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VIP Member
Didn't know where to post this, but guess it's related to politics. Piers Corbyn at it again.

I didn't know much about Piers, apart from him being a covid conspiracy guy who claimed covid was a hoax basically. I found out he studied physics at Uni and then gained a masters in astrophysics. I was shocked at that, considering he seemed anti-science conspiracy theorist. The guy is very intelligent, so where did it go wrong? lol


VIP Member
I didn’t say that the UK at the moment is a utopia - it isn’t, far from that. But if the government was the pay reparations it would be around the trillion mark and that would come from the taxpayers. The people who benefitted wouldn’t pay and the government wouldn’t force them. We are already struggling and in debt, taking trillions away (which I very much doubt we have) from the system would break it and in these situation the vulnerable will always suffer.
It’s not a massive exaggeration and it’s not really similar to Germany repaying the victims of the Holocaust - they have paid out less money and it’s been over a 70 year period. Due to the nature of the Holocaust there are fewer people to pay money out to. The money being paid is also smaller amounts - I’ve read that each person who was effected by slavery should be awarded millions of dollars. That’s just not feasible. And it will rely sorely on the European governments to cover this, not the African and Middle Eastern nations.
Oxford, Cambridge, the Bank of England, the British Museum, the Royal Family, the National Gallery, Barclays, Lloyds (of London), Royal Bank of Scotland, the individual families/people who owned slaves and are still wealthy because of it today....

This is just a short list of very wealthy institutions, businesses and people that could contribute to reparations before we even expect the government to put its hands in its pockets.

The tax breaks and director bonuses alone should start to cover it.

Oh, and anyone claiming these people and nations aren't gracious for not accepting an apology is overlooking the fact that Sunak refused to apologise.
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VIP Member
Rishi was on Test Match Special just now. Quite nice listening to him not getting the fourth degree from some hackeyed television presenter.


VIP Member
That was the problem from the start though. The Tories made it so only certain forms of ID would be accepted, ID primarily held by older people who aren't working class i.e their "loyal" voter base.

If it was broad forms of ID it would have no impact and they wouldn't have bothered.

They just didn't account for their expected voters to also not hold that ID, nor did they plan for just how many people are fed up with them.
What type of ID do you need in England? We only need photographic , we get free Electoral identity cards if we don’t have a current passport ,driving licence or any other form of photographic ID .


VIP Member
Jacob Rees Mogg admitted they introduced it hoping it would work in the Tories favour. They clearly thought the impact would be significant enough to go through the trouble.
I don’t see how it would when all you need to vote is ID , you need that for the basics nowadays is all I’m saying .Anyone that can’t leave their home gets a postal / proxy vote so it’s bull that those people lose their vote.



VIP Member
A bit like having NHS treatment at the dentist.
Pretty much, yes. Which isn't a perfect system either, but it's easier than setting up something like the German system or whatever. You'd also have to include a minimum service level so you don't end up with the same issues people are having with dentists at the moment.


VIP Member
Geezus, I love how the meeja are all clutching their pearls because a female MP said 'Fucking' in a off-the-cuff remark. Grow-up.
She's not wrong tbf.

It's needed dealing with since the 90's (I think). How many governments and education secretary's has there been during that time? Bloody disgrace.
I’ll take quietly competent over deranged, incompetent, money grabbing cockwombles any day.
So will I!!


VIP Member
I watched a bit of Trooping of the Colour with my mum because she likes all that stuff and one of the soldiers on there was a para-trooper who had done two tours of Afghanistan ... then I thought of that twat in the braces getting an honour and felt ashamed. I mean, anyone with any fucking decency wouldn't accept an award for essentially doing naff all.
The vast majority of 'honours' go to people that essentially have done 'naff all' other than their job even if some of them are perceived as having value to the public. The whole system should be scrapped. There's over 1000 people on the King's Birthday Honours List:



VIP Member
I'm not sure how the majority of people who answered that poll think Raab was wrong to resign when he said he'd resign if he was found guilty. That makes no sense at all. If the question asked was if you thought Raab was guilty or not I could understand respondents saying no. Weird. 🤪
Maybe they don’t care if he was guilty🤷🏼‍♀️
I saw a comment earlier about Raab being bullied within an inch of his life by David Davis whenever he worked under him, must’ve rubbed off.
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Well-known member
In 2021 the UK government cut the target for ODA from 0.7% to 0.5%. In 2022 the UK provided development aid equivalent to 0.51% of GNI. That placed the UK in 12th position out of 30 DAC (Development Assistance Committee) countries, behind Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Denmark (who all exceeded the 0.7% target) plus Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, France and Poland.
Thanks for the correction, Moth.

In 2021 UK ODA was £11.4 billion.

Statistics on International Development: final UK aid spend 2021
Government sets out conditions for returning to 0.7% aid target


VIP Member
You could get free ID cards in England too, but it wasn't brilliantly advertised (which is not to say that it wasn't advertised at all, but it wasn't anything like as front and centre as it should have been).
Ours are well advertised, we’re tortured by political parties during election time lol, they’ll even make sure you get ID , I’d be surprised if there’s many without ID when you need it for practically everything now.