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Sleeping in Sean's house now. One foot under the table already.
He’s absolutely worse entertaining this crap. Why can’t she does what every other parent does on Saturdays and just get up and get on with it. If she can’t manage activities take the kids out of them. She’s painful. Giving out she’s sick again and the make up on her face since Wednesday. If she had a shower I’m sure she’d feel much better.
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Chatty Member
Don't think they will sell out as fast. Thirty quid for what to be given a few willy straws and look the fool
Em, excuse me, how very dare you…they will also get to see Sean the Sap and the Merry Widow gyrating on the stage. Lest we forget.
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Tank Girl

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Nah it’s a huge achievement and they are in a business partnership even if not real friends , for the sake of the pod alone she should have done a story congratulating her . It looks jealous and bitter not to.
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If jessie wasn't paying maintenance we would all well know about it , I'd say she has him sending it to someone else's account so as social welfare don't see it, her and the mother are into every scam going they would.know how to cover up alot I'd say
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Summary of the podcast this week which I posted over on Sabrina's page

They referred to themselves as the Queen of Cork 😐

Sabrina is fine with showing Robin and doesnt thino there is a security/safety issue. She doesnt understand why people put emojis over their face (definite dig at Sandra). Julie said she loves sharing the twins everyday.

Sabrina never gets mesages criticising her parenting. She thinks people are afraid of her and she thinks this is why she doesnt get those sort of messages.

Sabrina thinks people who make negative comments just want a reaction and think they have a god given right to judge. Brenda said Sabrina was very prominent in the Be Kind movement when Caroline Flack. Sabrina says we are gone beyond Be Kind and influencers need to go to schools to kids from the age of 13 to 15 🤣 (Not sure what she think qualifies her to do this!).

Sabrina says she could have 18 employees under her and if they arent kind they would be fired a 🤣 I expect some unfair dismissal claims in her future! Also from people on here a lot of her employees hated Sabrina and said she was awful manager. (Side note - I would love if people could be fired for making nasty comments as I left my last job (which I loved) due to a bitch of a manager who is still the Head of the Department). Sabrina wants this sort of trolling/nasty comments to go on people's record. Kind of like back in the 90s if you had a criminal record you couldnt go to the US as it was on your record ....she gives this as an example 🤣

She thinks for people over 30 that they are gone beyond "be kind" and it is psychological.

When Aaron was 3 or 4 months she made an attempt on her life. She was in intensive care afterwards. Aaron woke and her parents heard and found her. She felt she was a burden. She said comments like "oh are you pregnant, are you with the father still" affected her during pregnancy. She said her parents were great "but she still had to rear him"

She did CBT and said she wouldnt be the person or leader she is today without it. She said she wouldnt have the businesses she has without it. What businesses? She has a hairdressing place!

One thing I forgot on Sabrina's page was that she said Julie and Brenda are so confident as they are so honest....she should become a comedian. Julie can't lie straight in bed 😂

On the hyperemesis her age didnt help her she felt. She was angry about the fact it wasnt on drug payment scheme and it was 300 euro per month. She said she started and roaring. She wrote to politicans. Michael Healy Rae rang her the next day. But most got their secretaries "Joan" to write back. Kind of demeaning the hard work the secretaries do! She gets a dig in hear about Palestine here and politicians not doing anything.

She said she took mat leave from ads on line. She said she was happy to go back to Kopper after 5 weeks mat leave but what about the women who cant afford to take mat leave. She wants to be more focussed on hair education than hair dressing. And she wants to focus more on media work. She mentions being on This Morning during covid but no mention of the fish tank 🤣
Fair play to ya for listening. Hope ur airs are alright after it😂
I remember Julies pal Scammen saying something about going into schools and giving talks about something too. These instahuns all think they something special god love them
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And I bet that bottomless brunch was booked long before the Dubai weekend. Is it just a given now that Paula has those kids 4 days a week? Hope she is getting her cut of the children's allowance. But remember girls, life is short - dump the kids, buy the shoes, book the holiday.
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Sure she’s never sitting down, guuuuurrrrrllll. Flat out mopping floors and washing windows, remember? Poor aul Jools never gets a second to sit herself down and relax!
Yeah sure up at 11pm at night mopping the floors and apparently is back up again at 5am each and every morning. It’s a shame she doesn’t have anyone to help with her feral twins #aloneparenting
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Who is that one? She sounds hammered already in the video. Is she drinking vodka on her own in the evenings? And during the week? Girl you’re an alcoholic pure and simple. Easy know these ones don’t have work to get up to in the morning
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I actually listened to this weeks podcast. The amount of times Julie say "that's shocking" is a joke. She obviously has nothing intelligent to say. Compared to Brenda she cannot string an intelligent sentence together. At one point when talking about nasty comments she says we are all human! Pity Julie doesnt remember that about her GP's secretary, the poor fella who worked in Circle K and countless others.
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I got up at 5am

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A death in the family shows who your real friends are. Julie is no friend to Brenda and she never will be. She’ll be on crying about her own dad before the weekend
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It's alright Jules we know what's in the bag already
God I hate all these tacky “kits” at hens. Most of us have been on the lash since 14 years old we are seasoned sessioners and don’t need this shit 😆 never mind all the tacky merch that just gets binned
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Frilly Milly

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Most alcoholics would find it very hard to even pass a pub,never mind mingle with the pissed and have drink in their faces, even years into sobriety.
The only thing Brenda is addicted to is bullshitting.
She will eventually get called out.
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Noreen should get a solicitors advice, I know that her husband is important in a golf club, I know her Facebook and Instagram details, who her sister is etc all because Julie doxxed her and gave her details out to 180 thousand people. That was a very unfair thing to do no matter what was said and we don't even know what was said, that is the problem, a woman out there now has no right to reply. Julie is the biggest troll to her own children. She shared Erin with no knickers on and is setting both children up for bullying when they get older.
Exactly, unless I see proof of how much of a “troll” she was then I don’t believe it. She should definitely seek some advice bout it all especially if this one names or shares her details on that podcast. Julie needs to back up her claims - you can’t just go around throwing accusations without proof to back it up. And if it was her just calling the twins feral then it’s not false really. We’ve all said it here.
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Off now to get her colour and extensions done, spray tan and makeup done no doubt that will last her until her weekly wash in the swimming pool next week. Merry Widow will have the feral Chuckies from after school today until Tuesday no doubt. Find it strange she didn’t fly with Brenda. A weekend in Dubai, never heard of anything more stupid in all my life.
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