speech at the Tory Party Conference in which he vowed that Tories will stop "the misuse of 15 minute cities ... what is sinister is the idea of local councils deciding how often you can go to the shops". Not a sinister as a government pedalling ridiculous conspiracy theories in order to attract votes from the hard of thinking.
It's like a bad game of telephone, where did the idea come from that there'd be limits on going to the shops?! Granted, I've tried to ignore the conspiracy so maybe this was always an idea but why would a minister choose to stoke fears when they could sensibly correct people?

I know the answer but it's insane.
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An older man who was a father and grandfather died too...but the coverage is centred around the students of course because they were executed in the prime of their lives and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time presumably.

This is a very unusual situation...but no..sadly random stabbings in poorer areas are under-reported because they happen frequently.
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This government have been in power for almost my entire adult life. Sometimes I forget it wasn't always this awful, and the general mood in the country wasn't always so low.
Thing is that those of us that aren't so young remember all too well that Labour are more than capable of big time fucking it all up just the same, and there's a reason that apart from Blair, Labour have never had more than two consecutive terms in office. The conservatives tend to manage to go 3 to 5 terms before they fully fall apart like they are now.

There is a huge clamour from young people to vote Labour in, and things will all be magically better, just as there was when Blair got in; and no doubt when it happens there will be parties in the street again, I well remember Blair's victory walk to 10 Downing Street and the atmosphere that day. But those parties won't last long, the handouts come for a while but it doesn't take long for the realisation that the fun needs to be paid for and that's when it gets hard again.

I do think it is probably time now to switch to Labour for a bit, just to remind everyone that they are equally bad and wicked and inept as the Conservatives.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I know and it's sad. This was said as she announced a new law for reporting sexual abuse.

She could have said "we're going to protect children more" or something like that, rather than single people out and fuel hateful narratives.

And what about little boys or children of other races? Are they not victims too?

It's getting tiresome how the government can't announce a single policy without being hateful and divisive in the process.
The way they go on you’d think that Britain was a complete crime free zone until all the “foreigners” turned up 🙄
Hatefulness and division is pretty much all this tawdry lot have left. Hence the abject lack of actual policy, the constant wanging on about small boats and the appointment of tinpot fascist fucknugget Lee Anderson as Deputy Chairman.

Hard to pinpoint who it could be lol
The list of suspects could run into the hundreds but I’d love it to be Rees Mogg.
“I don’t know how I got here and I can’t find my clothes “ Yeah, OK.
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I see Boris has moved into this £3.8m property in Oxfordshire.

Boris and Carrie Johnson move into new £3.8m moated mansion in Oxfordshire – see inside | House & Garden (

It's equally mind boggling and impressive how he has managed to become a multi-millionaire. I heard on the radio that his newspaper column bags him about £250k per year. Book deals at about £1m a year. Speaking tours over the next few years would be another few millions. I don't particularly care for the guy, but it's amazing he's managed to do so well given everything that's happened.
Enormous and lifelong privilege to start with is how that's been achieved.
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It’s indefensible. And I’m so annoyed because so many people target her for the wrong reasons but will now have a completely legitimate reason to do so now. She’s done so much good in Hackney. All of these people are awful.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Yes, stabbing someone is seen as proving yourself in many gangs, like an initiation.
Life is cheap with these scumbags.
At the risk of sounding like a bleeding heart, liberal leftie - isn’t that absolutely bloody tragic? That they have so little to aspire to, so little hope of doing anything with themselves that they think their own lives - and everyone around them, are that cheap?
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So Braverman steps beyond the asylum seeker issue to criticise general immigration and multiculturalism. Invokes patriotism and has the absolute gall to use David Cameron's phrase about 'all being in it together' to suggest that immigrants are not really part of this country. She rejects as "offensive" the suggestion that because she is the daughter of immigrants and comes from a multicultural background herself that it is hypocritical to be against these things.

She rejects the suggestion that we need to belong to the ECHR to protect our human rights while at the same time the government has been busy curtailing our right to protest, to vote, to strike and limit our right to judicial review. Who know where they will go next.

If this isn't outright fascism it is as 'fascist adjacent' as we have ever seen in this country. And what is genuinely frightening is that it appears to attract support from at least 25% of the country. Sickening and scary.
I don't think it's 25% because UKIP at their height never got that high in a vote, it's more like 10-15%. She's pandering to the gammons but she'll turn off quite a lot of middle-class, professional Tory votes who may switch to Labour or Lib Dems. Funny thing is, the people who she's trying to woo probably privately don't see her any different to an immigrant evem though she's born here. She's just another convient shield the Tories like to roll out when trying to convince people they're not racist.
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Nadine has finally resigned ... I think it took her so long to resign because she was writing such a withering resignation letter 🤣

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Jenrick saying they will be able to dish out life in prison for lawyers found to advise refugees in a way the government deems illegal: people don't even get that level of sentencing for murder these days. Deluded.
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Not particularly concerned about whether Gove likes a dance or what if anything he chooses to put up his nose. More concerned about some other current political issues for example:
  • Gove's "Renters Reform Bill" announced in 2019 still hasn't come to parliament
  • Government intentionally disenfranchising 2 million voters with an unnecessary voter ID legislation and dismissing concerns about it by saying "well some of them probably weren't going to vote anyway"
  • Food rationing
  • Tories using N.Ireland to prosecute their never ending internal war
  • Failure to hold water companies to account for discharging raw sewage in to sea and rivers - 900 per cent increase in intestinal enterococci in sea off Brighton
  • Government ministers calling the Junior Doctors current pay award of 8.4% over 4 years a 'significant pay increase' when inflation is running at 10% and their pay has been eroded by 26% since 2008
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