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VIP Member
Rubbish! The young girl has had equal coverage, she’s also from a privileged background.
I said other people’s experiences may be different for a reason
Her class is definitely a part of it too. Though it’s also notable that she seems to get a lot of focus on her achievements from what I have seen, the male student doesn’t get as much focus on what he did as hobbies or what he studied 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s all very interesting but idk whether this is the thread to discuss that


VIP Member
How is one being "stitched up" if there is evidence of wrongdoing? The Tories have appointed civil servants too, were all their duties tainted by a right wing agenda?


VIP Member
Based on everything I've read, I got the impression he has dual heritage. So one parent from Guinea-Bissau and one from Portugal. I don't think you get settled status just because you speak a European language...
He came as a child ,his mum’s a nurse ,maybe she came to on a work visa and was granted settled status? That’s the case with a lot of nurses in our area.


Chatty Member
Thankfully, I can't remember the last time I was unwell enough to need a GP appointment but I'd ring at 8.30am only to be in a queue and sometimes be offered an appointment over a month away.

I can get within 2 weeks if I'm lucky but the only same day appointment I've ever got is a telephone one. Which is fine enough as I've never had anything serious.
That is surprising to me. It used to be similar for me too, phone appointment or call at 8am and never get through, but the receptionist said if i could go down at 7-7:30am or thereabouts they could book me in same day.


VIP Member
Just a reminder that Johnson is distainful of poor people. Privileged wanker. And no, this isn't a fake quote.
Tbf I assume that's a quote from a newspaper column though right? If you're a columnist it's your job to write that kind of bollocks, look at Clarkson he's made a career out of that sort of inane rhetoric. I don't think Johnson has any views on anything other than himself. He's still a cunt mind you.


VIP Member
Very cynical about the kings meeting this afternoon, despite the wording King was advised by government. It'll cause ructions.


VIP Member
It's estimated that 70% of wealthy families will lose their wealth by the second generation and 90% will lose it by the third. So seeking reparations from the descendants of slave owners is bullsh1t. Plus, the British government didn't just end paying slave owners compensation in 2015, it was the debt they incurred in abolishing slavery in the early 19th century that was finally settled, not payments to slave owners! Which was an enoromous figure for the time, accounting for 40% of Britain's budget. Britain paid an almost crippling financial cost to lead the way and abolish slavery, at a time when slavery was commonplace everywhere in the entire world... but still 1807 isn't woke enough by 2023 standards for some. Britain has nothing to be ashamed about in leading the world in ending slavery.

And speaking of slavery being commonplace, Africa had a long tradition of slavery centuries before European slavers arrived. Rival tribes routinely enslaved conquered enemies as an accepted and expected part of warfare of the region. Chieftains were happy to supply such slaves to the Europeans for a suitable price and similarly provide assistance in raiding parties. So much so that many slave traders had no need to ever venture into the interior, relying entirely on the already indigenous slavers.

Slavery continued in Africa well into the 20th century long after it was abolished in Europe and America. Payment reparations can begin in Africa and I want Africa to pay reparations for the enslavement of Europeans by the Moors too, given the Barbary slave trade was comparable to the transatlantic slave trade and in full swing during the same period. It's from the Barbary slave trade that we get the word "kidnapped" as they merrily enslaved entire populations of southern European coastal regions from Italy to Ireland. I wonder how many descendants of the 2 million or so Europeans who were sold in the slave markets of north Africa and the Middle East would be owed financial redress? Will you lead the campaign on their behalf, Blueblue123?

Then I want the Arab states to pay reparations for European and African enslavement. I want the Egyptians to pay reparations, I want the Mauritania, China, India and Russia to pay reparations. I want the descendants of the native American tribes who enslaved European settlers, torturing men and women to death in the most barbaric ways imaginable, to pay reparations. I want black slave owners in the Antebellum South, who per capita out numbered white slave owners, to pay reparations. I want the freed American black slaves who immigrated to Liberia, and who then promptly enslaved the black local populace, to pay reparations.

I want immigrants to the UK who would undoubtedly be the descendants of Ottoman slave owners or Indian slave-owners or Chinese slave-owners to pay their share, too.

The Bible and the Quran both clearly support slavery, so Jews, Christians and Muslims have all owned slaves at some point in history - pay up! Most ancient Greek cities were about 30% slave population at least. The Spartans had slaves (helots outnumbered Spartans by a factor of 7). The Slavic people is where the term "slave" comes from, and as Islam expanded during the 7th and 8th century Slavic slaves were imported from Italian merchants. 10% - 20% of the population of the Roman empire were slaves after all. The Mongols enslaved thousands in the 13th century and Genghis Kahn owned slaves with 1 in 200 men on Earth today estimated to be directly descended from him... so very likely you're a descendant of a slave owner too, Blueblue123. Get your money out.

Slavery is actually more globally widespread *today* than it was through the 18th & 19th centuries; there are more slaves alive today than there were at the height of slavery in the US. Except that's not in the West, doesn't fit the narrative, and the hypocrites agitating for reparations don't get worked up about that, a tangible evil to address in the here and now, instead of this grievance, gimme-a-handout, bullsh1t.
Good, me and you are on the same page. People who commit wrongs should have to correct them and if that requires reparations, then that's what it takes. Glad we agree.


VIP Member
Something along the lines of “Boo hoo, it’s not faaaaiiir.”
He’s apparently blaming Harriet Harman and the ( TORY MAJORITY) privileges committee for telling everyone what a useless lying shitbucket he is. Not his fault. Not at all.
Sunak getting a touch aswell !
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VIP Member
How is that incorrect when it's true that being Jewish is not determined by your ethnicity or race, but by your religion? There are black and Asian Jews, so what race would you be discriminating against by being anti-Semitic?
I thought they were all still ethnically Jewish though because they're descended from ancient Israelites (12 tribes of Israel) that spread all over the world.


VIP Member
Just watching Gove, you'd think considering the resources the BBC have at their disposal they'd run a real-time fact checking ribbon across the bottom. I swear a lot of the guff he's spouting is bollocks. :rolleyes:


VIP Member
It would get very complicated paying back, and some people who classed themselves as due reparations might find that they too had to cough up for what their ancestors did.
I don't think it's complicated because the UK knew exactly who to direct the money to when it came to paying compensation.

Similarly, the Africans who were involved in the slave trade can be traced, such as this woman's great grandfather

And as you'll notice, it's people in and from the Americas and West Indies calling for reparations for the slave trade. Seeing as they aren't in Africa, it's safe to say none of them will be paying themselves compensation because the very fact they're in the Americas is proof their people were enslaved.

It's only complicated if you intentionally deflect and sanitise your role in the atrocity, which Britain has successfully done.
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